The adopted son of Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy in The Sims 4 story. He is a lovable, geek, and socially awkward sim.

Who Is…Jarrett Scott?

Generation 2 (Seasons 1-current)


Season 1

Adoption by Travis Scott

Jarrett Scott is the son of Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy. During season 1, episode 3, Travis called Hannah to inform her he had adopted a baby boy. As Travis’ best friend, Hannah went over to meet Jarrett and ended up helping out Travis on many sleepless night.

When Travis and Hannah eventually got together, Jarrett was thrilled to welcome her into the family as his new mother.

Seasons 2-4

Early Childhood

When Jarrett’s younger brother Caiden was born, he was jealous about a new sibling in the house. That quickly passed, however, and he became a very loving older brother to Caiden and his future siblings.

Jarrett and Caiden bonded…

Living off the coast of Taratosa, Jarrett had trouble making friends within the small community. As fate would have it though, he met his future girlfriend, Tomi Markovic, very briefly.

He met a couple of kids while swimming, including Tomi Markovitz, a local.

Hopeful he’d make friends in a more kid friendly town, his parents moved the family to Newcrest.

Tour of Sunnycreek High School

Shortly before aging up into a teenager, Hannah and Travis took Jarrett on a tour of her alma mater, and his future high school, Sunnycreek High. Thinking she was being funny, Hannah proceeded to tell numerous scary stories to Jarrett about the school.

Ahhhh! Not the chairs!! They gasped.

Seasons 5-6

Beginning of High School

Before his first day of high school, Jarrett dyed is hair concerned that his bright blonde locks would lead to him being bullied. Hannah tried to explain to him that the right people would love him for who he was.

That evening, Jarrett and Hannah sat down for dinner. “Jarrett, you know you didn’t have to dye your hair just to fit in on your first day of high school. I loved your blonde hair.”

Notorious for his lack of coordination, Jarrett was never athletically inclined. Instead, what he lacked in physical abilities he more than made up for in academics. A straight A student, Jarrett was always hard at work completing his homework and taking notes in class.

He did a celebratory dance thinking he was good at football while the player threw another ball.

As a teenager, Jarrett’s social awkwardness hit an all time high. At Sunnycreek High School, he was determined to become popular but had trouble making friends. It didn’t help that most of the students there were not very nice…or sometimes even downright evil!

“Hey, have you thought about…I don’t know. Sitting elsewhere?” He said.

Search for Love

Romantically, Jarrett explored his options. He first fell for Christie, a fellow student who tried to befriend him when he first became a teenager. She invited him to join her at prom, as a friend, but Jarrett was convinced they were on a date. He proceeded to profess his love for her in a song. However, she did not reciprocate his feelings and his proclamations of love embarrassed her.

“Christie, now that you’re my queen, I need to declare my love for you,” Jarrett said. “Umm…what??” She said staring at him.

He was then pursued by a boy named Nicolas, but that relationship quickly fizzled after their first date together.

“Yeah that’s too high, man,” said Nicolas as he seemed to lose interest and pulled out a cube to play with. Jarrett was bored too. Is there a TV around here? He thought.

Feeling pressured to find a prom date, he decided to ask Evie Delgato to prom but she quickly rejected him.

“Put that sign away… you’re embarrassing me,” she said.

Meeting Tomi Markovic

During his stinkiest day at school (he forgot to take a shower!), he met Tomi Markovic. Tomi was surprisingly not put off by Jarrett’s smell, or his social awkwardness. In fact, she ended up having a major crush on him.

“I am from Planet Stinkman!”

The two of them quickly started dating and he confessed his love for her during prom, which she gleefully reciprocated.

The rain was pouring down over the skylight as they held each other on the dance floor.

On Prom Night, Jarrett and Tomi messed around on the Ferris Wheel for the very first time. He arrived home to find his parents waiting for him and proceeded to have a very uncomfortable woohoo talk with them.

“Tomi and I may have checked out the Ferris wheel after the prom…” Jarrett said.
“Oh god,” Travis thought. I’m too late!! Not the Ferris wheel!

Season 7

Graduating Early

Shortly after, Jarrett began receiving many phone calls from strangers trying to convince him to graduate high school early. After saying no multiple times, he finally decided they were right and graduated with weeks to go in his teenage life.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Jarrett began to share the news with his dad. “So several random people have called me telling me I should graduate early. I’ve never met them but they say it’s a great idea!”

College as a Teenager

After touring Foxbury Institute, Jarrett knew it was the school for him and signed up for classes, majoring in Computer Science. While his dorm room was less than ideal, as was his mean roommate, Jarrett didn’t let either distract him from his goals. He finished his first semester with an A+ grade average.

Ahhh!! He yelled in frustration. He should’ve listened to his parents! This place was a dive!

For Love Day, he took Tomi to a casual dinner at a local pizzeria. He expressed to her that he sometimes missed high school because it meant seeing her every day. She, however, told him she was proud of all he had accomplished and happy for him.

“I kind of like that you’re a college guy now,” she flirted.

More to come as his story progresses…


Jarrett Scott Merch is available in my Redbubble Gift Shop!


  • Geek (Received Trait as a Child)
  • Socially Awkward (Received Trait as a Teenager)
  • Top-Notch Toddler
  • Graduated High School Early
  • Quick Learner

Likes & Dislikes


  • Programming
  • Research and Debate
  • Video Gaming
  • Gardening
  • Lullaby Music
  • Pop Music


  • Handiness
  • Latin Music
  • Yellow

Skill Focus

  • Programming
  • Robotics
  • Cooking
  • Video Gaming
  • Charisma



  • TBD



  • Christy (acquaintance, romantic interest)
  • Nicholas (romantic interest)
  • Tomi Markovic (girlfriend)

Episode Appearances

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