Sims 4 Story Synopsis

Companion to Season 12, Chapter 238

Travis and Hannah discuss how to have the “woohoo” talk with Annabelle.



As Travis entered the bedroom, he spotted Hannah. She was standing in an adorable yellow polka dot nightgown, folding over the sheet of the bed preparing to go to sleep.

“Everything okay downstairs, honey?” she asked with a smile.

“Not entirely — Leila dumped Casey tonight,” Travis responded.

“Oh,” Hannah said blankly.

“Go on — you know you want to,” Travis said.

Hannah let out a big sigh of relief. She had hated how much Leila had ripped apart her two sons. “Yes! Yes! Yeahhhh-esss!” she broke out into a cheer.

“Maybe a little quieter. You don’t want Casey to hear you.”

“Of course not,” she said as she pursed her lips together. Her face suddenly turned concerned. “Is he doing okay? I was really hoping he would be the one to eventually end it with her. Not the other way around.”

This bonus story is part of “The Legacy of Hannah McCoy” Season 12. For more episodes from the latest season, please visit the episode guide.

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