Saving the World One Scott at a Time
“Okay everyone! I’m so glad you all could join me today! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there is quite a trash build up in this town.”
“Notice? I’ve been smelling it daily! It’s not good and it’s hurting the eco levels here in town! Not to mention, it’s just an eyesore,” exclaimed Milan.
“Alright! So lets brainstorm! What are some ways to improve the climate?”
“By being a good sim!” Taku chimed in.
“I mean…that’s a good start. But that’s not enough. We need to do more!”
“I’ve tried to steal as much trash as I could from town but now my inventory smells,” Peter said.
“Personally, I’d rather just clean up on my own. This whole group thing is weird,” Brynn said as she sat awkwardly in the middle of the couch. Charlie shrugged next to her. “We could just grow a community garden.”
Annabelle listened thoughtfully to everyone as she learned more about them. This was definitely an eclectic group.
“Alright,” Annabelle began, “I think first thing’s first. We need to go out and meet other sims. Really talk to the town! Get them to understand and petition for something better!” Milan was fully on board. “YES! Always something better!” he giddily exclaimed.
The other three group members though were less than thrilled. “Can I at least swipe their pockets at the same time?” Peter said.
“Would that really be improving and bettering the world, Peter?”
“It would certainly improve mine!”
The good sims all laughed. “You’re funny Peter! But no, lets not swipe anything unless it’s trash of course!”
“Yeah, I suppose I can live with that.”
Maybe I could recycle the scraps anyways, he thought. Although recycling some larger stolen goods would give me far more material.
“Alright you guys! I think this was a successful first meeting. I’m going to head out to a bar and see if I can get some community votes.”
Moriah chimed in. “Annabelle. I’m not fully confident that these guys are taking this as seriously as us.”
“I’ll stand outside alone while you sneak in and get the materials you need, okay?” Brynn said to Peter.
“I one hundred percent think they’re planning to steal stuff instead,” Moriah whispered.
“Just have some faith Moriah! Maybe they’ll only steal trash. That wouldn’t be so bad…would it?” Annabelle whispered.
“So it’s settled! Lets meet again next week and see where everybody is at!”
Annabelle pulled out her phone to call for a ride to the local bar.
As she sat inside observing the locals, she noticed someone staring at her from outside the window.
It was Iggy!
Was he stalking her now?!
With her newfound confidence, Annabelle walked outside to confront him. “What are you doing here, Ignacio?”
“I just thought I’d come to see you…maybe sit down and talk.”
“With you? That would be a really, REALLY, big no.” Looks like our girl has finally moved on! Will she send Iggy packing once and for all? Keep following to find out.
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Saving the World One Scott at a Time
"Okay everyone! I'm so glad you all could join me today! I don't know if you've noticed, but there is quite a trash build up in this town."
"Notice? I've been smelling it daily! It's not good and it's hurting the eco levels here in town! Not to mention, it's just an eyesore," exclaimed Milan.
"Alright! So lets brainstorm! What are some ways to improve the climate?"
"By being a good sim!" Taku chimed in.
"I mean...that's a good start. But that's not enough. We need to do more!"
"I've tried to steal as much trash as I could from town but now my inventory smells," Peter said.
"Personally, I'd rather just clean up on my own. This whole group thing is weird," Brynn said as she sat awkwardly in the middle of the couch. Charlie shrugged next to her. "We could just grow a community garden."
Annabelle listened thoughtfully to everyone as she learned more about them. This was definitely an eclectic group.
"Alright,” Annabelle began, “I think first thing's first. We need to go out and meet other sims. Really talk to the town! Get them to understand and petition for something better!" Milan was fully on board. "YES! Always something better!" he giddily exclaimed.
The other three group members though were less than thrilled. "Can I at least swipe their pockets at the same time?" Peter said.
"Would that really be improving and bettering the world, Peter?"
"It would certainly improve mine!"
The good sims all laughed. "You're funny Peter! But no, lets not swipe anything unless it's trash of course!"
"Yeah, I suppose I can live with that."
Maybe I could recycle the scraps anyways, he thought. Although recycling some larger stolen goods would give me far more material.
"Alright you guys! I think this was a successful first meeting. I'm going to head out to a bar and see if I can get some community votes."
Moriah chimed in. "Annabelle. I'm not fully confident that these guys are taking this as seriously as us."
"I'll stand outside alone while you sneak in and get the materials you need, okay?" Brynn said to Peter.
"I one hundred percent think they're planning to steal stuff instead," Moriah whispered.
"Just have some faith Moriah! Maybe they'll only steal trash. That wouldn't be so bad...would it?" Annabelle whispered.
"So it's settled! Lets meet again next week and see where everybody is at!"
Annabelle pulled out her phone to call for a ride to the local bar.
As she sat inside observing the locals, she noticed someone staring at her from outside the window.
It was Iggy!
Was he stalking her now?!
With her newfound confidence, Annabelle walked outside to confront him. "What are you doing here, Ignacio?"
"I just thought I'd come to see you...maybe sit down and talk."
"With you? That would be a really, REALLY, big no."  Looks like our girl has finally moved on! Will she send Iggy packing once and for all? Keep following to find out.
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Annabelle hosts her first World United meeting. Afterward, she encounters a former flame.

Did You Know?

  • I realized that Annabelle never actually “broke up” with Ignacio when she got the want to break up with him. Realizing it was time to rectify this oversight, I invited him to the lot so Annabelle could dump him once and for all.

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle

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