Season 13, Episode 18, Chapter 260
Meanwhile, Tomi decided it was time to add another member to the family.
“This is Claus! He’s a very sweet dog. Best in the world, really!” the man pitched.
“GRRRRRRRR!” Claus growled.
“Oh, that’s just him playing.”
“Are you sure?? I think he wants to eat me,” Tomi said concerned.
Tomi went inside to meet another puppy.
The puppy looked at Tomi with pouty eyes. He wanted nothing more than to find a nice home away from Claus.
“Really Claus?! You couldn’t act nice for one second?” the man lectured outside.
As the puppy headed back outside, Tomi scooped him up.
She gave him a hug. “You’re the one, my little Stinkpup,” she said as she adopted him.
Meanwhile, back in Brindleton Bay, Carter decided it was time to start a band… or at least a club that pretended to be a band.
He invited his new bandmates over to work on their sound. Valentin began singing a mushy love song though and Carter was less than impressed.
Luckily, Aaron Huntington, the son of J Huntington III, arrived and Carter instantly felt like he met a kindred spirit.
“So tell me your life story man!” Carter said enthusiastically. “Why do you want to be in my band?”
“Well, I left home about a week ago and have been busking on the streets ever since. It’s been pretty dope. So much money in my pocket. So many hotties watching me sing. I’m living the good life and I’m ready to take it to the next level. You feel me man?”
“Dude! We should totally be roommates!” Carter exclaimed hoping someone else would live with him at his haunted house so he could sleep at night.
“Look, I’m all for being in your band man but we just met,” Aaron said.
“At last! My love has come along,” Valentin belted.
“On another note, this guy is a no too right? He’s totally flopping our vibe.”
“Let’s ditch lover boy over here and hit the town. What do you say?” Aaron asked.
The two of them hit the stage at the Judith Ward theater during open mic hour.
And played for absolutely no one.
“Where are the fans?” Carter whispered.
Aaron flexed his muscles and took a picture of himself. “They’re coming. Just gotta send out this blast.”
Suddenly, the lounge manager appeared on stage. “You kids have 5 more minutes of whatever this is. The crowd is getting bored. The least you could do is play the piano.”
“The piano! Are you kidding me?” Aaron exclaimed in frustration. “My parents made me play that thing for weeks! It’s not made for rocking! Listen lady. It’s not our fault this lounge is full of the snoozer crowd!” Did Carter find the right band member for himself… or is Aaron a bit of a hothead? Keep following.
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Season 13, Episode 18, Chapter 260
Meanwhile, Tomi decided it was time to add another member to the family.
“This is Claus! He’s a very sweet dog. Best in the world, really!” the man pitched.
“GRRRRRRRR!” Claus growled.
“Oh, that’s just him playing.”
“Are you sure?? I think he wants to eat me,” Tomi said concerned.
Tomi went inside to meet another puppy.
The puppy looked at Tomi with pouty eyes. He wanted nothing more than to find a nice home away from Claus.
“Really Claus?! You couldn’t act nice for one second?” the man lectured outside.
As the puppy headed back outside, Tomi scooped him up.
She gave him a hug. “You’re the one, my little Stinkpup,” she said as she adopted him.
Meanwhile, back in Brindleton Bay, Carter decided it was time to start a band… or at least a club that pretended to be a band.
He invited his new bandmates over to work on their sound. Valentin began singing a mushy love song though and Carter was less than impressed.
Luckily, Aaron Huntington, the son of J Huntington III, arrived and Carter instantly felt like he met a kindred spirit.
“So tell me your life story man!” Carter said enthusiastically. “Why do you want to be in my band?”
“Well, I left home about a week ago and have been busking on the streets ever since. It’s been pretty dope. So much money in my pocket. So many hotties watching me sing. I’m living the good life and I’m ready to take it to the next level. You feel me man?”
“Dude! We should totally be roommates!” Carter exclaimed hoping someone else would live with him at his haunted house so he could sleep at night.
“Look, I’m all for being in your band man but we just met,” Aaron said.
“At last! My love has come along,” Valentin belted.
“On another note, this guy is a no too right? He’s totally flopping our vibe.”
“Let’s ditch lover boy over here and hit the town. What do you say?” Aaron asked.
The two of them hit the stage at the Judith Ward theater during open mic hour.
And played for absolutely no one.
“Where are the fans?” Carter whispered.
Aaron flexed his muscles and took a picture of himself. “They’re coming. Just gotta send out this blast.”
Suddenly, the lounge manager appeared on stage. “You kids have 5 more minutes of whatever this is. The crowd is getting bored. The least you could do is play the piano.”
“The piano! Are you kidding me?” Aaron exclaimed in frustration. “My parents made me play that thing for weeks! It’s not made for rocking! Listen lady. It’s not our fault this lounge is full of the snoozer crowd!”  Did Carter find the right band member for himself… or is Aaron a bit of a hothead? Keep following.
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Tomi adopts a puppy; Carter begins a band.

Did You Know?

  • Aaron Huntington was from my previous legacy family before Hannah’s story began. While in this story I said he was J’s son, he was actually J’s grandson in my last legacy. He and his brother Kevin are the reason my legacy continued for 11 generations! While his brother Kevin was perfect at everything and an overachiever, Aaron, was the angry middle child who was always overlooked. As a teen, he ran away from home to begin life as a musician, changed his name to P’Snizz, and found himself living in the tiniest apartment in San Myshuno. As a young adult, he met his wife, Reiko, who ended up being erratic and mean. She spent every penny he earned from busking on tacky decor, while their toddler slept on the floor because they couldn’t afford a bed. Eventually, when their daughter Nikki grew up and became a teenager, she took her younger sister Macy, and moved out. While they rebuilt their life, Reiko trapped Aaron in the bedroom during summer with the fireplace lit, sending him to the Grim Reaper as an adult. From there on out, his family line was cursed with misfortune that every other generation would overcome, while tragedy struck the generations in between.
  • Stinkpup’s name was originally Barker but I went back and changed it after I decided to make it a more fitting name for their family joke.

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle

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