When Hannah arrived home from work at 7pm on Monday night, Don woke up from his nap and gave her a dip kiss hello.
After she went to sleep, he jumped in the shower… “I’ll be in bed soon.”
Or not.
He called up Dina Caliente to meet him at the club. Candy saw him and was not pleased.
Don didn’t care as Candy pouted and Jade ran passed. He had his nightly mission and nobody was going to stop him.
By midnight, he and Dina were woohooing in the closet.
Afterwards, he found Candy and told her how great she looked. She was hurt from seeing him with Dina but she shrugged it off.
And within an hour, they were in Don’s favorite closet!
Don went back upstairs to the club and had to choose between Jade or a new woman. He picked the new one of course.
She was a little harder to pursue but eventually, she fell for his charm too.
He left the club a bit later than he intended but he was still home by 5:30am to cook breakfast.
When Hannah woke up, he greeted her with a kiss.
Hannah left for work excited: It was Tuesday…which means her Bach Party is tonight after work!
She arrived at her party and Travis pulled out his glass of nectar: “To the beautiful bride-to-be who we all adore, may we wish her all the happiness in the world. She deserves nothing less than to be happy and feel loved, every day for the rest of her life.”
Hannah went over to Summer. They had become better friends and she wanted Summer to be her other friend of honor.
Summer and Hannah went to sing some karaoke, and Travis walked behind them, gazing at Hannah. She’s a terrible singer but boy is she cute when she tries, he thought to himself.
Beaming with happiness, she continued her horrible singing with Summer.
She ordered the most expensive drink on the menu, Sea of Fire for everyone but as she went to grab hers, Brent’s husband Brant showed up and grabbed her drink.
She was less than thrilled.
But even without a drink in her hand, she had fun chatting with her friends.
They laughed about the trash advice she got right in this very bar. She had finally found her gem, right? She no longer had to search through the trash.
Travis asked Hannah to sing a song with him.
The two of them were so in sync as they sang their hearts out. Travis loved seeing Hannah smile and he could listen to her terrible singing all day.
Suddenly for a single moment when Hannah looked at Travis, she felt her heart flutter. That was weird, she thought to herself. She brushed off the feeling. After all, this is Travis.
As everyone left the lounge, Travis stayed behind to spend more time with Hannah. With wedding day jitters setting in, she confessed to him that sometimes she’s still worried Don will break her heart.
Travis pretended to the best of his ability to be shocked by this revelation.
“Are you sure about this guy, Hannah? Are you sure he’s the one?”
Travis nervously, half jokingly said to her: “Maybe there’s someone else out there for you. Someone geekier…someone into computers. I don’t know…”
Hannah punched him playfully on the shoulder. “You’re hilarious, Travis.”
His expression fell as he realized she’ll only ever see him as a friend.
“Thank you for making me giggle, Travis. I needed the laugh. With the wedding, everything has been so stressful, I’m clearly just having jitters. I know Don is the one.”
She giggled again and Travis awkwardly giggled back.
“Thank you for being my best friend, Travis,” she said as she gave him a friendly hug.
But Travis held her for just a little longer this time.
Did that hug feel like something more? Hannah thought to herself.
That early morning when she left the lounge, Hannah arrived home. Don was in the bath. We can only assume why.
After Hannah left for work, Don was sitting at the table eating breakfast, when Travis walked up to the door… What happens next?
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When Hannah arrived home from work at 7pm on Monday night, Don woke up from his nap and gave her a dip kiss hello.
After she went to sleep, he jumped in the shower… “I’ll be in bed soon.”
Or not.
He called up Dina Caliente to meet him at the club. Candy saw him and was not pleased.
Don didn’t care as Candy pouted and Jade ran passed. He had his nightly mission and nobody was going to stop him.
By midnight, he and Dina were woohooing in the closet.
Afterwards, he found Candy and told her how great she looked. She was hurt from seeing him with Dina but she shrugged it off.
And within an hour, they were in Don’s favorite closet!
Don went back upstairs to the club and had to choose between Jade or a new woman. He picked the new one of course.
She was a little harder to pursue but eventually, she fell for his charm too.
He left the club a bit later than he intended but he was still home by 5:30am to cook breakfast.
When Hannah woke up, he greeted her with a kiss.
Hannah left for work excited: It was Tuesday…which means her Bach Party is tonight after work!
She arrived at her party and Travis pulled out his glass of nectar: “To the beautiful bride-to-be who we all adore, may we wish her all the happiness in the world. She deserves nothing less than to be happy and feel loved, every day for the rest of her life.”
Hannah went over to Summer. They had become better friends and she wanted Summer to be her other friend of honor.
Summer and Hannah went to sing some karaoke, and Travis walked behind them, gazing at Hannah.   She’s a terrible singer but boy is she cute when she tries, he thought to himself.
Beaming with happiness, she continued her horrible singing with Summer.
She ordered the most expensive drink on the menu, Sea of Fire for everyone but as she went to grab hers, Brent’s husband Brant showed up and grabbed her drink.
She was less than thrilled.
But even without a drink in her hand, she had fun chatting with her friends.
They laughed about the trash advice she got right in this very bar. She had finally found her gem, right? She no longer had to search through the trash.
Travis asked Hannah to sing a song with him.
The two of them were so in sync as they sang their hearts out. Travis loved seeing Hannah smile and he could listen to her terrible singing all day.
Suddenly for a single moment when Hannah looked at Travis, she felt her heart flutter. That was weird, she thought to herself. She brushed off the feeling. After all, this is Travis.
As everyone left the lounge, Travis stayed behind to spend more time with Hannah. With wedding day jitters setting in, she confessed to him that sometimes she’s still worried Don will break her heart.
Travis pretended to the best of his ability to be shocked by this revelation.
“Are you sure about this guy, Hannah? Are you sure he’s the one?”
Travis nervously, half jokingly said to her: “Maybe there’s someone else out there for you. Someone geekier…someone into computers. I don’t know…”
Hannah punched him playfully on the shoulder. “You’re hilarious, Travis.”
His expression fell as he realized she’ll only ever see him as a friend.
“Thank you for making me giggle, Travis. I needed the laugh. With the wedding, everything has been so stressful, I’m clearly just having jitters. I know Don is the one.”
She giggled again and Travis awkwardly giggled back.
“Thank you for being my best friend, Travis,” she said as she gave him a friendly hug.
But Travis held her for just a little longer this time.
Did that hug feel like something more? Hannah thought to herself.
That early morning when she left the lounge, Hannah arrived home. Don was in the bath. We can only assume why.
After Hannah left for work, Don was sitting at the table eating breakfast, when Travis walked up to the door…  What happens next?
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“Are We More Than Friends?”

Season 1 | Episode 8

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The 24 Theme concludes as Don spends another evening out; Hannah Bachelorette party brings out unexpected feelings for her best friend.

Fun Facts

  • Coming Soon

Before: Go to Season 1, Episode 7

Next: Go to Season 1, Episode 9

Go to Season 1 Episode Guide

Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Hannah McCoy (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Don Lothario (Base Game)
  • Travis Scott (Base Game)
  • Summer Holiday (Base Game)
  • Dina Caliente (Base Game)
  • Jade Rosa (Sims 4 Get Together)
  • Candy Behr (Sims 4 Get Together)
  • Penny Pizzazz (Sims 4 City Living)
  • Becca
  • Brent Hecking (Sims 4 Cats and Dogs)
  • Random Woman at Club

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Hannah McCoy House (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Discotheque Pan Europa (Sims 4 Get Together)
  • Stargazer Lounge (Sims 4 City Living)

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