Season 4, Episode 7, Chapter 50

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As they waited for Jarrett to join them inside, Hannah reminisced about her days at Sunnycreek High.
“Once, Mortimer Goth wandered the halls pretending to be a duck.”
“He was like, quack quack. Quack quack.”
Travis laughed awkwardly. Hannah was so cute trying to relive her high school days.
When Jarrett came and joined them, Hannah was excited to share the old myths of Sunnycreek High.
“Rumor has it that Sunnycreek is full of mystical energy!”
Jarrett cocked an eyebrow and looked at Travis. Has my mom totally lost it? He thought.
Travis raised his eyebrow, looking at Hannah. She should probably go back to that duck story, he thought.
Hannah was determined to make the school seem super cool and interesting. She started telling a story…“Back when I was in high school, there were always rumors that after dark, ghosts would wander these halls.”
Travis stood there shocked. Oh no! She was telling Jarrett a ghost story about his new school.
Ghosts?!? Here?!? At night?!? It’s nighttime right now!! He thought.
“The ghosts would haunt the halls and make the chairs dance…”
Ahhhh! Not the chairs!! They gasped.
“Rumor has it, the source of all the mystical energy here comes from the library. Want to see it?”
Hannah led Travis and Jarrett to the library. Jarrett walked slowly behind.
“This is where the giant monster attacked!”
Travis looked around. Really? The library? He thought.
“And the vampires would always come wandering in here, looking to turn whoever stayed here too late into a vampire, like them.”
She was really committed to the story now. There was no turning back. “They’d walk in with their creepy vampire walk and say, ‘If you don’t study, I’m gonna bite you!”
“And that’s why so many students graduated with A’s!”
“The end!” She said.
Jarrett looked at Hannah. That was the most ridiculous story he had ever heard but his mom seemed so excited about it, he didn’t want to break it to her that he didn’t believe a word of it…or almost a word of it (the ghosts did sound pretty scary…)
“Oh I forgot to mention… there were also vampire bats…”
Can I read you a book? Hannah said to Jarrett. “Sure,” he shrugged. It couldn’t be weirder than the story she just told him.
Back in Newcrest, Don sat on the couch. His headache had not gone away.
He needed to seek his revenge on Travis and Hannah. He needed… Summer. Things are about to get real interesting and you don’t want to miss it. Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next.
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As they waited for Jarrett to join them inside, Hannah reminisced about her days at Sunnycreek High.
“Once, Mortimer Goth wandered the halls pretending to be a duck.”
“He was like, quack quack. Quack quack.”
Travis laughed awkwardly. Hannah was so cute trying to relive her high school days.
When Jarrett came and joined them, Hannah was excited to share the old myths of Sunnycreek High.
“Rumor has it that Sunnycreek is full of mystical energy!”
Jarrett cocked an eyebrow and looked at Travis. Has my mom totally lost it? He thought.
Travis raised his eyebrow, looking at Hannah. She should probably go back to that duck story, he thought.
Hannah was determined to make the school seem super cool and interesting. She started telling a story…“Back when I was in high school, there were always rumors that after dark, ghosts would wander these halls.”
Travis stood there shocked. Oh no! She was telling Jarrett a ghost story about his new school.
Ghosts?!? Here?!? At night?!? It’s nighttime right now!! He thought.
“The ghosts would haunt the halls and make the chairs dance…”
Ahhhh! Not the chairs!! They gasped.
“Rumor has it, the source of all the mystical energy here comes from the library. Want to see it?”
Hannah led Travis and Jarrett to the library. Jarrett walked slowly behind.
“This is where the giant monster attacked!”
Travis looked around. Really? The library? He thought.
“And the vampires would always come wandering in here, looking to turn whoever stayed here too late into a vampire, like them.”
She was really committed to the story now. There was no turning back. “They’d walk in with their creepy vampire walk and say, ‘If you don’t study, I’m gonna bite you!”
“And that’s why so many students graduated with A’s!”
“The end!” She said.
Jarrett looked at Hannah. That was the most ridiculous story he had ever heard but his mom seemed so excited about it, he didn’t want to break it to her that he didn’t believe a word of it…or almost a word of it (the ghosts did sound pretty scary…)
“Oh I forgot to mention… there were also vampire bats…”
Can I read you a book? Hannah said to Jarrett. “Sure,” he shrugged. It couldn’t be weirder than the story she just told him.
Back in Newcrest, Don sat on the couch. His headache had not gone away.
He needed to seek his revenge on Travis and Hannah. He needed… Summer.  Things are about to get real interesting and you don’t want to miss it. Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next.
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