Back at the Scott house, Travis prepared the barbecue.
“Well it looks like those kebabs turned out perfect!” he thought.
As he set them down on the table, suddenly the barbecue caught fire…and so did he!
While everyone watched the barbecue go up in flames, none of them noticed Travis was also on fire.
“Where’s Caiden when you need him? Who’s going to put out this fire?” Casey asked.
“Uh! Guys! A little help here!” Travis said.
Hannah turned around and spotted Travis on fire. “Oh my gosh!” she said has she quickly extinguished him.
At the same time, the sprinkler turned on and put out the barbecue.
“No more barbecues for you, you hear me. They’re too risky,” Hannah said as she hugged Travis tightly.
“I can’t ever lose you. I won’t,” she said.
After Travis showered, the two of them headed straight to bed to woohoo and live in the moment.
After all, the days were moving faster now and they never knew when it could be the end.
Meanwhile, Casey stood in the bathroom preparing for his valedictorian speech. He pulled out one he wrote when he first started high school.
“Whether I become a financial planner or a lawyer, I know I’m going to be richer than every single one of you! And I’m okay with that!”
“After all, my success is what counts right?”
“This is terrible. Why did I ever write this speech? How can I show everyone I’m a mature young adult now with a speech like this?” he said to himself.
Casey ran out to ask his parents for advice. “You guys! I’m in so much trouble. I thought I had the speech all ready. I wrote it the day I became a teenager, but it’s absolutely going to bomb.”
Hannah side eyed Travis. “Well honey, we could’ve told you that.”
“Really? When did you hear this speech?” Casey asked.
“We heard you rehearsing it when you were younger son…and honestly, we were quite worried.”
“You couldn’t have told me this sooner? My speech is this weekend.”
“I just hoped that you’d realize it on your own, Casey.”
“Oh. Right,” Casey said. “Well…okay. Looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do.”
Casey walked off to head to the computer and type his new speech.
“I can’t believe he was actually going to run with that,” Travis laughed.
As Casey sat down to write his speech, the computer broke.
“Are you kidding me?” he said.
“This is definitely the world’s payback for me acting like a total llama isn’t it?”
“Ugh! What am I going to do?!” he sighed in frustration.
The Scott family arrived at the school’s autitorium for Casey’s graduation.
“Thank you so much for coming, Jarrett,” Casey said as he greeted him.
As everyone sat down, Casey got up on stage ready to give his speech. Are you ready to hear what he has to say? Keep following to find out what he’s learned through all of his teen angst.
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Back at the Scott house, Travis prepared the barbecue.
"Well it looks like those kebabs turned out perfect!" he thought.
As he set them down on the table, suddenly the barbecue caught fire...and so did he!
While everyone watched the barbecue go up in flames, none of them noticed Travis was also on fire.
"Where's Caiden when you need him? Who's going to put out this fire?" Casey asked.
"Uh! Guys! A little help here!" Travis said.
Hannah turned around and spotted Travis on fire. "Oh my gosh!" she said has she quickly extinguished him.
At the same time, the sprinkler turned on and put out the barbecue.
"No more barbecues for you, you hear me. They're too risky," Hannah said as she hugged Travis tightly.
"I can't ever lose you. I won't," she said.
After Travis showered, the two of them headed straight to bed to woohoo and live in the moment.
After all, the days were moving faster now and they never knew when it could be the end.
Meanwhile, Casey stood in the bathroom preparing for his valedictorian speech. He pulled out one he wrote when he first started high school.
"Whether I become a financial planner or a lawyer, I know I'm going to be richer than every single one of you! And I'm okay with that!"
"After all, my success is what counts right?"
"This is terrible. Why did I ever write this speech? How can I show everyone I'm a mature young adult now with a speech like this?" he said to himself.
Casey ran out to ask his parents for advice. "You guys! I'm in so much trouble. I thought I had the speech all ready. I wrote it the day I became a teenager, but it's absolutely going to bomb."
Hannah side eyed Travis. "Well honey, we could've told you that."
"Really? When did you hear this speech?" Casey asked.
"We heard you rehearsing it when you were younger son...and honestly, we were quite worried."
"You couldn't have told me this sooner? My speech is this weekend."
"I just hoped that you'd realize it on your own, Casey."
"Oh. Right," Casey said. "Well...okay. Looks like I've got a lot of work to do."
Casey walked off to head to the computer and type his new speech.
"I can't believe he was actually going to run with that," Travis laughed.
As Casey sat down to write his speech, the computer broke.
"Are you kidding me?" he said.
"This is definitely the world's payback for me acting like a total llama isn't it?"
"Ugh! What am I going to do?!" he sighed in frustration.
The Scott family arrived at the school's autitorium for Casey's graduation.
"Thank you so much for coming, Jarrett," Casey said as he greeted him.
As everyone sat down, Casey got up on stage ready to give his speech.    Are you ready to hear what he has to say? Keep following to find out what he's learned through all of his teen angst.
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Hannah saves Travis’ life; Casey tries to work on his valedictorian speech.

Did You Know?

  • I almost cut the barbecue fire storyline because of how many fires happen in the game. However, there is so few moments of Travis and Hannah now, I decided to keep it.

Before: Go to Season 14, Episode 20

Next: Go to Season 14, Episode 22

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle


  • The Scott Manor
  • Sunnydale High School Auditorium

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