Season 3, Episode 9, Chapter 40

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As Hannah headed out to leave, a swarm of fans lined up in front of her…and Don jumped in front. “You’re not going anywhere, Hannah.”
“I’m going to show these paparazzi you’re not nearly as sweet as you seem. I’m going to ruin your reputation.”
“Go ahead and try Don. I’m a good sim. There’s nothing you can say or do that will be push me that far.”
“Go on. I’m waiting.”
“How about that you left me for another man?” He exclaimed, trying to show off for the cameras. “You were cheating on me the entire time we were together. It was an emotional affair Hannah and it hurt me every single day. It’s all I could think about every night, when I was lying awake in bed.”
“Lying awake in bed? Who’s bed, Don? Because it definitely wasn’t mine. In fact, I’m sure someone in that movie theater next door is your love child.”
But I’m usually so careful… he thought to himself as the terror set in.
He shook off her comment. “You betrayed me Hannah. You act so innocent but you’re bad news.”
Hannah stood there. How did she ever have feelings for this man?! She thought to herself.
“Don, I don’t know what your problem is. Don’t you have a million women flocking to your doorstep? Is it because I walked away? You can’t handle it?”
Don took out the drink he had been saving in his pocket.
But when he went to throw it, it was frozen.
Now he was embarrassed. That didn’t go as planned.
He looked at Hannah with a glare in his eyes and shoved her back.
“This isn’t over, Hannah.”
Hannah looked at him with disgust.
Don creepily took her hands, hoping the paparazzi would snap a photo.
He tried to kiss them.
“Ewwww! As if. What on earth are you doing Don?!” Hannah shouted.
“That was literally the grossest thing ever,” she cringed.
“Oh, really? Really? The grossest thing ever?” Don mocked her. “You’re making yourself look stupid, Hannah.”
Don turned and headed towards the exit. “You haven’t seen the last of me.”
While Hannah stood in the bar dumbfounded by her encounter with Don, Don headed elsewhere… straight to her house to get his revenge on Travis. Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next.
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As Hannah headed out to leave, a swarm of fans lined up in front of her…and Don jumped in front. “You’re not going anywhere, Hannah.”
“I’m going to show these paparazzi you’re not nearly as sweet as you seem. I’m going to ruin your reputation.”
“Go ahead and try Don. I’m a good sim. There’s nothing you can say or do that will be push me that far.”
“Go on. I’m waiting.”
“How about that you left me for another man?” He exclaimed, trying to show off for the cameras. “You were cheating on me the entire time we were together. It was an emotional affair Hannah and it hurt me every single day. It’s all I could think about every night, when I was lying awake in bed.”
“Lying awake in bed? Who’s bed, Don? Because it definitely wasn’t mine. In fact, I’m sure someone in that movie theater next door is your love child.”
But I’m usually so careful… he thought to himself as the terror set in.
He shook off her comment. “You betrayed me Hannah. You act so innocent but you’re bad news.”
Hannah stood there. How did she ever have feelings for this man?! She thought to herself.
“Don, I don’t know what your problem is. Don’t you have a million women flocking to your doorstep? Is it because I walked away? You can’t handle it?”
Don took out the drink he had been saving in his pocket.
But when he went to throw it, it was frozen.
Now he was embarrassed. That didn’t go as planned.
He looked at Hannah with a glare in his eyes and shoved her back.
“This isn’t over, Hannah.”
Hannah looked at him with disgust.
Don creepily took her hands, hoping the paparazzi would snap a photo.
He tried to kiss them.
“Ewwww! As if. What on earth are you doing Don?!” Hannah shouted.
“That was literally the grossest thing ever,” she cringed.
“Oh, really? Really? The grossest thing ever?” Don mocked her. “You’re making yourself look stupid, Hannah.”
Don turned and headed towards the exit. “You haven’t seen the last of me.”
While Hannah stood in the bar dumbfounded by her encounter with Don, Don headed elsewhere… straight to her house to get his revenge on Travis.  Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next.
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