Gotta Secret, Can She Keep It?
As Chloe continued to talk to Travitha, Casey kept dwelling on Leila. “And then Leila said, no way. You’re just a baby! Like seriously?! Me?”
“I’ve been trying so hard to show her I’ve grown up. That even though I’m not a young adult yet, I’m ready for those next steps in life. I thought we could be friends. I even invited her, as a friend, to come with me tonight when I thought she was invited.”
“Casey. I don’t think Caiden wanted her here for this.”
“Did I just hear you invited Leila?” Jarrett fumed. All of those long hours working were finally causing him to hit his breaking point.
“Do you not remember the havoc she caused at my wedding with you and he-who-shall-not-be-named?”
“Woah. Jarrett. I’m sorry man. Honestly, I didn’t know Caiden wasn’t inviting her. I never would’ve asked had I known.”
Distracted from the commotion, Chloe paused. “Now where was I?”
“You were going to tell me where my Mommy is! Is she okay? Is she better? Is she happy now like me?” Travitha smiled.
“Oh poor little girl… she’d be happy if it wasn’t for —“
As she was about to spill Jamie and Caiden’s secret, Jamie spotted her. “I thought I told you to leave!”
“Ugh. Fine. I’ll tell the little brat later.”
“I’m outta here,” she said as she slouched walking off. All of that endless woohoo with Don was really affecting her posture.
“Listen. You guys don’t understand. This whole not aging thing is a real problem.” Jamie side eyed him. She would’ve given anything to have more days.
Carter suddenly chimed in. “You think that’s the biggest problem? Try living with a ghost who wants to unalive you just so you can join their band. Now THAT is a problem.”
Casey sighed. Not even his twin seemed to understand his pain.
Don couldn’t help but overhear. “As long as you’re getting to woo your hoo, the more days the merrier I say!”
Caiden had it. “Woo your hoo?! If you spent less time wooing your hoo, maybe you could’ve actually given your kids a childhood.”
“Now can everyone please just let us celebrate the night?!”
“Sorry,” Casey said ashamed.
“I’m serious Case. Not another peep out of you.”
Annabelle suddenly chimed in. “Hey! Are there any hot groomsmen around here? I think I’m ready to date again!”
Her parents and brothers all looked at each other. “Great. She better not pick another Iggy,” they simultaneously thought.
As the night came to a close, Casey and Don headed off. “Why am I like this. Maybe I need a vacation from life,” Casey thought. Don on the other hand thought, “I need a cool sports car to ride up in for the wedding! Wouldn’t that be awesome!?”
That night, Caiden and Jamie went to sleep soundly in their bed. It may have been a chaotic rehearsal dinner, but it was nothing they weren’t used to!
The next day after school, Annabelle decided to host a gathering for World United.
She was more than ready to do some good and start saving the world. How will Annabelle’s first meeting go?
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Gotta Secret, Can She Keep It?
As Chloe continued to talk to Travitha, Casey kept dwelling on Leila. “And then Leila said, no way. You’re just a baby! Like seriously?! Me?”
“I’ve been trying so hard to show her I’ve grown up. That even though I’m not a young adult yet, I’m ready for those next steps in life. I thought we could be friends. I even invited her, as a friend, to come with me tonight when I thought she was invited.”
“Casey. I don’t think Caiden wanted her here for this."
“Did I just hear you invited Leila?” Jarrett fumed. All of those long hours working were finally causing him to hit his breaking point.
“Do you not remember the havoc she caused at my wedding with you and he-who-shall-not-be-named?”
“Woah. Jarrett. I’m sorry man. Honestly, I didn’t know Caiden wasn’t inviting her. I never would’ve asked had I known.”
Distracted from the commotion, Chloe paused. “Now where was I?”
“You were going to tell me where my Mommy is! Is she okay? Is she better? Is she happy now like me?” Travitha smiled.
“Oh poor little girl… she’d be happy if it wasn’t for —“
As she was about to spill Jamie and Caiden’s secret, Jamie spotted her. “I thought I told you to leave!”
“Ugh. Fine. I’ll tell the little brat later.”
“I’m outta here,” she said as she slouched walking off. All of that endless woohoo with Don was really affecting her posture.
"Listen. You guys don't understand. This whole not aging thing is a real problem." Jamie side eyed him. She would've given anything to have more days.
Carter suddenly chimed in. "You think that's the biggest problem? Try living with a ghost who wants to unalive you just so you can join their band. Now THAT is a problem."
Casey sighed. Not even his twin seemed to understand his pain.
Don couldn't help but overhear. "As long as you're getting to woo your hoo, the more days the merrier I say!"
Caiden had it. "Woo your hoo?! If you spent less time wooing your hoo, maybe you could've actually given your kids a childhood."
"Now can everyone please just let us celebrate the night?!"
"Sorry," Casey said ashamed.
"I'm serious Case. Not another peep out of you."
Annabelle suddenly chimed in. "Hey! Are there any hot groomsmen around here? I think I'm ready to date again!"
Her parents and brothers all looked at each other. "Great. She better not pick another Iggy," they simultaneously thought.
As the night came to a close, Casey and Don headed off. "Why am I like this. Maybe I need a vacation from life," Casey thought. Don on the other hand thought, "I need a cool sports car to ride up in for the wedding! Wouldn't that be awesome!?"
That night, Caiden and Jamie went to sleep soundly in their bed. It may have been a chaotic rehearsal dinner, but it was nothing they weren't used to!
The next day after school, Annabelle decided to host a gathering for World United.
She was more than ready to do some good and start saving the world.  How will Annabelle’s first meeting go?
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The drama of the rehearsal dinner continues.

Did You Know?

  • It was a rare moment to see Jarrett in such a bad mood. I almost edited out that conversation since it seemed so out of character for him, but decided given the stress he’s been under, maybe it made sense!
  • Travitha’s optimism about Summer is a huge shift for her character and a testament to how Jamie and Caiden’s parenting has changed her.

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