Season 13, Episode 15, Chapter 257
“Jamie,” he cleared his throat as he practiced in the mirror. “Will you be my wife?” No, that’s too serious, he thought. You’ve got to relax.
Just as they were preparing to leave, Travitha returned home from school. Her grades were up to a D but she had a project to complete.
Caiden came downstairs to find Jamie and Travitha working on the project together.
“I called the restaurant and told them we’d be late,” Jamie said hanging up her phone. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh… no. Of course not,” Caiden said as casually as he could. He didn’t want to give away the big surprise of the evening!
Travitha studied the instructions. “This is so confusing,” she said.
“Don’t you worry, Travitha! I’ve got this!” Caiden smiled as he confidently built the castle for her.
“Oh my gosh! It’s beautiful!” she jumped up as they finished. “Thanks you guys!”
Thanks to Caiden’s quick building skills, he and Jamie were able to make dinner before the sunset. Caiden had reserved the most luxurious table at The Dome.
Caiden wandered inside to ensure their table was still available. “Our reservation is for Scott. I paid the cover charge for the table at the very top,” he smiled.
“Yes! I see you were running late but don’t worry — the table is waiting for you,” the host said.
Caiden headed outside to Jamie. “Your table is ready, Miss Lee,” Caiden said kissing her hand. “May I escort you, my lady?”
His lips tickled her hand as she giggled.
“Why yes you may, sir,” she played along.
“My host duties require that I kiss you first though,” he said as he dipped her.
Caiden led her up the endless staircase. “Where on earth is this table?” Jamie thought. It felt like they had been walking for hours.
“It’s perfect,” Caiden said as he arrived at the top with the host.
As the two of them sat down, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.
The two of them pulled out their menus.
But as Jamie stared at hers, Caiden put his down just to gaze at her. I can’t believe this woman is going to be my wife, he thought.
“Do you know what you’re ordering?” Jamie said without noticing Caiden’s stare. “The spheres sound amazing.”
As the waiter arrived, Caiden pulled out his menu. “My gorgeous girlfriend would like to try the spheres please.”
“And I’ll have the bacon and rose petals,” he said as he suddenly became nervous.
As the waiter walked away, Caiden smiled at Jamie. He was ready. “Jamie —“
“Caiden! This video is hilarious! Have you seen it? It’s a sim standing on a refrigerator. Like how does that even happen?”
“Oh I know! There are some weird things out there. Have you seen the video of the sim swimming through the floorboards?!” he exclaimed.
“No! Oh my gosh. You have to show me,” Jamie squealed.
Caiden gazed at her, completely love struck. I’m going to listen to that adorable squeal for the rest of my life.
“Caiden, you’re staring at me,” Jamie blushed.
Caiden just sat there continuing to gaze, lost in his daydream.
“Is everything okay?” she asked softly.
“Everything is perfect,” he said as his eyes welled up. The proposal is coming and it’s a moment you don’t want to miss. Don’t miss the next chapter.
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Season 13, Episode 15, Chapter 257
“Jamie,” he cleared his throat as he practiced in the mirror. “Will you be my wife?” No, that’s too serious, he thought. You’ve got to relax.
Just as they were preparing to leave, Travitha returned home from school. Her grades were up to a D but she had a project to complete.
Caiden came downstairs to find Jamie and Travitha working on the project together.
“I called the restaurant and told them we’d be late,” Jamie said hanging up her phone. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh… no. Of course not,” Caiden said as casually as he could. He didn’t want to give away the big surprise of the evening!
Travitha studied the instructions. “This is so confusing,” she said.
“Don’t you worry, Travitha! I’ve got this!” Caiden smiled as he confidently built the castle for her.
“Oh my gosh! It’s beautiful!” she jumped up as they finished. “Thanks you guys!”
Thanks to Caiden’s quick building skills, he and Jamie were able to make dinner before the sunset. Caiden had reserved the most luxurious table at The Dome.
Caiden wandered inside to ensure their table was still available. “Our reservation is for Scott. I paid the cover charge for the table at the very top,” he smiled.
“Yes! I see you were running late but don’t worry — the table is waiting for you,” the host said.
Caiden headed outside to Jamie. “Your table is ready, Miss Lee,” Caiden said kissing her hand. “May I escort you, my lady?”
His lips tickled her hand as she giggled.
“Why yes you may, sir,” she played along.
“My host duties require that I kiss you first though,” he said as he dipped her.
Caiden led her up the endless staircase. “Where on earth is this table?” Jamie thought. It felt like they had been walking for hours.
“It’s perfect,” Caiden said as he arrived at the top with the host.
As the two of them sat down, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.
The two of them pulled out their menus.
But as Jamie stared at hers, Caiden put his down just to gaze at her. I can’t believe this woman is going to be my wife, he thought.
“Do you know what you’re ordering?” Jamie said without noticing Caiden’s stare. “The spheres sound amazing.”
As the waiter arrived, Caiden pulled out his menu. “My gorgeous girlfriend would like to try the spheres please.”
“And I’ll have the bacon and rose petals,” he said as he suddenly became nervous.
As the waiter walked away, Caiden smiled at Jamie. He was ready. “Jamie —“
“Caiden! This video is hilarious! Have you seen it? It’s a sim standing on a refrigerator. Like how does that even happen?”
“Oh I know! There are some weird things out there. Have you seen the video of the sim swimming through the floorboards?!” he exclaimed.
“No! Oh my gosh. You have to show me,” Jamie squealed.
Caiden gazed at her, completely love struck. I’m going to listen to that adorable squeal for the rest of my life.
“Caiden, you’re staring at me,” Jamie blushed.
Caiden just sat there continuing to gaze, lost in his daydream.
“Is everything okay?” she asked softly.
“Everything is perfect,” he said as his eyes welled up.  The proposal is coming and it’s a moment you don’t want to miss. Don’t miss the next chapter.
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Caiden and Jamie head out for a romantic dinner as Caiden prepares to propose.

Did You Know?

  • I almost called off the proposal that night because they were helping Travitha with her homework. I didn’t know how long it would take and since I don’t use cheats the fix needs, I was worried they would be too tired afterwards. Luckily, Jamie and Caiden were ready to go!
  • I built the restaurant, The Dome, specifically for this chapter. The Dome is available on the gallery under my ID, SimLifeChronicle

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