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Hannah McCoy from Sim Life Chronicles on The Sims 4 Gallery


Life Stage: Hannah McCoy as a young adult

Hannah McCoy is looking for love…in all the wrong places! Sweet but incredibly naive, Hannah has a tendancy to fall for charming players. She’s still searching to find her place in the world but she knows she’s destined to find her one true love and start a family of her own someday. Meanwhile, she’s getting by day to day at a job she hates, falling for all the wrong men, but always trying to keep a smile on her face during her search for true love.

Requires: Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Discover University, Island Living, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get to Work, Wedding Stories, Spa Day, Nifty Knitting, First Pet Stuff, Bowling Night Stuff, Vintage Glamour Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff



Hannah McCoy as a young adult.

Requires: Cats & Dogs, City Living


Hannah McCoy and Travis Scott with their kids. Caiden and Jarrett are in the child stage, while Casey, Carter, and Annabelle are toddlers.

Requires: Many packs (check on gallery)


Hannah McCoy and Travis Scott with their kids. Jarrett is a teenager. Caiden, Casey, Carter, and Annabelle are children.

Requires: Many packs (check on gallery)


Hannah McCoy and Travis Scott with their kids. Jarrett is a young adult. Caiden, Casey, Carter, and Annabelle are teenagers.

Requires: Many packs (check on gallery)

More Coming Soon

Teenage Versions


Life Stage: Teenage Hannah McCoy

Head back in time to before Hannah’s messy young adult love life. Growing up in the poshest neighborhood of Willow Creek, Hannah rebelled against being everything her parents were: fancy, snobby, and rich. Even though her upbringing left her with hints of the rich life (that castle wedding dream!), she spent her high school years sneaking out, partying with friends, and falling in love with every guy she met along the way.


Life Stage: Teenage Travis Scott

After his dad disappeared in Strangerville when he was a kid, Travis and his mom moved their entire life to Evergreen Harbor. Living by the train tracks and out of a shipping container, they don’t have much but the clothes on their back. Times are tough but there is nothing this mother-son duo can’t face as long as they have each other.


Life Stage: Teenage Summer Holiday and Liberty Lee

From the Hannah McCoy Story Teen Years, Summer Holiday lives in a small home with her lazy, juiced up klepto dad, and her best friend Liberty Lee, who moved in after her parents disappeared.


Life Stage: Teenage J Huntington III

J Huntington as a teenager was quite the lady’s man. He grew up in the preppiest neighborhood in town with his parents J and Kiki.


Life Stage: Brent Hecking

As a teenager, Brent Hecking lives with his single dad, Peter, a fisherman, in Foundry Cove. Brent’s best friend is Hannah McCoy (even though her parents do NOT approve since Brent is far from high society life). The two love sneaking out after dark and camping by the old train track in Foundry Cove while gossiping about school, boys, and every bit of teen drama imaginable.

More Coming Soon…

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