“Stop! Drop Your Clothes, and Roll!”
Season 6 | Episode 9 | Chapter 88
The Scott family is under attack as Summer tries to burn down their family home.
Did You Know…
- I researched the fire spell before letting Summer attack Hannah. The spell will only kill a sim if a fire is set on the ground below them. It will never kill them if the spell is directly on them.
- Summer set the couch on fire while I thought Travis was still sleeping on it, however, he got up before it actually caught fire.
- Summer autonomously chose to shower in the rain and then stayed outside naked. Sims normally change straight away into clothes, especially with children present, but she did not.
- I temporarily moved Summer into the household to play this storyline.
Before: Go to Season 6, Episode 8
Next: Go to Season 6, Episode 9
Story Created by
Justine Thomas
Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story
- Summer Holiday (Base Game)
- Hannah McCoy (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
- Travis Scott (Base Game, Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
- Jarrett Scott (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
- Caiden Scott (Gallery ID: SimLifeChroni
- Carter Scott (Gallery ID: SimLifeChroni
- Casey Scott (Gallery ID: SimLifeChroni
- Annabelle Scott (Gallery ID: SimLifeChroni
Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story
- The Scott Manor (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)