Sims 4 Story Synopsis

Companion to Season 13, Chapter 258

Carter struggles with musical inspiration as he finds living alone in lonelier than he expected.



Carter opened the door to his cabin and walked inside. “What an exhilarating night!” he thought with a smile. He wandered over to the couch and placed his guitar beside him. As he sat down, his butt sank into the flimsy bright blue fabric. Maybe a foldable couch wasn’t the greatest choice, he sighed. Oh well.

“I’m still a rockstar, I got my rock moves,” he sang quietly to himself as he pretended he was elsewhere. He could picture the cheering crowd at the lounge. The spotlight shining onto him as he plucked his final strings. The bouncer telling him to get lost so that Thorne Bailey could perform. And okay… sure. The cheering crowd was actually for Thorne Bailey but Carter knew that one day, it would be for him.

Carter reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He was eager to share the story of his night with somebody. As he scrolled through his phone book, he spotted the time.

3 am. Whoops. I guess nobody would really appreciate me calling right now.

He stood up and walked over towards the refrigerator. His footsteps sounded like an elephant amongst the silence. It’s so quiet in here, I could hear a simoleon drop, he thought.

This bonus story is part of “The Legacy of Hannah McCoy” Season 13. For more episodes from the latest season, please visit the episode guide.

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