Season 13, Episode 13, Chapter 255
Hannah made her way upstairs to meet Cheesy.
“This is your grandson! Isn’t he the cutest?” Tomi beamed before putting him back in the bassinet.
Hannah looked down at Cheesy and started crying. “They grow up so fast… and before you know it, quit school. Move out… and find some creepy cabin to live in all alone, while trying to make it in a profession that doesn’t exist.”
Tomi smiled uncomfortably.
Hannah ran off to cry in bed.
While Hannah was crying, Tomi pulled Travis outside. “Is everything okay with Mom? She seems awfully worried about Cheesy’s future… but I really don’t think we need to worry about him choosing a non existent profession. Is that even possible?”
Travis’ face filled with anguish. “Yes! It’s a thing! Carter has decided to become a rockstar.”
She smiled awkwardly back. “Isn’t music a career track?”
“Yes… but he just wants to busk for tips instead. It’s insane!”
Tomi turned to walk inside. “I’m sorry. I’m really hungry but we’ll talk more once I get a bite to eat!”
As Travis walked back inside. Hannah stopped him. “What are we going to do?! I saw on Carter’s Chatty Hop Hop page that he’s living in some creepy cabin in the woods,” she exclaimed having no idea what Social Bunny was actually called.
“A cabin in the woods?! Is it haunted?!”
“I think so,” she cried. “There could be ghosts! Dangerous ghosts!”
“What do we do?!”
“We’re going to drag him home! That’s what we’re going to do!” Travis said furiously raising his voice. “He’s still a teenager. He’s too young to live on his own. We just need him to understand that a busking for tips career isn’t going to work and he can’t live in some creepy haunted cabin.”
“I’ve never heard you raise your voice like this before, honey.”
As Cheesy cried out, Tomi walked over to them furious. “Will you two keep your voices down?! You woke Cheesy!”
Travis gasped. “Oh my gosh, Tomi. I’m so sorry.”
Tomi pulled Travis back outside. “Look, Dad. You two are here to see your new grandson. Can you please just put this on hold and try to enjoy the moment?”
“Please? For Jarrett and I? Life is stressful enough with a newborn. We can’t have yelling in the house.”
“I’m sorry,” Travis sympathized. “But Tomi he’s busking for tips! And living in a haunted cabin.”
“And that sounds absolutely terrible… but there’s nothing that can be done right now. So please — just try and enjoy the moment.”
Travis sighed. “You’re right Tomi. I’ll talk to Hannah and I promise. We won’t discuss another word about Carter while we’re here.”
As Travis stepped inside the kitchen and closed his eyes, he took a deep breath. “Ah, I feel so much calmer now.”
Suddenly, Travis heard a scream and opened his eyes. Jarrett was on fire!
“Ahhh! Somebody put it out!”
Hannah watched in terror, unsure of what to do. It had been a while since she had to put out a fire.
Travis ran to Hannah’s side. “Hannah! What do we do?! Do they not have a sprinkler safety system?!”
Just then, Tomi came running inside with a fire extinguisher.
Jarrett stood there, grimacing at his smell. “Ugh! I just took a shower!” Tomi laughed. “Return of the Stinkman!”
After Jarrett showered again, they all sat down to eat dinner. Suddenly, they heard Cheesy cry out from upstairs, awake.
Cheesy was ready to become an infant! Are you ready to see what little Cheesy looks like as an infant?!
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Season 13, Episode 13, Chapter 255
Hannah made her way upstairs to meet Cheesy.
“This is your grandson! Isn’t he the cutest?” Tomi beamed before putting him back in the bassinet.
Hannah looked down at Cheesy and started crying. “They grow up so fast… and before you know it, quit school. Move out… and find some creepy cabin to live in all alone, while trying to make it in a profession that doesn’t exist.”
Tomi smiled uncomfortably.
Hannah ran off to cry in bed.
While Hannah was crying, Tomi pulled Travis outside. “Is everything okay with Mom? She seems awfully worried about Cheesy’s future… but I really don’t think we need to worry about him choosing a non existent profession. Is that even possible?”
Travis’ face filled with anguish. “Yes! It’s a thing! Carter has decided to become a rockstar.”
She smiled awkwardly back. “Isn’t music a career track?”
“Yes… but he just wants to busk for tips instead. It’s insane!”
Tomi turned to walk inside. “I’m sorry. I’m really hungry but we’ll talk more once I get a bite to eat!”
As Travis walked back inside. Hannah stopped him. “What are we going to do?! I saw on Carter’s Chatty Hop Hop page that he’s living in some creepy cabin in the woods,” she exclaimed having no idea what Social Bunny was actually called.
“A cabin in the woods?! Is it haunted?!”
“I think so,” she cried. “There could be ghosts! Dangerous ghosts!”
“What do we do?!”
“We’re going to drag him home! That’s what we’re going to do!” Travis said furiously raising his voice. “He’s still a teenager. He’s too young to live on his own. We just need him to understand that a busking for tips career isn’t going to work and he can’t live in some creepy haunted cabin.”
“I’ve never heard you raise your voice like this before, honey.”
As Cheesy cried out, Tomi walked over to them furious. “Will you two keep your voices down?! You woke Cheesy!”
Travis gasped. “Oh my gosh, Tomi. I’m so sorry.”
Tomi pulled Travis back outside. “Look, Dad. You two are here to see your new grandson. Can you please just put this on hold and try to enjoy the moment?”
“Please? For Jarrett and I? Life is stressful enough with a newborn. We can’t have yelling in the house.”
“I’m sorry,” Travis sympathized. “But Tomi he’s busking for tips! And living in a haunted cabin.”
“And that sounds absolutely terrible… but there’s nothing that can be done right now. So please — just try and enjoy the moment.”
Travis sighed. “You’re right Tomi. I’ll talk to Hannah and I promise. We won’t discuss another word about Carter while we’re here.”
As Travis stepped inside the kitchen and closed his eyes, he took a deep breath. “Ah, I feel so much calmer now.”
Suddenly, Travis heard a scream and opened his eyes. Jarrett was on fire!
“Ahhh! Somebody put it out!”
Hannah watched in terror, unsure of what to do. It had been a while since she had to put out a fire.
Travis ran to Hannah’s side. “Hannah! What do we do?! Do they not have a sprinkler safety system?!”
Just then, Tomi came running inside with a fire extinguisher.
Jarrett stood there, grimacing at his smell. “Ugh! I just took a shower!” Tomi laughed. “Return of the Stinkman!”
After Jarrett showered again, they all sat down to eat dinner. Suddenly, they heard Cheesy cry out from upstairs, awake.
Cheesy was ready to become an infant!  Are you ready to see what little Cheesy looks like as an infant?!
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Hannah and Travis flip out over Carter’s future; Jarrett has a kitchen mishap.

Did You Know?

  • This gameplay actually took place before Carter moved out.
  • Because it seemed so unlike Hannah and Travis to be fighting, I moved this scene until after he had moved out to have their emotions make sense! To this day, I’m assuming they were fighting because the game wanted them to be the arguing stay-over couple. I just can’t understand it otherwise!

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