Season 5, Episode 3, Chapter 64

Jarrett headed off to prom.
He didn’t have time to get dressed up so he arrived in his t-shirt and shorts. He was thrilled to hit the dance floor.
He walked to the ballot box and voted for Christie for prom queen. She’s so nice, she deserves to win, he thought.
Being as cool as ever, he walked up to her and said, “I voted for you.”
“Cause you’re so nice,” he said awkwardly.
Jarrett sat down at the table and chatted to Christie. “Do you want to have one dance with me?” She asked trying to be inclusive.
As Jarrett wrapped his arms around Christie‘s waist, he smiled at her. I have a girlfriend! He thought to himself.
Why is he smiling at me like that? Christie wondered uncomfortably.
The principal gathered everyone. It was time to announce the prom queen!
As the principal announced Christie as the winner, Jarrett stared at her lovingly.
“Yay!! Christie!” He clapped.
“Thanks so much everyone!” Christie said.
“Christie, now that you’re my queen, I need to declare my love for you,” Jarrett said. “Umm…what??” She said staring at him.
He began to sing, “From the moment we met in my bedroom, I knew you were the one, my majesty. I voted so many times…La la la…”
Christie plugged her ears as she was dying of embarrassment. The principal stared at Jarrett. What was this boy doing? She thought.
“You’re the love of my life!!!!” He continued to sing louder and louder.
Oh boy.
This is so fricken uncomfortable, Christie plugged her ears even more.
“Will yooooou be my girlfriend, ohhhh Christie!” He finished.
Jarrett smiled hopefully.
Jarrett jumped up onstage and took her hands.
And kissed them.
He was a bit of a dork but suddenly Christie felt charmed by his awkward ways.
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Jarrett headed off to prom.
He didn’t have time to get dressed up so he arrived in his t-shirt and shorts. He was thrilled to hit the dance floor.
He walked to the ballot box and voted for Christie for prom queen. She’s so nice, she deserves to win, he thought.
Being as cool as ever, he walked up to her and said, “I voted for you.”
“Cause you’re so nice,” he said awkwardly.
Jarrett sat down at the table and chatted to Christie. “Do you want to have one dance with me?” She asked trying to be inclusive.
As Jarrett wrapped his arms around Christie‘s waist, he smiled at her. I have a girlfriend! He thought to himself.
Why is he smiling at me like that? Christie wondered uncomfortably.
The principal gathered everyone. It was time to announce the prom queen!
As the principal announced Christie as the winner, Jarrett stared at her lovingly.
“Yay!! Christie!” He clapped.
“Thanks so much everyone!” Christie said.
“Christie, now that you’re my queen, I need to declare my love for you,” Jarrett said. “Umm…what??” She said staring at him.
He began to sing, “From the moment we met in my bedroom, I knew you were the one, my majesty. I voted so many times…La la la…”
Christie plugged her ears as she was dying of embarrassment. The principal stared at Jarrett. What was this boy doing? She thought.
“You’re the love of my life!!!!” He continued to sing louder and louder.
Oh boy.
This is so fricken uncomfortable, Christie plugged her ears even more.
“Will yooooou be my girlfriend, ohhhh Christie!” He finished.
Jarrett smiled hopefully.
Jarrett jumped up onstage and took her hands.
And kissed them.
He was a bit of a dork but suddenly Christie felt charmed by his awkward ways.
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