Season 3, Episode 7, Chapter 38

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With a big day ahead of her, the two of them got changed for the award show and headed to an early brunch.
“No matter what happens tonight Hannah, I am so proud of you. You have worked so hard to get to this point in your career.”
My wife is absolutely stunning, Travis thought to himself as he stared at Hannah.
Hannah beamed. After winning her last award, she wasn’t as nervous this time. Not because she expected to win, but because she no longer felt she needed to in order to prove her talent.
As Octavia Moon’s child rushed to take a picture with Hannah, Travis watched.
He admired her ability to just drop everything to take a picture with a fan. She was always so courteous.
They arrived to the award show early for Hannah to appear on the red carpet. Before they headed to the press line, Travis took some photos of her on her big night.
This red carpet sure was different than the last time, Travis thought to himself, looking around at all of the paparazzi and fans.
Hannah wrapped her arm around Travis’ as she posed for the camera.
Travis wasn’t used to the attention, at all. He was so nervous as the paparazzi snapped his photo too!
He stepped aside. He wanted Hannah to enjoy her moment.
As the paparazzi shouted towards her, Travis watched. “You’ve got this sweetheart!”
Travis couldn’t help himself as he beamed with pride. He joined the press line and snapped some photos of Hannah too.
After the photos, fans lined up for Hannah’s autograph.
“It is so nice to meet you,” she graciously said while signing.
It was wild to finally feel like a star on the red carpet.
After signing autographs, Travis and Hannah headed inside and made the most of their time while waiting for the show to start.
The award show came and went. Hannah didn’t get an award this time.
Hannah walked off to leave. “It’s okay, I didn’t get an award tonight,” she thought to herself. “This entire evening was more than I could’ve ever dreamed of.”
Unfortunately, as she left, she discovered she had gained a stan after her big night.
Back home, Buttercup watched Caiden paint the floor.
And she decided it would be fun to let Caiden paint her too.
When Hannah arrived home with Travis in the middle of the night, Caiden came to greet her…along with her new Stan.
After Hannah got Caiden inside, Travis confronted her stan. “Stay away from my wife, my kids, and my house.”
The stan stood back, “But you have the door wide opened. You’re not even blocking it. It’s like you want me to come inside!”
“No! You have to leave. Hannah deserves a private life and we do not want someone creeping around our property.”
Travis slammed the front door shut. “Get out of here, now.”
After the stan ran off, Travis headed inside. Hannah had made him a birthday cake to celebrate! He was officially middle aged!
Hannah cheered! “Congratulations husband!” She shouted.
Hannah gave Buttercup a big snuggle. Besides her stan, everything in life seemed to be going so well finally. She has the perfect husband, the perfect kids, the perfect house, the perfect job… and Summer was out of their lives. Finally, all of the drama was in the past. Or so she thought… As dawn was approaching, she made plans to meet up with her old friend J for drinks in the evening. Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next.
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With a big day ahead of her, the two of them got changed for the award show and headed to an early brunch.
“No matter what happens tonight Hannah, I am so proud of you. You have worked so hard to get to this point in your career.”
My wife is absolutely stunning, Travis thought to himself as he stared at Hannah.
Hannah beamed. After winning her last award, she wasn’t as nervous this time. Not because she expected to win, but because she no longer felt she needed to in order to prove her talent.
As Octavia Moon’s child rushed to take a picture with Hannah, Travis watched.
He admired her ability to just drop everything to take a picture with a fan. She was always so courteous.
They arrived to the award show early for Hannah to appear on the red carpet. Before they headed to the press line, Travis took some photos of her on her big night.
This red carpet sure was different than the last time, Travis thought to himself, looking around at all of the paparazzi and fans.
Hannah wrapped her arm around Travis’ as she posed for the camera.
Travis wasn’t used to the attention, at all. He was so nervous as the paparazzi snapped his photo too!
He stepped aside. He wanted Hannah to enjoy her moment.
As the paparazzi shouted towards her, Travis watched. “You’ve got this sweetheart!”
Travis couldn’t help himself as he beamed with pride. He joined the press line and snapped some photos of Hannah too.
After the photos, fans lined up for Hannah’s autograph.
“It is so nice to meet you,” she graciously said while signing.
It was wild to finally feel like a star on the red carpet.
After signing autographs, Travis and Hannah headed inside and made the most of their time while waiting for the show to start.
The award show came and went. Hannah didn’t get an award this time.
Hannah walked off to leave. “It’s okay, I didn’t get an award tonight,” she thought to herself. “This entire evening was more than I could’ve ever dreamed of.”
Unfortunately, as she left, she discovered she had gained a stan after her big night.
Back home, Buttercup watched Caiden paint the floor.
And she decided it would be fun to let Caiden paint her too.
When Hannah arrived home with Travis in the middle of the night, Caiden came to greet her…along with her new Stan.
After Hannah got Caiden inside, Travis confronted her stan.  “Stay away from my wife, my kids, and my house.”
The stan stood back, “But you have the door wide opened. You’re not even blocking it. It’s like you want me to come inside!”
“No! You have to leave. Hannah deserves a private life and we do not want someone creeping around our property.”
Travis slammed the front door shut. “Get out of here, now.”
After the stan ran off, Travis headed inside. Hannah had made him a birthday cake to celebrate! He was officially middle aged!
Hannah cheered! “Congratulations husband!” She shouted.
Hannah gave Buttercup a big snuggle. Besides her stan, everything in life seemed to be going so well finally. She has the perfect husband, the perfect kids, the perfect house, the perfect job… and Summer was out of their lives. Finally, all of the drama was in the past.  Or so she thought…  As dawn was approaching, she made plans to meet up with her old friend J for drinks in the evening.  Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next.
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