C246 Episode Thumbnail Large
Back in Taratosa, Jarrett was preparing for the new baby by rocking out to lullaby music. His friend stopped in the living room and stared down at the frog rug. “That thing is ugly, Jarrett. Why would you buy a rug like that? I felt like it was watching me all night.”
“Ugh! My neck is killing me from sleeping on the couch!” he complained further.
Ignoring everything his friend said, Jarrett smiled. “Did I tell you the news? I’m going to be a Daddy?!” he beamed.
Jarrett turned his attention to Tomi. “Look at how big that belly is getting!”
“Hello there little one! I’m your Daddy! Can you say Daddy? Go on… kick if you can say it,” he joked.
Tomi smiled, “Maybe our little one will say Mommy first.”
“Let’s face it, his or her first word is going to be ‘stinky’ or ‘smelly’ or something. This is my child after all,” Jarrett laughed.
As the two of them coo’d over Tomi’s belly, Jarrett’s friend made a quick exit. “Good luck you two,” he hollered out thrilled to be leaving.
Inside, Jarrett began preparing dinner. “I want to make sure our baby knows just how delicious cheesy eyeballs are!”
“You know Tomi, sometimes I feel burnt out making all of these robots at work. Wouldn’t it just be fun to open a restaurant?”
“Oh Jarrett! You should!”
“I could call it ‘Life’s a Ball’ or ‘The Balls’,” he smiled.
“Or ‘My Balls are Your Balls!’”
He sat down with the plate daydreaming. “A restaurant where I only serve my balls… maybe one day it will happen.”
“Oh Tomi! I’m so excited!” he squealed feeling overjoyed.
Back at the Scott house, Casey was in a terrible mood still because of his breakup with Leila. He had gone from sad to furious and was yelling while cooking breakfast.
“Casey, I know you’re hurting right now but there’s no reason to take your pain out on the eggs.”
“Me? Hurting? No. I’m not hurting dad. Hurting would imply that Leila hurt me…and she didn’t. I’m fine.”
“So you were just yelling at the eggs for fun?”
He turned and looked at Travis with a scowl on his face. “They got burned.”
“Just like I did.”
Travis couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s a good one son! I’m glad to see you’re making jokes!”
Hannah smiled at Travis. “Who’s joking?” Casey thought, annoyed.
Uggh! I need to escape this family right now, he thought.
Casey began to walk off without his food as Hannah approached Travis.
“I’ll talk to him,” Casey overheard his mom say.
“Sometimes a son just needs his mother.” Will Hannah be able to help Casey? Keep following to find out.
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C246 Episode Thumbnail Large
Back in Taratosa, Jarrett was preparing for the new baby by rocking out to lullaby music. His friend stopped in the living room and stared down at the frog rug. “That thing is ugly, Jarrett. Why would you buy a rug like that? I felt like it was watching me all night.”
“Ugh! My neck is killing me from sleeping on the couch!” he complained further.
Ignoring everything his friend said, Jarrett smiled. “Did I tell you the news? I’m going to be a Daddy?!” he beamed.
Jarrett turned his attention to Tomi. “Look at how big that belly is getting!”
“Hello there little one! I’m your Daddy! Can you say Daddy? Go on… kick if you can say it,” he joked.
Tomi smiled, “Maybe our little one will say Mommy first.”
“Let’s face it, his or her first word is going to be ‘stinky’ or ‘smelly’ or something. This is my child after all,” Jarrett laughed.
As the two of them coo’d over Tomi’s belly, Jarrett’s friend made a quick exit. “Good luck you two,” he hollered out thrilled to be leaving.
Inside, Jarrett began preparing dinner. “I want to make sure our baby knows just how delicious cheesy eyeballs are!”
“You know Tomi, sometimes I feel burnt out making all of these robots at work. Wouldn’t it just be fun to open a restaurant?”
“Oh Jarrett! You should!”
“I could call it ‘Life’s a Ball’ or ‘The Balls’,” he smiled.
“Or ‘My Balls are Your Balls!’”
He sat down with the plate daydreaming. “A restaurant where I only serve my balls… maybe one day it will happen.”
“Oh Tomi! I’m so excited!” he squealed feeling overjoyed.
Back at the Scott house, Casey was in a terrible mood still because of his breakup with Leila. He had gone from sad to furious and was yelling while cooking breakfast.
“Casey, I know you’re hurting right now but there’s no reason to take your pain out on the eggs.”
“Me? Hurting? No. I’m not hurting dad. Hurting would imply that Leila hurt me…and she didn’t. I’m fine.”
“So you were just yelling at the eggs for fun?”
He turned and looked at Travis with a scowl on his face. “They got burned.”
“Just like I did.”
Travis couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s a good one son! I’m glad to see you’re making jokes!”
Hannah smiled at Travis. “Who’s joking?” Casey thought, annoyed.
Uggh! I need to escape this family right now, he thought.
Casey began to walk off without his food as Hannah approached Travis.
“I’ll talk to him,” Casey overheard his mom say.
“Sometimes a son just needs his mother.”  Will Hannah be able to help Casey? Keep following to find out.
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Tomi’s belly pops as she and Jarrett get closer to her due date; Casey fumes over his breakup with Leila.

Did You Know?

  • While in the series, Casey and Leila, and Iggy and Annabelle, broke up in Season 12, the gameplay didn’t actually take place until much later. I had played through Tomi’s entire pregnancy as well as the Caiden/Jamie/Travitha storyline before switching back to the original Scott household.

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