Sims 4 Story Synopsis

Companion to Season 12, Chapter 234

During this flashback chapter, we journey back to Chloe’s last score as The Black Widow before she was taken to prison.



My momma always said: honey, the best things in life are free, Chloe thought as she looked at Mortimer’s lifeless body.

Chloe chuckled as she clasped her bra back on. As the trees rustled outside, she jumped and shot a paranoid look over to the window.

“Oh Chloe! Jumping at loud noises again?” she said to herself. “I guess that’s what happens when you woohoo the guy with the creepiest mansion on the block.”

She leaned over to grab her small black skirt that was crumpled up on the floor next to Mortimer. “That was a super fun time, baby. I’m glad you thought so too,” she said as she winked at him. “Thanks for the mansion old man.”

She had woohoo’d guys to the point of death before, but never someone with so much money. This was undoubtedly her biggest score yet. Chloe smiled. Momma was right. I didn’t have to spend a dime to get all of the best things in life.

As she pulled on her skirt, the door flew opened.

This bonus story is part of “The Legacy of Hannah McCoy” Season 12. For more episodes from the latest season, please visit the episode guide.

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