Sims 4 Story Synopsis

Companion to Season 12, Chapter 232

During this flashback chapter, Jamie reflects on her very last day with her mom, Liberty Lee, during her toddler to childhood birthday.



The window was opened just a crack. I could hear the little birds chirping on the roof. The big day was finally here. Mom had been talking about it non stop for the past three days. In fact, she couldn’t wipe that grin off her face.

“Jamie? Sweetheart? Are you awake?” she said from down the hall.

I yawned in my toddler bed and sat up.

“Yes Mommy!”

She came running in, over joyed. “I can’t believe my baby girl is going to become a child today. I have the whole day planned — so get up and get dressed, my little bestie. You’re going to love your surprise!”

I jumped out of bed and spun around as quickly as possible to change into my clothes. I could smell the spring air as the seasons were beginning to change, but it still felt a bit chilly…

This bonus story is part of “The Legacy of Hannah McCoy” Season 12. For more episodes from the latest season, please visit the episode guide.

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