Season 5, Episode 4, Chapter 65

Christie invited Jarrett to the pier for an after prom. “So trash… pretty interesting stuff, huh?” He said.
“Huh??” She stared at him.
“Want to go on a ride with me?” He said.
She wasn’t so sure…but what’s the harm? She thought.
On the Cuddle Carts, Jarrett tried to make a romantic gesture.
It was not well received.
When they got off the ride, a random teenage boy named Nicolas, walked over to talk to Jarrett.
Jarrett smiled at him. He was eager to make new friends.
As they chatted, Christie pulled out her phone in boredom.
“I’m a giant sea monster! Rawrrr!” He said.
Nicolas found Jarrett’s awkwardness and weirdness endearing. Christie stared at him thinking, not this again.
Hehehehe, he chuckled.
Nicolas smiled. Jarrett was pretty cute.
“So you two seem to be hitting it off…” Christie said, trying to pave her way to leave.
“Not as much as us!” Jarrett said eagerly, giving her a quick kiss.
“Oh…so she’s your girlfriend?” Nicolas said. Christie side eyed awkwardly.
“What can I say? I’m a lucky man!” Jarrett said.
Nicolas invited Jarrett to take a photo with him in the booth and the two wandered off, leaving Christie behind.
In the distance she heard them chatting, completely oblivious to the fact she didn’t come along.
Thank god. She thought.
The two stepped out of the booth after taking some friendly photos.
And Christie made a quick exit.
“That was fun! We should find Christie now.”
Nicolas looked at him and smiled. He wanted Jarrett to forget about Christie.
Nicolas and Jarrett walked down to the dock to look for her.
“I think she left,” said Nicolas, as he stared randomly at his phone.
“Well this has been great. I better go!”
“Unless… you want to stay here with me?” Said Nicolas.
“I like you!” He blurted out.
Jarrett was caught off guard. Nicolas was kind of cute…
So he held Nicolas’ hands in his…
And Nicolas looked into Jarrett’s eyes.
Do I like Nicolas romantically? Jarrett thought to himself.
He is so cute, Nicolas thought.
Jarrett abruptly pulled his hands back. He wasn’t sure if he had feelings for Nicolas or not. After all, he really liked Christie and it was clear (to him) she really liked him too.
Nicolas smiled hopefully.
And then he pulled Jarrett in for an embrace.
Jarrett hugged him tightly.
And then as he pulled out of the embrace, Jarrett decided to try to kiss Nicolas goodbye. He wasn’t sure if he was into him, but he figured what the heck?
As he left to go home, he smiled. Two kisses in one night! And people thought he was socially awkward! He sure showed them!
Back at Summer’s house, Summer decided it was time to get a wig and try on a new look…
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Christie invited Jarrett to the pier for an after prom. “So trash… pretty interesting stuff, huh?” He said.
“Huh??” She stared at him.
“Want to go on a ride with me?” He said.
She wasn’t so sure…but what’s the harm? She thought.
On the Cuddle Carts, Jarrett tried to make a romantic gesture.
It was not well received.
When they got off the ride, a random teenage boy named Nicolas, walked over to talk to Jarrett.
Jarrett smiled at him. He was eager to make new friends.
As they chatted, Christie pulled out her phone in boredom.
“I’m a giant sea monster! Rawrrr!” He said.
Nicolas found Jarrett’s awkwardness and weirdness endearing. Christie stared at him thinking, not this again.
Hehehehe, he chuckled.
Nicolas smiled. Jarrett was pretty cute.
“So you two seem to be hitting it off…” Christie said, trying to pave her way to leave.
“Not as much as us!” Jarrett said eagerly, giving her a quick kiss.
“Oh…so she’s your girlfriend?” Nicolas said. Christie side eyed awkwardly.
“What can I say? I’m a lucky man!” Jarrett said.
Nicolas invited Jarrett to take a photo with him in the booth and the two wandered off, leaving Christie behind.
In the distance she heard them chatting, completely oblivious to the fact she didn’t come along.
Thank god. She thought.
The two stepped out of the booth after taking some friendly photos.
And Christie made a quick exit.
“That was fun! We should find Christie now.”
Nicolas looked at him and smiled. He wanted Jarrett to forget about Christie.
Nicolas and Jarrett walked down to the dock to look for her.
“I think she left,” said Nicolas, as he stared randomly at his phone.
“Well this has been great. I better go!”
“Unless… you want to stay here with me?” Said Nicolas.
“I like you!” He blurted out.
Jarrett was caught off guard. Nicolas was kind of cute…
So he held Nicolas’ hands in his…
And Nicolas looked into Jarrett’s eyes.
Do I like Nicolas romantically? Jarrett thought to himself.
He is so cute, Nicolas thought.
Jarrett abruptly pulled his hands back. He wasn’t sure if he had feelings for Nicolas or not. After all, he really liked Christie and it was clear (to him) she really liked him too.
Nicolas smiled hopefully.
And then he pulled Jarrett in for an embrace.
Jarrett hugged him tightly.
And then as he pulled out of the embrace, Jarrett decided to try to kiss Nicolas goodbye. He wasn’t sure if he was into him, but he figured what the heck?
As he left to go home, he smiled. Two kisses in one night! And people thought he was socially awkward! He sure showed them!
Back at Summer’s house, Summer decided it was time to get a wig and try on a new look…
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