Season 2, Episode 8, Chapter 26
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Travis quickly hung up the phone after Summer called. There was no way he was going. He continued to work on his computer.
Meanwhile, Hannah was having a rough pregnancy.
Travis’ pitched his new game idea at work but the CEO wanted to change it. Always being loyal though, he decided not to walk away and fight for his game there.
He made the right call and was steps away from a promotion!
While Hannah was walking around the house, Summer came by…again.
Hannah quickly tried to think of someone to hook Summer up with. Clearly she needed more options.
“There’s this actor I met on set, Mitchell. He’s super cute. Do you want me to set you up?”
Summer was less than enthused and shrugged. “I guess,” she said.
Summer followed Hannah inside and greeted Caiden.
“Hi there you cute little baby. Boy, you look just like your Daddy. You have his eyes.”
She picked up Caiden and cuddled him. “I wish I was your Mommy. Yes I do. Yes I do.”
Just before Travis arrived home from work, he was offered a promotion! He was thrilled to finally be on the programmer track after all of his hard work.
Meanwhile, Hannah was practicing her lines in the bathroom and Summer decided to run in and use the bathroom. Hannah awkwardly stated, “you know we have an outhouse you can use…”
Summer came out and stared at baby Caiden… he should be mine, she thought. Suddenly she saw Travis walk in. “It looks like someone needs to take their clothes off and get in the shower,” she said.
Travis, covered in sweat from a day of sitting in a hot office, threw his arms up, annoyed at her shameless flirting. “What are you doing here?” He said.
“I wanted to meet Caiden and spend some time with Hannah…I was just leaving,” Summer said. Travis watched her, suspicious of her intentions.
When Summer got outside, a bunch of bees attacked her, as if they knew she was up to no good.
Travis followed her outside. “I don’t want to feel unwelcome in your home, Travis. It really hurts me. We’re all friends, after all,” she said.
“Summer, we need space. We can’t just spend time together alone like we used to. I’m sorry. I know I said we could still be friends but I need some time to think about what that means for me,” Travis said.
That evening, Hannah went into labor and they headed to the hospital again!
As they checked in, Travis was super lovey dovey, rubbing Hannah’s belly.
The cat eared receptionist was beyond annoyed. “How stupid do they look”, she thought to herself as she rolled her eyes.
“Daddy gets to meet you soon!” Travis said happily.
While the man behind them yelled at them for holding up the line.
“Seriously? I can’t get to the front desk for my symptomless illness because you’re making out.”
“Get a room, people!” He shouted at them. The nurse behind him smiled. He thought it was hilarious.
The receptionist turned Hannah away and told her that while she was in labor, she wasn’t ready to give birth yet…mainly because no doctor was there so she’d just have to go home and try again later.
Hannah and Travis headed home and Hannah was stressed. “How am I having this baby if the hospital won’t take me?!” She yelled, frustrated. Then her phone rang. She was needed on set.
She arrived to hair and makeup in her hospital gown.
“Why are you here when you’re in labor?!” The stylist glared at her.
Hannah tried her best on set but she was having horrible labor pains.
The director was mad. The P.A. behind her was not.
Hannah tried to sing but her song kept coming out as “ooooo eeeee ooooo eeeee” as she labored through it.
“What on earth are you doing Hannah?!?”
“I’m in labor. And I feel like my water is about to break any minute.”
She picked up her coworker for their last scene: the big hug…and suddenly her water broke. She headed home as quickly as she could.
When she got home, Travis had bought a bassinet for the baby. But there was a surprise, Social Services dropped off an extra one for some reason…
Hannah labored in their bedroom.
As she labored, Hannah received a call from her agent that her performance that day wasn’t the best. No kidding. You try performing a scene while in the longest labor of your life, she thought to herself. Luckily, the agency was much more understanding than the studio.
Surprise! Not one, but TWO babies were born.
She and Travis had twin boys! Welcome to the family Carter and Casey. Now as a family of six, they had a lot to think about. After all, how were they ever going to fit in this tiny home?