Season 13, Episode 11, Chapter 253
Meanwhile, Caiden was pushing opened the chest full of treasure.
“Almost got it,” he said as he breathed heavily.
“Yes!!! I found the treasure! This is going to pay the bills for a while,” he cheered.
Jamie quickly rushed over to tell Caiden about the phone call.
“Caiden. We have to get home. The school called and if we don’t get Travitha’s grades up… they’re going to take her away from us.”
Caiden smiled at Jamie. “Then we’ll get her grades up. This treasure is worth a lot of money. We can stay home and help her for as long as she needs now.”
As Travitha relaxed in the tomb’s pool…
Jamie and Caiden shared a kiss. It would all be okay, they both collectively thought. Everything always was when they worked together as a team.
That night, they returned home to the loft to ensure that Travitha could go to school the next day.
While Travitha was at school, Caiden worked on excavating his latest find.
Suddenly he paused as he daydreamed about having a baby with Jamie.
Inside, Jamie sat at her piano. She decided to take the plunge and write her own song. “Every now and then I close my eyes. Every now and then I drift away. Sometimes I believe, it was all a dream, why can’t I just, turn back time? For some time…” she sang, in honor of her mom.
Back at the Scott house, Carter received a phone call. The Judith Ward Theater was calling and asking if he’d play at the theater during lunch time for free popcorn.
With an opportunity like that, Carter realized he had no choice but to graduate school early and pursue his musical dreams.
Without discussing it with his parents, Carter quickly hit the button and graduated.
Carter rushed to the living room and sat down to tell his mom the news. “Mom! Great news! I graduated high school early!”
“Oh Carter! I’m so proud of you. Now you can go off to college and pursue your dreams!”
“Well, I’ll certainly be pursing my dreams mom… but not in college. Im going to be a rockstar!”
Hannah sat there staring at him stunned.
She smiled calmly. “You do know you can go to college for that. Don’t you? You can go to Brichester… they have a wonderful Fine Arts program for future musicians!”
“Eh that’s just not my scene mom. I want to busk for tips. Start a band. Get to the top as a freelance entertainer!”
“Carter,” her face turned upset. “That’s not a thing. There are no bands and how will you survive on your own as a freelance entertainer?! That’s not even a career option.”
“Sure it is! I just register with the Ministry of Labor with my band name… once I figure out what that is.”
“Register with the Ministry of Labor? Those aren’t for real jobs!” Hannah exclaimed.
“Of course they are!” Carter said frustrated. “You just don’t understand — but I’m sure dad will!”
Carter stood up as Travis walked into the room. “Dad! I’ve left school and I’m going to be a professional tip busking musician!”
Travis clutched his face in shock. “What?! No!” he dramatically shouted as Hannah shot Carter a “I told you he’d agree with me” look.
“Carter. Son. I know you want to be a musician… and there’s nothing wrong with that. But a busking for tips musician? You can’t grow in that career. How will you afford to live?” Are Travis and Hannah overreacting? Or do you think they’re right and Carter’s specific rockstar dreams are unattainable in The Sims 4 universe? Keep following to find out what happens next.
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Season 13, Episode 11, Chapter 253
Meanwhile, Caiden was pushing opened the chest full of treasure.
“Almost got it,” he said as he breathed heavily.
“Yes!!! I found the treasure! This is going to pay the bills for a while,” he cheered.
Jamie quickly rushed over to tell Caiden about the phone call.
“Caiden. We have to get home. The school called and if we don’t get Travitha’s grades up… they’re going to take her away from us.”
Caiden smiled at Jamie. “Then we’ll get her grades up. This treasure is worth a lot of money. We can stay home and help her for as long as she needs now.”
As Travitha relaxed in the tomb’s pool…
Jamie and Caiden shared a kiss. It would all be okay, they both collectively thought. Everything always was when they worked together as a team.
That night, they returned home to the loft to ensure that Travitha could go to school the next day.
While Travitha was at school, Caiden worked on excavating his latest find.
Suddenly he paused as he daydreamed about having a baby with Jamie.
Inside, Jamie sat at her piano. She decided to take the plunge and write her own song. “Every now and then I close my eyes. Every now and then I drift away. Sometimes I believe, it was all a dream, why can’t I just, turn back time? For some time…” she sang, in honor of her mom.
Back at the Scott house, Carter received a phone call. The Judith Ward Theater was calling and asking if he’d play at the theater during lunch time for free popcorn.
With an opportunity like that, Carter realized he had no choice but to graduate school early and pursue his musical dreams.
Without discussing it with his parents, Carter quickly hit the button and graduated.
Carter rushed to the living room and sat down to tell his mom the news. “Mom! Great news! I graduated high school early!”
“Oh Carter! I’m so proud of you. Now you can go off to college and pursue your dreams!”
“Well, I’ll certainly be pursing my dreams mom… but not in college. Im going to be a rockstar!”
Hannah sat there staring at him stunned.
She smiled calmly. “You do know you can go to college for that. Don’t you? You can go to Brichester… they have a wonderful Fine Arts program for future musicians!”
“Eh that’s just not my scene mom. I want to busk for tips. Start a band. Get to the top as a freelance entertainer!”
“Carter,” her face turned upset. “That’s not a thing. There are no bands and how will you survive on your own as a freelance entertainer?! That’s not even a career option.”
“Sure it is! I just register with the Ministry of Labor with my band name… once I figure out what that is.”
“Register with the Ministry of Labor? Those aren’t for real jobs!” Hannah exclaimed.
“Of course they are!” Carter said frustrated. “You just don’t understand — but I’m sure dad will!”
Carter stood up as Travis walked into the room. “Dad! I’ve left school and I’m going to be a professional tip busking musician!”
Travis clutched his face in shock. “What?! No!” he dramatically shouted as Hannah shot Carter a “I told you he’d agree with me” look.
“Carter. Son. I know you want to be a musician… and there’s nothing wrong with that. But a busking for tips musician? You can’t grow in that career. How will you afford to live?”  Are Travis and Hannah overreacting? Or do you think they’re right and Carter’s specific rockstar dreams are unattainable in The Sims 4 universe? Keep following to find out what happens next.
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Carter makes a decision regarding his future, without consulting his parents first.

Did You Know?

  • While this episode wasn’t shared until April 2024, the actual gameplay is from March 2023. Back in March 2023, Season 9 was being posted.
  • As the fans began to get to know the Scott teens, they requested more Carter. Originally, I planned for Carter to be the family member that didn’t get much play time, if any. This is a technique I normally use to balance my legacy families (I prioritize certain sims and pay less attention to others). However, the fans fell in love with the little they saw of him so I began to play him! Of course, by this time, I had already banked the gameplay for Seasons 10-12.

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