Who Is…Hannah McCoy?

Generation 1 (Seasons 1-current)

Hannah McCoy is the original main character of the story and beginning of The Sims 4 Legacy Family. She can be found on the gallery under the Sims 4 Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle.


Season 1


In Chapter 1, Hannah is introduced along with her dog, Buttercup. She just moved into a new home in Brindleton Bay, ready to start her young adult life. She wasn’t very ambitious and began a part-time job in retail while searching for love.

Hannah McCoy Sims 4 Sim Life Chronicles with the dog Buttercup
Meet Hannah.

Relationship with Justin Delgato

Her first day, she took Buttercup to the dog park where she met Travis Scott. She and Travis got along well but she was instantly distracted when Justin Delgato arrived. She was very attracted to him and began a relationship with him, not knowing he was married. When she received a promotion at work, she went to tell him the exciting news but was caught kissing him by his wife.

Justin Delgato Sims 4 is caught cheating on his wife Supriya Delgato with Hannah McCoy
After getting promoted, she went to Justin’s house for the very first time to surprise him and celebrate. She kissed him and his wife walked in.

After breaking up with Justin, she headed with her gay friend Brent Hecking to the Romance Festival.

Relationship with Geoffrey Landgraab

At the Romance Festival, Hannah met both Marcus Flex and Geoffrey Landgraab. After Marcus left, Hannah felt desperate to find a relationship with someone. Thrilled that Geoffrey was interested, and having drank too much of the tea, Hannah pursued a relationship with him.

Geoffrey Landgraab Sims 4 flirts with at the Romance Festival from Sims 4 City Living
Geoffrey was creepily infatuated but Hannah had way too much tea to notice.

After they woohoo’d, she discovered he too was married and met his wife, Nancy, a mob boss.

When Marcus Flex called and asked her on a date, she met up with him and they woohoo’d straight away. Unfortunately, they realized afterwards they had nothing in common. During their date, Geoffrey came and Hannah broke up with him.

Marcus Flex Sims 4 and Hannah McCoy have nothing in common after woohoo in a bush
Of course, afterwards, they realized they don’t have anything in common. Awkward.

Hannah’s First Marriage to Marcus Flex

With only a few dollars in her account, Hannah received a phone call demanding that she get married in 7 days for money. She had no choice but to accept and proposed to Marcus. The two got married at City Hall.

Hannah McCoy and Marcus Flex get married at city hall in Taratosa Sims 4
He arrived and the two got married.

Afterwards, they threw a party with friends and Hannah caught Marcus flirting with his ex-roommate, Jade Rosa. She vented to Travis about it and he protectively yelled at Marcus.

While at work, Marcus invited Jade over. When Hannah arrived home, she caught them woohooing together in her bedroom. She instantly broke up with Marcus.

Hannah McCoy catches Marcus Flex cheating in Sim Life Chronicles Sims 4 Story
When Hannah returned home, she found Marcus and Jade woohooing in the bedroom.

Relationship with Bjorn Bjergsen

While devastated over her breakup, Hannah met Bjorn Bjergsen at the Spice Festival in San Myshuno. He enjoyed her gloomy spirit and the two of them woohoo’d back at her home after he told her he was a spy.

Bjorn Bjergsen Sims 4 cheats on his wife with Hannah McCoy in Sim Life Chronicles
Bjorn came over to her place where she learned he was a spy and they woohoo’d.

Justin Delgato called trying to get back together with her but she quickly refused and turned him down. Nursing her confused and broken heart, she went to the bar for a drink. At the bar, she met an old lady who gave her some sage advice: “Sometimes you have to sift through the garbage before you find the gem.”

Old lady gives trash advice Sims 4
An old lady at the bar gave her some sage advice. “Sometimes you have to sift through the garbage before you find the gem.”

While she and Travis continued their platonic friendship, her relationship with Bjorn began heating up. After woohooing at his home, his pregnant wife, Clara Bjergsen, discovered them together.

Clara Bjergsen catches Bjorn Bjergsen cheating on her Sims 4
Clara slapped Bjorn and ran off to the backyard.

Hannah tried to convince Clara to leave him and believed Bjorn when he said he would end his marriage. After some bad woohoo, she realized she had made a mistake staying with him and they broke up.

Meeting Don Lothario

While at the park, Hannah met Don Lothario. She was enamored by him and tried to pursue a relationship, regardless of his disinterest in her. He continued to play her hot and cold but eventually she convinced him and they began a relationship together.

Don Lothario flirts with Hannah McCoy Sims 4
He realized he was going to get some woohoo, so why not?

At the same time, Travis had adopted a baby boy named Jarrett. Worried about her best friend being exhausted, Hannah spent her nights babysitting while Travis got some sleep. His roommate Summer seemed protective of Travis and wasn’t welcoming to Hannah initially.

Hannah McCoy helps Travis Scott take care of newborn baby Sims 4
Despite being exhausted herself, she stayed up throughout the night to look after Jarrett while Travis got some much needed sleep.

As Hannah and Don grew closer, Summer and Hannah also became friends. When Hannah quit her retail job, she got an offer from the spy agency to join them. She tried sharing the news with Don but he didn’t care to hear it. She told Travis and, although he was worried for her safety, he was supportive.

Engagement to Don Lothario

After stargazing with Travis, Hannah realized she wanted to marry Don. She proposed and Don accepted.

Hannah McCoy proposes to Don Lothario Sims 4
Surrounded by all of her friends, she got down on one knee and proposed to Don. Travis pulled out his phone as quickly as possible, trying to avoid watching.

Soon after, she asked Travis to be her Sim of Honor. While touring wedding venues together, Hannah showed Don her dream location: a castle in Taratosa. Don, however, wanted to get married at the Old Penelope Plane Wreck in Strangerville.

Don Lothario wants to get married at Old Penelope Strangerville Sims 4
“Please,” he said, “the plane wreck would be awesome!” Hannah was less than thrilled over the idea.

Throughout their wedding week, Don cheated on Hannah repeatedly, unbeknownst to her. He expressed his doubts about getting married, often blaming it on her venue choice, trying to force her into choosing the plane wreck instead. She stood her ground and refused.

During her Bach Party, she asked Summer to be her Sim of Honor as well. After most of her friends went home, she expressed her doubts about Don to Travis. Hopelessly in love with her, he half-joked about himself as an option. She laughed it off, thinking he was just being funny.

Travis Scott is in love with Hannah McCoy Sims 4 Sim Life Chronicles
Hannah punched him playfully on the shoulder. “You’re hilarious, Travis.”

Old Lovers Return

Days before the wedding, Geoffrey Landgraab showed up at the door trying to convince Hannah they could run away together. She shot him down instantly and asked him to leave. Shortly after, she received a phone call informing her that Marcus Flex had died. She turned to Don for comfort but he didn’t care much.

Hannah told Travis and he comforted her as she struggled through her emotions. He came by to check on her multiple times and she began to feel a spark with him. Knowing she was marrying Don, she pushed her feelings aside.

Hannah begins to have feelings for Travis Scott Sims 4
As he held her, Hannah held him tighter too. Sometimes it almost felt like…no. It’s Travis… Hannah thought to herself.

The Rehearsal Dinner

Just before the rehearsal dinner, Don told Hannah he was having doubts and asserted that he may have to call off the wedding if she kept spending time with Travis. After she called him out on his threat, he backtracked.

During the dinner, Hannah began to doubt her impending nuptials to Don and wrestle with her growing feelings for Travis. After pulling Travis aside, Travis confessed his love for her. Feeling on the spot, Hannah told him they could only be friends because she couldn’t hurt Don. She told Travis he would always be her best friend.

Travis confesses his love for Hannah McCoy Sims 4 Taratosa
Hannah took his hands in hers. Her heart and her head were telling her two different things. As much as her feelings were growing for Travis, she had to put a stop to what was happening. She’s getting married tomorrow after all. She can’t do this to Don. “Travis. You’re my best friend. You’ll always be my best friend. But I’m getting married tomorrow. This just…it can’t happen. Maybe in a different lifetime, but I’m marrying Don. I love Don.”

Afterwards, she realized though that she had hurt Travis and that their friendship was injured.

The Plane Wreck of a Wedding

While getting ready at the castle, Hannah started to think about the day she met Travis. She realized she was in love with him but felt it was too late and she had to marry Don.

When it was time for the wedding, she received a text that Don had changed the location to the Old Penelope Plane Wreck in Strangerville. Furious, she arrived for her wedding. Feeling pressured with all of her friends there, she went through with the wedding, as she cried walking down the aisle.

Strangerville Sims 4 Wedding Venue is a Plane Wreck at Old Penelope
She patted away the tears as best she could. Maybe her guests would think it was tears of joy.

Within minutes of marrying Don Lothario, she caught him flirting with Dina Caliente. After crying, she went to find Don to discuss what had happened, but instead found him woohooing with Dina in the bunker closet. She slapped Don for cheating on her and told him they were over.

Hannah McCoy catches Don Lothario cheating on her with Dina Caliente Sims 4
She slapped Don across the face. “How could you?!! I am so disgusted by you right now. I can’t even look at you.”

Realizing she should’ve chosen Travis, she chased after him to confess her feelings for him. Hurt and feeling like a second choice, Travis told her she was too late and he was moving.

Hannah McCoy tells Travis Scott she loves him Sims 4
“No Travis, please. I’ve been so confused and so wrong about everything. And you were right…you were right about everything. You were right about Don…and…” she paused.

Breakup with Don Lothario

When Hannah arrived home, she found Don waiting for her on the front lawn. He tried to apologize because he didn’t want to move. Remembering the old lady’s sage advice, she realized she had finally gotten rid of the trash and Travis was her gem. She divorced Don and locked the door to the house so he couldn’t come inside.

Don Lothario takes out the trash Sims 4
“No, you don’t live here. Don’t you dare help me with the trash. I’ll knock it over. That’s what I’ll do, Don!” Hannah said as she kicked the trashcan over.

Confused and devastated over her breakup with Don and hurting Travis, she cut bangs in a moment of frustration. After visiting the park where she met Travis, she realized she had to try to confess her feelings for him one more time.

Confession to Travis Scott

Hannah arrived at Travis’ doorstep before he moved and confessed her feelings for him. She assured him that he had always been her number one love but she was too worried about losing him to ever make a move. She had dealt with so much heartbreak, she couldn’t bare the idea of him breaking her heart someday. She kissed him and he kissed her back.

Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy confess their feelings Sims 4 Sim Life Chronicles
“No Travis, you don’t understand,” she took his hands in hers as the rain drops gently hit the ground. “I came here because… because I love that you call me every day to check in with me. And I love that every time I see you, you manage to make me smile, no matter what is happening in my life. Travis, every single day there is only one person I wake up hoping to see. And that’s you.”

The next day, Hannah was fired after making the wrong decision at work. As she and Travis tried to figure out what to do next, she realized she wanted to begin a family with him. Knowing she could no longer afford her home, they moved to a tiny home off the coast of Taratosa together.

Life in Taratosa

Hannah adored being a step-mom to Travis’ son Jarrett and the two built a life together in Taratosa. After some time passed, Travis proposed to Hannah and she gleefully accepted. She had finally found the one.

Travis Scott proposes to Hannah McCoy Sims 4
As Hannah looked down at him, she put her hand to heart.

Season 2

A New Life Begins

While planning their wedding, Hannah decided to pursue a career as an actress. Even though she had no acting skills, she enjoyed her new career choice.

Hannah and Travis married at the castle she had always dreamed of for her wedding. She couldn’t have been happier to marry her soulmate as the two of them headed off to Sulani for their honeymoon.

Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy kiss on wedding day
The sun fell behind the rolling hills as he pulled her in.

While on their honeymoon, Bjorn and Clara were dining with their daughter at the same restaurant as her and Travis. Clara glared at her throughout the meal and left.

One day into their honeymoon, Hannah began to feel unwell and discovered she was pregnant. She shared the news with Travis and he was thrilled.

Hannah McCoy tells Travis Scott she's pregnant in Sulani Sims 4
After they settled in, Hannah told Travis the exciting news: she was pregnant with their first baby together!

Unlike Travis, she was incredibly calm when she went into labor with their son, Caiden, and continued her household chores until it was time to leave for the hospital.

Hannah Tries to Help Summer

Noticing Summer hanging around a lot, Hannah offered to help set Summer up. Summer, secretly in love with Travis, begrudgingly accepted her offer.

Hannah tries to set up Summer Holiday Sims 4
She told Summer her idea and Summer wasn’t thrilled. “I guess…” she said. But the second Travis returned home from work, Summer left.

After Hannah found out that Summer made a move on Travis, she asked her not to hang around their house but continued to try and set her up with random strangers.

Labor with the Twins

When Hannah went into labor with her second pregnancy, the hospital refused to admit her. Unable to have the babies, she headed to work heavily pregnant. She had a rough day on the job as she felt labor pains throughout the day. Upon arriving home, she gave birth to twin boys, Casey and Carter.

hospital glitch sims 4
“Daddy gets to meet you soon!” Travis said happily.

Realizing their tiny home was too small for their growing family, the entire family moved to a new home in Newcrest.

Continuing Her Efforts with Summer

On Harvestfest, Hannah tried to set Summer up with her old friend, J Huntington III. Unfortunately, her efforts continued to fail.

Hannah tries to play matchmaker between J Huntington III and Summer Holiday in The Sims 4
“J, you and Summer should really chat.” Summer was more focused on the meal than on J.

Starlight Accolades and the Birth of Annabelle

Hoping to have a baby girl, Hannah and Travis tried for another baby. Meanwhile, Hannah’s career as an actress had blossomed and she was invited to the Starlight Accolades with her first award nomination.

During the award show, Hannah’s name was called. She had won her first award and she was thrilled. Hannah and Travis spent the evening mingling with other celebrities like Judith Ward and celebrating her accomplishment.

Hanna McCoy receives Starlight Accolade Award in Sims 4 Get Famous
“I’d like to thank my wonderful husband Travis for all of his support. I never could’ve done this without his love.”

Later that night, Hannah went into labor. Instead of trying the hospital, she gave birth right away at home.

Hannah and Travis have baby girl Annabelle Scott
The one strawberry worked! Welcome to the family, Annabelle!

The Last Attempt at Matchmaking for Summer

When a new neighbor named Jason moved in down the street, Hannah attempted to set him up right away with Summer. Thrilled the two of them hit it off, she assumed Summer had finally moved on from Travis.

Hannah tries to set up Summer Holiday again in Sims 4
“Jason, I think Summer would be really great with you. You should ask her out,” Hannah said. Summer sat there thinking to herself: Hannah really needs to mind her own business and stay out of my love life.

Season 3

Hannah Ends Her Friendship with Summer

After finding out that Summer once again made a move on Travis, she realized there was no hope for their friendship. She finally confronted Summer. Putting her good nature aside, she smashed a snowball into Summer’s face and told her their friendship was over.

Hannah McCoy shoves a snowball in the face of Summer Holiday in Sims 4 Sim Life Chronicles
She smashed it straight into Summer’s face.

The Return of Don Lothario

When Hannah met up with her friend J at the local lounge, she ran into her ex-husband, Don Lothario. He instantly picked a fight with her and she tried to leave. Continuing to taunt her, he staged an argument in front of the paparazzi, trying to ruin her stellar reputation.

After their confrontation, she returned home to find that Don was there and had been fighting with Travis. She watched as Travis fought him off and kicked him out.

Travis Scott fights Don Lothario in Sims 4
Travis glared at Don, with his hands on his hips. “You better not show your face here every again.”

The next day, Travis and Hannah heard a new house had popped up down the street. When they went to visit, they discovered that Don had moved in and was determined to continue to ruin their lives. Desperate to escape him, Hannah and Travis decided to move again.

Season 4

New Beginnings in Henford-on-Bagley

At the beginning of season 4, they quickly packed up and moved their family to a new private dwelling in Henford-on-Bagley.

With a large family, Hannah felt overwhelmed trying to balance family life and her work life. She and Travis tried to enjoy a date night out and spent the evening surrounded by her fans asking for autographs. They snuck away and managed to make the most of their night together.

Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy date night at the vineyard in Sims 4 Dine Out
“Maybe we should take a tour of the wine cellar, my dear?”

A couple of days later, Hannah received her star on the walk of fame in Del Sol Valley.

Life as a Mother

Hannah constantly tried balancing her time with each of her children, but found it hard to spend equal energy on them all.

Shortly before Jarrett was to begin high school, the family took a trip to Hannah’s alma mater, Sunnycreek High School in Copperdale. Trying to relive her glory days, she performed a cheer routine, embarrassing Jarrett. Afterwards, she took him on a tour of her old school, sharing ghost stories trying desperately to be cool. Instead, he thought she was being really weird and didn’t believe anything she said.

Tour of Sunnydale High School from Buffy the Vampire Slayer Sims 4
She was really committed to the story now. There was no turning back. “They’d walk in with their creepy vampire walk and say, ‘If you don’t study, I’m gonna bite you!”

The Summer and Don Break-In

When Summer and Don broke into their home, Hannah encountered Summer first in the kitchen. When she told Summer to leave, Summer claimed it was her house and Hannah was the intruder.

Hannah confronts Summer Holiday Sims 4
“What are you doing inside my house, Summer?!” Hannah glared. Summer put her hands on her hips. “Your house? This is my house. Mine and Travis’,” Summer said.

Finally unable to take it anymore, Hannah fought Summer and won. Shortly after, Summer revealed that she and Travis and spent a night together and Hannah was shocked.

Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy talk about her concerns
“Hannah, Summer and I had been friends since high school. When we started college, we were both really uncertain about our futures and one night, we went to a party and had a little too much nectar. The next day, I knew it was a mistake and I told Summer we were better off as friends. She agreed…we never spoke about it again.”

When Hannah confronted Travis, she found out it was back during his college days and long before they met. He reassured her that he would never cheat on her and that he had no interest in Summer.

Family Vacation to Mt. Komorebi

Trying to escape the drama at home, Travis and Hannah took the family on a trip to Mt. Komorebi. Hannah tried having a relaxing day alone at the spa but was bombarded by paparazzi.

The paparazzi never leave sim alone sims 4 get famous
The therapist stepped away for a moment and let the paparazzi in. Was that a clicking sound I heard? Hannah thought to herself.

Hannah and Travis finally got some time away and enjoyed an evening out, just the two of them. They jested to each other about getting rid of Don and Summer once and for all, but they knew they would never do it.

Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy joke about what to do regarding Summer Holiday and Don Lothario Sims 4
The two of them sat at the bar chatting and joking about options to get rid of Summer and Don. “It’s impossible to live anywhere without them showing up,” Hannah said. “We could always get a cow plant,” Travis jested.

Hannah did her best to continue balancing her time with each of her children, but paid special attention to Carter who seemed to not be connecting with his siblings.

Seasons 5-6

Mother of a Teenager

When Jarrett became a teenager, Hannah noticed he had dyed his bright blonde hair black. She tried to encourage him to be himself but he didn’t feel comfortable and felt she didn’t know what high school was like.

Jarrett scott prepares for sims 4 high school years
That evening, Jarrett and Hannah sat down for dinner. “Jarrett, you know you didn’t have to dye your hair just to fit in on your first day of high school. I loved your blonde hair.”

The Romance Festival

After the death of her beloved dog, Buttercup, Travis took Hannah to the Romance Festival to cheer her up. At the festival, the guru predicted a bright future for Hannah but a dark future for Travis. Travis tried to calm her nerves and the two renewed their vows.

Hannah and travis Scott go to the sims 4 city living romance festival
“You have nothing to worry about. I’m not going anywhere.”

Summer Holiday’s Harvestfest Attack

During Harvestfest, Summer, now a witch, arrived at their home. The moment she walked inside, she set Hannah on fire. Hannah screamed in terror but the fire quickly dissipated and she survived.

summer holiday uses magic power to set sim on fire sims 4 realm of magic
“Ahhh!!” Hannah yelped as she suddenly burst into flames.

When Travis fought Summer and threatened to call the cops, Hannah watched questioning his words. She knew there were no cops in the Sims 4 and that was an impossible threat.

After Summer left, Hannah voiced her concerns to Travis about Summer returning and the guru’s prediction. He calmed her nerves and told her they would be okay.

The Woohoo Talk

When Jarrett returned home in the early morning after prom, Hannah was waiting for him on his bed. She told him it was time to have the woohoo talk. Unfortunately, she and Travis didn’t know quite what to say and fumbled throughout the conversation.

how to woohoo in sims 4
“He’s right, Travis. You can’t get pregnant that way. You have to specifically try for a baby. You know that, right Jarrett?”

Don Lothario’s Apology

Hannah received a call from Don asking to meet him for coffee. She begrudgingly agreed to meet him but refused to hear him out once she arrived. During the conversation, Don mentioned his time trapped in Summer’s basement with Hannah’s son, Caiden. Hannah didn’t believe him but once he explained further, she realized that she hadn’t noticed her own son was kidnapped.

locking sims in basement sims 4
Hannah cried. How did she not notice Caiden was kidnapped?

Season 7

Caiden Scott, You’ve Been Caught

Hannah celebrated her adult birthday and began to struggle with being middle aged. After her birthday, she pulled Caiden aside and confronted him about his kidnapping. She voiced her concern about Summer and he accidentally let it slip that he had snuck out of the house multiple times, safely.

Feeling horrible about not noticing, Hannah began to question herself as a parent. She commented how overwhelming it was to raise a family of five children. Caiden played right into it and quickly tried turning the tables.

large family in sims 4
Feeling overwhelmed by aging up, she was infuriated now. “I don’t need to go to bed early! I’m still plenty young Caiden. And five kids was only overwhelming when you were all toddlers and couldn’t sit more than two seconds in a high chair.”
toddler high chair glitch sims 4
“Was it really our fault you kept taking us out instead of letting us eat?”

She didn’t fall for it, however, and grounded him. Devastated, she bought a Family Board and set a curfew for all of her children.

The First Son is Growing Up

After Jarrett graduated high school early, Hannah had trouble letting go. She tried to continue to mother Jarrett, and advise him on his college decisions, but he rejected them.

off to university in sims 4 discover university
Hannah grimaced. He was so independent suddenly. She thought he’d always need her advice.

Once he headed to college, she called him constantly musing that maybe she should have another baby because she missed him so much. He repeatedly told her no.

Caiden Scott, You’ve Been Caught…Again

Now a teenager, Caiden spent his nights out late partying. When he returned home one night, Hannah caught him and told him that while she clearly couldn’t stop him from leaving the house, she would take away his phone. He was furious and told her she was a “buzzkill”.

grounding sim in sims 4 parenthood
“Relax mom. I’m basically a grown up now. It’s not like I can get kidnapped again. And if I did, I’d just escape. No sweat mom.”
teen gets in trouble sims 4 parenthood
“Don also thinks he’s a grown man. That didn’t stop Summer from snatching him.”

More to come as his story progresses…

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