Sims 4 Story Synopsis

Companion to Season 14, Chapter 286

For a rare moment in their life, Jamie and Caiden take a romantic horseback ride through the country and enjoy a drama free day.


Jamie stepped outside the door, setting her feet on the wooden deck. She took a deep breath as she smelled the fresh air.

It’s such a beautiful day, she thought to herself as she watched the sun beam over the rolling hills. In the distance, she saw Caiden brushing their horse, Fortitude. He stood there shirtless with a cowboy hat tilted over his eyes. His chiseled abs glistened as the sunlight accentuated them.

He climbed up onto Fortitude and tapped him on the side, heading towards Jamie.

“Well howdy there, ma’am. I saw you watching me from across the creek. Do you need a helping hand with anything?” he smiled playfully.

Jamie chuckled. She loved Caiden’s playful side. After everything they had been through, she admired his ability to live in the moment and bring out her own playful side.

This bonus story is part of “The Legacy of Hannah McCoy” Season 14. For more episodes from the latest season, please visit the episode guide.

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