It’s easy to get into a rut and get bored when playing The Sims 4…or any game for that matter! I’ve been playing the game since the original debuted in the year 2000, and I’ve experience plenty of lulls where I’ve run out of ideas even though I have desperately wanted to play! Luckily, I’ve learned many ways to keep the game fun and exciting, mod-free! If your looks for ways to make The Sims 4 more fun, or you want to make your own Sims story, here are 10 tips to get you started!

TIP #1

Make The Sims 4 more interesting by avoiding speeding up. You miss all the good stuff.

Make The Sims 4 more fun by avoiding speeding up as much as possible. Otherwise, you miss all the good stuff!

This look from Summer during Hannah and Travis’ Bach Party inspired the ENTIRE “Summer is in love with Travis” storyline. If I had sped through this night, that story may never have happened.

TIP #2

Keeping the camera tight and watching their facial expressions. It helps guide the story!

Every playful expression or angry scowl has guided Hannah’s story! I try not to force any storylines and just go with the flow. The more focused I am on their expressions, the easier it is for the story to unfold on its own.

TIP #3

Make The Sims 4 more fun by paying attention to speech and thought bubbles.

Pay attention to speech and thought bubbles.

If Don had never thought of that plane when looking at the Castle, I never would’ve ended up with the Old Penelope Plane Wreck as a venue idea for their wedding!

TIP #4

Keep the interactions as organic as possible.

Instead of hitting the same one that you know is always successful, take your time! Hannah was constantly making sure to chat, flirt, ask for numbers etc like in real life rather than opting to just keep complimenting their appearance. When it came to her and Travis’ friendship, I stuck to mostly friendly interactions, but every once in a while, I’d throw in a romantic one. For example, when Hannah was sad, it seemed appropriate that Travis would hold her hands to comfort her. Or, when he’d see her, he’d sometimes compliment her appearance once. I kept everything as natural as possible!

TIP #5

Make The Sims more fun by paying attention to your sims wants and fears.

Pay attention to their wants/fears and follow them as much as you can.

You may ignore one or two (not every sim actually needs a beebox) but when Hannah decided she wanted to get engaged to Don, I had no choice but to follow her wishes. Likewise, after the new wants/fears system came about, when Travis decided he wanted to apologize to Don, I followed the story down the rabbit hole…and I think we can all agree it was well worth it!

TIP #6

Don’t spend all your time cheating needs and having your sim perfect their skills!

Hannah spent little time advancing her skills and career, especially in the beginning…and it made for far more time to explore and have adventures. Unless your sim is a perfectionist trying to have it all, let them find what they actually enjoy and focus on that! By the time she settled on acting, she had already increased quite a few skills naturally. Her acting skill, she mostly learned on the job!

TIP #7

Not micromanaging is the key to an exciting gameplay!

The more you let your sim lead your game rather than you leading them, the juicier and crazier the stories will be!

For more tips about how not to micromanage read How to Stop Micromanaging the Sims in 5 Simple Ways

TIP #8

If You’re Sharing Your Story…Break It Down and Keep it Simple

I see a lot of stories trying to tell an entire scene or conversation in one or two pictures and it makes it hard to really connect with the characters. Keep the sentences short – down to one or two per picture. Sometimes it’s a line of a conversation, sometimes it’s just an observation. But I keep it fast and snappy! I worked as a film editor in my early 20s and any story is all about pacing. Keep it moving and you’ll keep the audience interested!

TIP #9

Make The Sims 4 more fun by Pretending It’s Your Own Reality Show!

Put together your story more like a reality show than scripted television. Reality producers use the tools right in front of them and craft the story around what they see. That’s similar to how I produce Hannah’s story. I have ideas but I use the characters organic interactions, traits, and thought bubbles to really guide the direction of the story, as opposed to planning the story and then trying to make the sims do what I need.

TIP #10

Throw a Wrench Into Their World and Watch Them Spiral

When I start running out of ideas, I craft a new way to make the story interesting. Whether it’s a death, switching careers, ,sending my sim to a deserted island for a Survivors challenge, or giving Summer an exciting new obsession (wink wink). If you’re getting bored, it means your sims life is getting a little too perfect and comfortable. Don’t be afraid to make it messy!

I hope you have found these tips helpful! Keep following The Legacy of Hannah McCoy story for more inspiration! Follow on Facebook for the latest posts. Check out the first episode ever and begin your journey down the Sim Life Chronicle rabbit hole. I promise, you won’t regret it.

For more Gameplay Tips Click Here.

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