Sims 4 Story Synopsis

Companion to Season 14, Chapter 268

Jamie wrestles with whether or not to call her father, Don, to inform him about her engagement to Caiden.



The wooden floorboards squeaked as Jamie paced around the loft’s living room with the phone in her hand.

I really should call him, she thought to herself as she looked at the ring on her finger.

Caiden and Jamie were going to The Scott house for a family gathering and she felt oddly conflicted about leaving her dad out of her life.

Ever since she moved out of Don’s house, Jamie felt unsure about what kind of relationship she wanted with her dad, if any. He had done such a wonderful thing by giving her the money to start a life with Travitha. However, with an entire lifetime of always choosing to be selfish, was one shining moment of selflessness really enough to fix that?

Not really, she thought. Still though, he’s my dad and he deserves to know I’m engaged. Maybe he’d even want to celebrate it with us. He was so disappointed about missing my birthday.

As she continued to pace, Travitha walked down the stairs.

“You okay, Jamie?” Travitha asked with a concerned half smile.

“I was thinking about calling Dad,” Jamie shrugged.

Travitha grimaced. “Why? He doesn’t care about us. I doubt he’s even thought about us since we left.”

This bonus story is part of “The Legacy of Hannah McCoy” Season 14. For more episodes from the latest season, please visit the episode guide.

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