The Little Moments
The next day at school, Annabelle tried to recruit more students to join her club. As she stood in the hallway, she struck up a conversation with another student. “This weekend, my club is going to collect some trash and turn it into bits and pieces!”
“Gee…isn’t that fascinating,” the student said.
Annabelle frowned. Apparently not everyone was into reusing and recycling trash.
Just then, another student turned around and walked over to her. “Did you say collect trash? That sounds awesome, Annabelle!” he said.
Annabelle followed him into the classroom. “Are you interested in joining World United?”
“Absolutely, Annabelle!”
“I need to collect some trash to throw into my enemies lockers!”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, it’s harmless. Just a little fun when I get a bit testy.”
“If we’re being upfront, I’m a bit of a hot head…but otherwise, I’m a super fun guy.”
“I think World United is actually full. Sorry,” she said staring at him. What was with all of the evil and hot headed sims at this school?
He glared at her. “Fine. If a space opens up though, you know where to find me. I could really use that trash.”
Back at Jarrett and Tomi’s cottage, Cheesy and Stinkpup were dancing in the living room.
“I’m going to do it,” Jarrett said.
“Hello? Random boss I’ve never met? Yeah! I’m quitting.”
The company tried their hardest to keep him on board. “Are you sure you really want to quit Jarrett? We really appreciate everything you’ve brought to the team.”
“I’m sure.”
As he hung up the phone, he took a deep breath. Change was scary. What if his cheesy eyeballs business was a failure?
He headed off to the bathroom to shave his beard and calm himself down.
“Cheesy? Where did Daddy go?” Tomi asked.
“Potty!” he smiled innocently.
When Jarrett came out, he kissed Tomi on the cheek. “You shaved,” she gushed. “I did…and I did something else too!”
“Listen, Tomi. I have something I need to tell you and I hope you’ll be okay with it,” he said.
As he told Tomi the news that he quit his job, Cheesy wandered over to their photo wall.
“Wow! Look how happy Mommy and Daddy were!” he thought.
“We’re opening a balls restaurant! Or a food stand. I’m not really quite sure yet but I want to fill every mouth in this town with my balls!”
Tomi looked at him.
And then broke into a smile. “That’s awesome Jarrett! Of course I support you one hundred percent!”
Jarrett kneeled down and hugged Cheesy.
“I’m doing this because of you son…life is too short not to spend it doing what you love with the sims you love most in this world.”
Cheesy giggled as Jarrett tickled him. He felt so free again. Are you excited for Jarrett and his new life plans? Keep following to see what happens next.
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The Little Moments
The next day at school, Annabelle tried to recruit more students to join her club. As she stood in the hallway, she struck up a conversation with another student. "This weekend, my club is going to collect some trash and turn it into bits and pieces!"
"Gee...isn't that fascinating," the student said.
Annabelle frowned. Apparently not everyone was into reusing and recycling trash.
Just then, another student turned around and walked over to her. "Did you say collect trash? That sounds awesome, Annabelle!" he said.
Annabelle followed him into the classroom. "Are you interested in joining World United?"
"Absolutely, Annabelle!"
"I need to collect some trash to throw into my enemies lockers!"
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, it's harmless. Just a little fun when I get a bit testy."
"If we're being upfront, I'm a bit of a hot head...but otherwise, I'm a super fun guy."
"I think World United is actually full. Sorry," she said staring at him. What was with all of the evil and hot headed sims at this school?
He glared at her. "Fine. If a space opens up though, you know where to find me. I could really use that trash."
Back at Jarrett and Tomi's cottage, Cheesy and Stinkpup were dancing in the living room.
"I'm going to do it," Jarrett said.
"Hello? Random boss I've never met? Yeah! I'm quitting."
The company tried their hardest to keep him on board. "Are you sure you really want to quit Jarrett? We really appreciate everything you've brought to the team."
"I'm sure."
As he hung up the phone, he took a deep breath. Change was scary. What if his cheesy eyeballs business was a failure?
He headed off to the bathroom to shave his beard and calm himself down.
"Cheesy? Where did Daddy go?" Tomi asked.
"Potty!" he smiled innocently.
When Jarrett came out, he kissed Tomi on the cheek. "You shaved," she gushed. "I did...and I did something else too!"
"Listen, Tomi. I have something I need to tell you and I hope you'll be okay with it," he said.
As he told Tomi the news that he quit his job, Cheesy wandered over to their photo wall.
"Wow! Look how happy Mommy and Daddy were!" he thought.
"We're opening a balls restaurant! Or a food stand. I'm not really quite sure yet but I want to fill every mouth in this town with my balls!"
Tomi looked at him.
And then broke into a smile. "That's awesome Jarrett! Of course I support you one hundred percent!"
Jarrett kneeled down and hugged Cheesy.
"I'm doing this because of you is too short not to spend it doing what you love with the sims you love most in this world."
Cheesy giggled as Jarrett tickled him. He felt so free again.  Are you excited for Jarrett and his new life plans? Keep following to see what happens next.
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Annabelle tries to meet some more classmates; Jarrett quits his job to pursue his passion for cheesy eyeballs.

Did You Know?

  • After Annabelle broke up with Ignacio, I was eager to find her some nice new friends. Unfortunately, it seemed every sim she met at school had some kind of bad trait whether it was evil, mean, or hot headed. She clearly has the worst luck!
  • The scene with Annabelle was played after the rest of the season took place and almost wasn’t included.

Before: Go to Season 14, Episode 19

Next: Go to Season 14, Episode 21

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle


  • Sunnydale High School
  • The McCoy Cottage

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