That Weird Kid I Know
The next day at the Scott Ranch, Travitha decided to try riding her bike again. After crashing into a bush last time, she figured riding in the house would be safer.
Unfortunately, she was wrong. “How did this counter just jump out of nowhere?” she pouted.
“Caiden! I can’t seem to get this thing to work right,” she said peddling towards him.
He smiled as he arched his body to avoid getting hit. “Maybe we should try again outside?”
As they went outside, Travitha froze. “I don’t want to fall into a bush again… they’re so prickly.”
“We’ve got a lot more land here than we did at the loft! You’re going to do great!” Caiden said.
Travitha nervously rode off.
Afterwards, she went inside to work on her school project with Jamie. “And then Caiden said, let’s bike outside! And guess what Jamie?! I did it! I didn’t even hit a bush this time!” Travitha beamed just as she heard the doorbell ring.
Travitha opened the door. “Hey! Kid from the wedding shop! What are you doing here?”
“I had to search so many houses to find you! You never told me your name.”
“It’s Travitha,” she smiled. “I know you’re a Huntington but you never told me your name either.”
“It’s Harper… because my parents think I’m always harping on things.”
“I used to do that too. I’m really trying to work on that. Maybe you’ll get better!”
“That was a joke. My name just happens to be Harper.”
“Clever,” Travitha smiled teasingly.
“I didn’t come here for your sarcasm! I came here to play!” he scowled.
“My bad. I thought you came to help me clean up my room,” Travitha joked.
“Maybe I did.”
“Or maybe I just thought you were super cool and wanted to get to know you better.”
“You’re a weirdo, Harper. Maybe we can play another day?”
“I’ve got to go take a shower before dinner!” Travitha said as she walked off.
“You could’ve been smelly but whatever.”
As the door closed behind Travitha, Jamie spotted Harper. “Hi! Are you a friend of Travitha’s?”
“Who wants to know?” he glared.
“Umm…her sister and caregiver.”
“I didn’t come here to make friends with a parental figure,” he sneered.
“Well aren’t you just a fun kid to be around,” Jamie glared.
“If Travitha can’t hang, I’m gonna split. See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.”
Jamie stood there stunned. “Oh no! Random kid who entered my house doesn’t want to be me. Whatever will I do.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be back,” he said as he left.
Jamie walked into the kitchen. “Travitha needs some new friends ASAP. I thought this kid seemed nice when they first met. Boy was I wrong!”
“I don’t know what it is with the world. It seems like every time any of us meet a sim, they’re mean or evil lately.”
“Clearly we better get married soon and start populating the world with some of your genetics,” Jamie smiled.
“Speaking of the wedding,” Caiden said as he prepared dinner. “I’m going to need to go on one more treasure hunt before the big day! I want to give you the wedding of your dreams.”
“Caiden, you really don’t have to,” Jamie said as he pulled out his phone. “Yes, I absolutely do,” he said. “Don’t worry. It will be quick.”
“Hey— yeah. I need a rental for just one night,” he said to the travel agency. “Anywhere you’ve got available. I’ll be away from it most of the day anyways.”
“I promise, Jamie, I’ll be home before you know it,” Caiden said as she sat down to eat. Will this mission go as quickly and smoothly as Caiden hopes? Keep following to find out.
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That Weird Kid I Know
The next day at the Scott Ranch, Travitha decided to try riding her bike again. After crashing into a bush last time, she figured riding in the house would be safer.
Unfortunately, she was wrong. “How did this counter just jump out of nowhere?” she pouted.
“Caiden! I can’t seem to get this thing to work right,” she said peddling towards him.
He smiled as he arched his body to avoid getting hit. “Maybe we should try again outside?”
As they went outside, Travitha froze. “I don’t want to fall into a bush again… they’re so prickly.”
“We’ve got a lot more land here than we did at the loft! You’re going to do great!” Caiden said.
Travitha nervously rode off.
Afterwards, she went inside to work on her school project with Jamie. “And then Caiden said, let’s bike outside! And guess what Jamie?! I did it! I didn’t even hit a bush this time!” Travitha beamed just as she heard the doorbell ring.
Travitha opened the door. “Hey! Kid from the wedding shop! What are you doing here?”
“I had to search so many houses to find you! You never told me your name.”
“It’s Travitha,” she smiled. “I know you’re a Huntington but you never told me your name either.”
“It’s Harper… because my parents think I’m always harping on things.”
“I used to do that too. I’m really trying to work on that. Maybe you’ll get better!”
“That was a joke. My name just happens to be Harper.”
“Clever,” Travitha smiled teasingly.
“I didn’t come here for your sarcasm! I came here to play!” he scowled.
“My bad. I thought you came to help me clean up my room,” Travitha joked.
“Maybe I did.”
“Or maybe I just thought you were super cool and wanted to get to know you better.”
“You’re a weirdo, Harper. Maybe we can play another day?”
“I’ve got to go take a shower before dinner!” Travitha said as she walked off.
“You could’ve been smelly but whatever.”
As the door closed behind Travitha, Jamie spotted Harper. “Hi! Are you a friend of Travitha’s?”
“Who wants to know?” he glared.
“Umm…her sister and caregiver.”
“I didn’t come here to make friends with a parental figure,” he sneered.
“Well aren’t you just a fun kid to be around,” Jamie glared.
“If Travitha can’t hang, I’m gonna split. See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.”
Jamie stood there stunned. “Oh no! Random kid who entered my house doesn’t want to be me. Whatever will I do.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be back,” he said as he left.
Jamie walked into the kitchen. “Travitha needs some new friends ASAP. I thought this kid seemed nice when they first met. Boy was I wrong!”
“I don’t know what it is with the world. It seems like every time any of us meet a sim, they’re mean or evil lately.”
“Clearly we better get married soon and start populating the world with some of your genetics,” Jamie smiled.
“Speaking of the wedding,” Caiden said as he prepared dinner. “I’m going to need to go on one more treasure hunt before the big day! I want to give you the wedding of your dreams.”
“Caiden, you really don’t have to,” Jamie said as he pulled out his phone. “Yes, I absolutely do,” he said. “Don’t worry. It will be quick.”
“Hey— yeah. I need a rental for just one night,” he said to the travel agency. “Anywhere you’ve got available. I’ll be away from it most of the day anyways.”
“I promise, Jamie, I’ll be home before you know it,” Caiden said as she sat down to eat.  Will this mission go as quickly and smoothly as Caiden hopes? Keep following to find out.
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Travitha gets a visit from her new friend; Caiden makes plans for one more treasure hunt before the wedding.

Did You Know?

  • I constantly tried to have Caiden teach Travitha to ride a bike but it glitched every time and wouldn’t let him.
  • I had such high hopes for Travitha’s friendship with Harper and was so disappointed when he was rude to Jamie! Once he was though, I realized I had to play into it and write him as such.

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle

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