Season 12 Episode 20 Chapter 241
“I don’t know if you remember me, I’m Tomi.”
“Hey Tomi! Thanks for letting me crash here.”
“About that actually… there’s been a slight change in plans,” she said with a friendly smile.
“Oh really?” he glared.
“It turns out, Jarrett and I are going to need our bed tonight after all. But you are more than welcome to crash on our couch.”
“Excuse me?! First you greet me empty handed. You don’t even offer me a cup of coffee —“ he fumed.
“And then YOU tell me I’m sleeping on that tiny little couch?”
“I’m going to choose to ignore most of that but honestly, you can’t just expect to drop into someone’s home uninvited and take their bed,” Tomi said trying to hold her smile.
“Well Tomi, if that’s how it’s going to be — if you’re going to be THAT rude of a hostess — fine, I’ll take the couch,” he said furiously.
Tomi sighed with relief. “Oh thank goodness!” she thought.
“It’s baby making time!” she accidentally squealed out loud.
He stared at her.
I hope this room is sound proof, he thought.
Tomi quickly pulled Jarrett into the bedroom to try for a baby.
Down below, his friend sat in the office, distracting himself on the laptop. “I don’t hear anything, I don’t hear anything,” he repeated to himself.
“Woohoo!!!!” Jarrett yelled out.
“We definitely made a baby tonight,” Tomi smiled. “No doubt about it, my sunshine,” Jarrett gleamed.
Tomi quickly ran to the outhouse to take a pregnancy test.
As Jarrett made the bed, he heard a voice behind him. “Jarrett… are you sitting down? I have something I need to tell you.” Who’s there? Is it good news or bad news? Keep following.
He sat down concerned. “What is it Tomi? Are you okay?”
“I’m pregnant,” she squealed doing a happy dance.
Jarrett stared at her dazed.
“You’re going to be a Daddy!”
His eyes welled with tears.
“Are you okay?” she smiled at him. “You’re not saying anything.”
“I’m going to be a Daddy!” he beamed.
He stood up and kissed her.
“This is the best news of my entire life,” he said looking into her eyes.
That night, as Jarrett went to bed…
Tomi converted the upstairs bathroom into a nursery.
And baby proofed it right away. A baby is on the way for Tomi and Jarrett and we’ve got only one chapter left of the season… will Jamie and Caiden find the magic cake? Keep following.
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Season 12 Episode 20 Chapter 241
“I don’t know if you remember me, I’m Tomi.”
“Hey Tomi! Thanks for letting me crash here.”
“About that actually… there’s been a slight change in plans,” she said with a friendly smile.
“Oh really?” he glared.
“It turns out, Jarrett and I are going to need our bed tonight after all. But you are more than welcome to crash on our couch.”
“Excuse me?! First you greet me empty handed. You don’t even offer me a cup of coffee —“ he fumed.
“And then YOU tell me I’m sleeping on that tiny little couch?”
“I’m going to choose to ignore most of that but honestly, you can’t just expect to drop into someone’s home uninvited and take their bed,” Tomi said trying to hold her smile.
“Well Tomi, if that’s how it’s going to be — if you’re going to be THAT rude of a hostess — fine, I’ll take the couch,” he said furiously.
Tomi sighed with relief. “Oh thank goodness!” she thought.
“It’s baby making time!” she accidentally squealed out loud.
He stared at her.
I hope this room is sound proof, he thought.
Tomi quickly pulled Jarrett into the bedroom to try for a baby.
Down below, his friend sat in the office, distracting himself on the laptop. “I don’t hear anything, I don’t hear anything,” he repeated to himself.
“Woohoo!!!!” Jarrett yelled out.
“We definitely made a baby tonight,” Tomi smiled. “No doubt about it, my sunshine,” Jarrett gleamed.
Tomi quickly ran to the outhouse to take a pregnancy test.
As Jarrett made the bed, he heard a voice behind him. “Jarrett… are you sitting down? I have something I need to tell you.”  Who’s there? Is it good news or bad news? Keep following.
He sat down concerned. “What is it Tomi? Are you okay?”
“I’m pregnant,” she squealed doing a happy dance.
Jarrett stared at her dazed.
“You’re going to be a Daddy!”
His eyes welled with tears.
“Are you okay?” she smiled at him. “You’re not saying anything.”
“I’m going to be a Daddy!” he beamed.
He stood up and kissed her.
“This is the best news of my entire life,” he said looking into her eyes.
That night, as Jarrett went to bed…
Tomi converted the upstairs bathroom into a nursery.
And baby proofed it right away.  A baby is on the way for Tomi and Jarrett and we’ve got only one chapter left of the season… will Jamie and Caiden find the magic cake? Keep following.
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Jarrett and Tomi’s baby making plans get thwarted when an old friend comes to visit.

Did You Know?

  • Facts Coming Soon

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle

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