Season 4, Episode 2, Chapter 45

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The next morning, Hannah took the the twins and Annabelle outside to play in the sprinklers.
And while Hannah snuggled Annabelle…
Travis played with the twins.
When suddenly, Travis called everyone inside: it was time to celebrate Caiden’s birthday!
Happy birthday, Caiden!
While the twins had each other and Jarrett was off doing his own thing, Caiden embraced the role of being Annabelle’s big brother.
He was very protective of her and she just adored snuggling him.
Caiden was always up for an adventure and trying new things. He tried doing homework with Jarrett…which was his least favorite activity, by far. Jarrett, on the other hand loved it when he solved a problem quickly!
Caiden played soccer in the house…and managed not to break anything. He was very well coordinated.
And every morning before school, he’d run off to the park to play and explore.
Caiden loved being adventurous and free spirited.
After school, Caiden and Jarrett hit the backyard for some soccer practice.
Unfortunately. Jarrett wasn’t nearly as athletic and hit Caiden straight in the face with the ball.
“Oh my gosh!! Im so sorry, Caiden!” Jarret exclaimed as Caiden hit the ground.
Caiden shook it off and headed inside to try some karaoke with Hannah. He loved singing a few songs with his mom!
And then headed back outside to try the telescope.
As he snuggled Buttercup, he wondered to himself what he liked most that day. Was he going to be an athlete? A college student? A singer? A scientist? There were so many possibilities!
As Love Day approached, Travis asked Hannah out for a date night. Life was hectic with their big family — it would be nice to have a night as just the two of them! As Travis and Hannah headed out for Love Day, they got some unexpected guests during dinner. Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens.
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The next morning, Hannah took the the twins and Annabelle outside to play in the sprinklers.
And while Hannah snuggled Annabelle…
Travis played with the twins.
When suddenly, Travis called everyone inside: it was time to celebrate Caiden’s birthday!
Happy birthday, Caiden!
While the twins had each other and Jarrett was off doing his own thing, Caiden embraced the role of being Annabelle’s big brother.
He was very protective of her and she just adored snuggling him.
Caiden was always up for an adventure and trying new things. He tried doing homework with Jarrett…which was his least favorite activity, by far. Jarrett, on the other hand loved it when he solved a problem quickly!
Caiden played soccer in the house…and managed not to break anything. He was very well coordinated.
And every morning before school, he’d run off to the park to play and explore.
Caiden loved being adventurous and free spirited.
After school, Caiden and Jarrett hit the backyard for some soccer practice.
Unfortunately. Jarrett wasn’t nearly as athletic and hit Caiden straight in the face with the ball.
“Oh my gosh!! Im so sorry, Caiden!” Jarret exclaimed as Caiden hit the ground.
Caiden shook it off and headed inside to try some karaoke with Hannah. He loved singing a few songs with his mom!
And then headed back outside to try the telescope.
As he snuggled Buttercup, he wondered to himself what he liked most that day. Was he going to be an athlete? A college student? A singer? A scientist? There were so many possibilities!
As Love Day approached, Travis asked Hannah out for a date night. Life was hectic with their big family — it would be nice to have a night as just the two of them!  As Travis and Hannah headed out for Love Day, they got some unexpected guests during dinner. Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens.
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