Born Ready
“Caiden, there were moments in my life where I thought I truly lost everything. Times I didn’t know if my heart could ever recover. And then I met you. This loving and witty man who knew exactly what I was feeling because to some degree, you had felt it too.”
“When we first met, I told you not to make a move on me.”
“Let the record show, that was her choice everyone. Not mine,” he said.
Jamie laughed.
“You listened because that’s what you do. You always listen. You slept on the couch just to make sure I was comfortable. You asked me not to fight the motherplant because you wanted to make sure I’d be safe, regardless of the risks it would pose to you.”
“You kissed me, only after I kissed you. And when I needed to age up, you helped me find the strength to do it because I knew with you by my side, anything was possible.”
As Travitha and Don continued to wail, Chloe looked like she was ready to jump into a ladderless pool.
“I once only saw my life completely alone. But you’ve given me love. A home. A family. A future that at one time I never saw possible. You’re my soulmate, Caiden Scott and I can’t wait to share the rest of our lives together.”
Caiden gushed as he looked at her. “I can’t wait for that either.”
“Are you ready to be my wife, Jamie?” he said as he felt the ring in his hand.
“I was born ready,” she said giving him her hand.
Caiden slid the ring onto her finger.
She stared into his eyes.
“You’re my wife, Mrs. Scott,” he said tearing up in disbelief.
“And you’re my husband,” she said sliding the ring onto his finger.
“Jamie,” he said looking at her.
“Yeah?” she smiled back at him.
Caiden took her hands in his. “I told you my heart would always be with you.”
Jamie stared into his eyes, beaming with affection. “Oh Caiden, I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he smiled.
The two of them then leaned in and shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
While they shared their moment together, Travitha and Don tried to have a conversation. Unfortunately, they discovered they had a very difficult dynamic.
As the family gathered outside for the reception…
Chloe thought it was best to strip down once again. Don was thrilled!
Jamie stared at the cake. “If I just don’t look up, I won’t see Chloe standing behind Caiden naked,” she thought to herself.
“Are you ready to try the best cake of your life?” Caiden smiled.
“Abso -” Jamie started to say as she looked up at Caiden’s face.
He had no idea Chloe was walking naked behind him.
“Oh wow Jamie! This is delicious!”
Just keep your eyes closed at all times, she thought as she ate a bite too.
“Would you like to sit down with me, my beautiful wife?” Caiden said. How long do you think it will take before Caiden notices? Keep following to find out.
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Born Ready
"Caiden, there were moments in my life where I thought I truly lost everything. Times I didn’t know if my heart could ever recover. And then I met you. This loving and witty man who knew exactly what I was feeling because to some degree, you had felt it too."
"When we first met, I told you not to make a move on me."
"Let the record show, that was her choice everyone. Not mine," he said.
Jamie laughed.
"You listened because that’s what you do. You always listen. You slept on the couch just to make sure I was comfortable. You asked me not to fight the motherplant because you wanted to make sure I’d be safe, regardless of the risks it would pose to you."
"You kissed me, only after I kissed you. And when I needed to age up, you helped me find the strength to do it because I knew with you by my side, anything was possible."
As Travitha and Don continued to wail, Chloe looked like she was ready to jump into a ladderless pool.
"I once only saw my life completely alone. But you’ve given me love. A home. A family. A future that at one time I never saw possible. You’re my soulmate, Caiden Scott and I can’t wait to share the rest of our lives together."
Caiden gushed as he looked at her. "I can't wait for that either."
"Are you ready to be my wife, Jamie?" he said as he felt the ring in his hand.
"I was born ready," she said giving him her hand.
Caiden slid the ring onto her finger.
She stared into his eyes.
"You're my wife, Mrs. Scott," he said tearing up in disbelief.
"And you're my husband," she said sliding the ring onto his finger.
"Jamie," he said looking at her.
"Yeah?" she smiled back at him.
Caiden took her hands in his. "I told you my heart would always be with you."
Jamie stared into his eyes, beaming with affection. "Oh Caiden, I love you so much."
"I love you too," he smiled.
The two of them then leaned in and shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
While they shared their moment together, Travitha and Don tried to have a conversation. Unfortunately, they discovered they had a very difficult dynamic.
As the family gathered outside for the reception...
Chloe thought it was best to strip down once again. Don was thrilled!
Jamie stared at the cake. "If I just don't look up, I won't see Chloe standing behind Caiden naked," she thought to herself.
"Are you ready to try the best cake of your life?" Caiden smiled.
"Abso -" Jamie started to say as she looked up at Caiden's face.
He had no idea Chloe was walking naked behind him.
"Oh wow Jamie! This is delicious!"
Just keep your eyes closed at all times, she thought as she ate a bite too.
"Would you like to sit down with me, my beautiful wife?" Caiden said.  How long do you think it will take before Caiden notices? Keep following to find out.
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Jamie shares her wedding vows with Caiden; the reception begins.

Did You Know?

  • When Jamie says, “I was born ready”, she’s referencing what Caiden said the first time they walked into the Secret Lab in Strangerville.
  • I was not in control of Chloe. She decided to strip down all on her own.

Before: Go to Season 14, Episode 11

Next: Go to Season 14, Episode 13

Go to Season 14 Episode Guide

Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle


  • Sunrise Botanical Gardens

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