C249 Episode Thumbnail Large
“You told me to go inside. You wanted to do it on your own.”
“I’m just a kid. You should’ve known better than to listen to me… bucket head.”
“You know what, Travitha. You can lash out at me all you want to but you need to take some responsibility for your actions.”
Travitha frowned. She knew he was right but she didn’t want to admit it.
“Please don’t keep pushing everyone away,” he said.
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. How did he know that’s what she was trying to do?! she thought.
“Now, I’m going to go downstairs. I’m making pancakes for an early dinner. If you want to join us, you’re welcome to. But if you just want to sulk in your room, I suppose you can do that too.”
“The choice is yours, Travitha,” he said walking out.
Travitha sat on the bed. Pancakes for dinner did sound pretty good, she thought.
As Caiden and Jamie sat down for their pancake dinner, Travitha came down and joined them.
Caiden smiled at Jamie. I think Travitha is slowly coming around, he thought.
Travitha took a bite of the pancakes and tried to hide her smile. Is this what having a family feels like? she thought.
Over in Oasis Springs, Casey headed to the bowling arcade to try and score.
Before he could enter the arcade, he was stopped by the mysterious Elsie Goth.
“Why hello there,” she said eyeing him.
“Hi,” Casey said sitting down. “I’m Casey… what’s your name?”
“That’s on a need to know basis,” she sneered.
“Got it. I like your style,” he flirted.
“Oh really?”
“Oh definitely! I know a girl who would love your hat! Where did you get it?”
Is this boy a total llama? I thought he was flirting with me, she thought.
He pulled out his phone and texted. “Annabelle — cute hat alert. Pink and big rim.”
“Are you texting your girlfriend while flirting with me?” she said appalled.
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” he looked at her coyly.
She pulled out her phone. “Well, in that case, Casey,” she said flirtatiously. “Do you want to take this conversation elsewhere?”
“Most definitely,” he slyly replied. Where do you think they’re going? Keep following to find out.
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C249 Episode Thumbnail Large
“You told me to go inside. You wanted to do it on your own.”
“I’m just a kid. You should’ve known better than to listen to me… bucket head.”
“You know what, Travitha. You can lash out at me all you want to but you need to take some responsibility for your actions.”
Travitha frowned. She knew he was right but she didn’t want to admit it.
“Please don’t keep pushing everyone away,” he said.
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. How did he know that’s what she was trying to do?! she thought.
“Now, I’m going to go downstairs. I’m making pancakes for an early dinner. If you want to join us, you’re welcome to. But if you just want to sulk in your room, I suppose you can do that too.”
“The choice is yours, Travitha,” he said walking out.
Travitha sat on the bed. Pancakes for dinner did sound pretty good, she thought.
As Caiden and Jamie sat down for their pancake dinner, Travitha came down and joined them.
Caiden smiled at Jamie. I think Travitha is slowly coming around, he thought.
Travitha took a bite of the pancakes and tried to hide her smile. Is this what having a family feels like? she thought.
Over in Oasis Springs, Casey headed to the bowling arcade to try and score.
Before he could enter the arcade, he was stopped by the mysterious Elsie Goth.
“Why hello there,” she said eyeing him.
“Hi,” Casey said sitting down. “I’m Casey… what’s your name?”
“That’s on a need to know basis,” she sneered.
“Got it. I like your style,” he flirted.
“Oh really?”
“Oh definitely! I know a girl who would love your hat! Where did you get it?”
Is this boy a total llama? I thought he was flirting with me, she thought.
He pulled out his phone and texted. “Annabelle — cute hat alert. Pink and big rim.”
“Are you texting your girlfriend while flirting with me?” she said appalled.
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” he looked at her coyly.
She pulled out her phone. “Well, in that case, Casey,” she said flirtatiously. “Do you want to take this conversation elsewhere?”
“Most definitely,” he slyly replied.  Where do you think they’re going? Keep following to find out.
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Caiden and Travitha continue to work through what happened; Casey ventures out seeking comfort for his breakup.

Did You Know?

  • Notes coming soon.

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Next: Go to Season 13, Episode 8

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle

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