Sims 4 Story Synopsis

Companion to Season 12, Chapter 223

In this tongue-in-cheek story, Leila goes to her interview at Brichester, only to find her personality traits get in the way of her future.



Ms. Pickensteen sighed before inquiring more. “I understand you’re a perfectionist and you love to study. But what is it you plan to study here? What is it about our program that makes you want to pursue a distinguished degree at our school?”

Leila’s face dropped. “What do I want to study?” She could suddenly feel the sweat dripping down her face. She hadn’t come close to deciding that yet.

“Well —“ she paused. “There were just so many fantastic choices in the course catalogue, I couldn’t exactly choose just one.” She started to feel the anxiety rush through her as she watched Ms. Pickensteen stare at her for an answer.

“You know how it goes. You start with one thing and you nitpick at all of its faults, and then something else that’s shiny and new comes along and you think maybe that’s the one for you. Until you realize the first thing you wanted was actually pretty perfect and incredibly sexy…and you made a huge mistake,” she ranted. “And then you can’t go back to the first thing anymore. No no no. The first course has already been filled by someone else and now you are stuck with this immature whiney program that mopes and follows you around endlessly.”

This bonus story is part of “The Legacy of Hannah McCoy” Season 12. For more episodes from the latest season, please visit the episode guide.

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