Summer Holiday continues her revenge toward's Travis Scott and his family by setting their house on fire in The Sims 4 story.

“Moving On and Moving Up”

Season 6 | Episode 11 | Chapter 90


Travis Scott tells Summer Holiday how he really feels and Jarrett gets an unexpected offer regarding his future.

Did You Know?

  • I, the creator, was so devastated over the loss of the family portrait that I almost quit the game and backtracked. Luckily I discovered the portrait was in The Scott Manor home uploaded to the gallery, as well as the McCoy-Scott Museum so I continued ahead. 
  • Hannah replaced the portrait with a family photo from when the kids were no longer toddlers.
  • The large family portrait object can be downloaded here.
  • Hannah was actually devastated about the death of Justin Delgato, and that, not the fire, was what made her afraid of death.
  • Jarrett was told he could receive an athletics scholarship, despite his character being notoriously bad at sports.

Before: Go to Season 6, Episode 10

Next: Go to Season 6, Episode 12

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Summer Holiday (Base Game)
  • Hannah McCoy (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Travis Scott (Base Game, Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Jarrett Scott (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Principal Mei Prescott (High School Years)
  • Tomi Markovic (Wedding Stories)

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

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