Season 12 Episode 18 Chapter 239
“I love you Iggy and now I know that you love me too.”
He laughed.
“Oh Annabelle. My sweet, sweet Annabelle,” he smiled at her.
She looked back at him, beaming.
“This was all just so easy,” he said changing his tone.
“I really got you good. Didn’t I?”
“Psych!” he said jumping at her.
Annabelle jumped.
“Iggy… what? What are you talking about?”
“You honestly thought that I wanted to get back together with you?”
“I knew if I came here, I could complete my mission. To prove to Caiden that I could get in your pants any day of the week.”
She gasped. “But… I thought you loved me.”
“Love you? Annabelle, I hate everything about you. I always have. That perky smile. That gentle soul. I only got with you to mess with Caiden… and look how successful I was? I got you to f*** me in the shower.”
“WHAT?!” Travis shouted as he appeared behind Annabelle.
Travis threw his hands on his face and Annabelle looked at Iggy. She felt like she was blacking out. He couldn’t possibly be saying these horrible things to her.
“Dad… please. Can you just give us a minute? I need to talk to Iggy.”
“Talk to Iggy?! Talk to Iggy?” Travis was freaking out. “Okay, you talk to him. But I’m not leaving this room.”
Annabelle sat down with Ignacio on the bed. “Iggy. Please I don’t understand,” she said.
Travis frowned.
“Baby, I got everything I wanted from you. I played the game, I won, and now it’s time to get off the court,” he said.
“Don’t you dare speak to my daughter like that,” Travis said pointing at Ignacio.
“Oh! ‘Okay’. Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” Ignacio mocked him.
Annabelle looked down somberly as Ignacio smiled. “You broke my daughter’s heart,” Travis said. This isn’t over. What will happen next? Keep following.
Annabelle pulled out her textbook, trying to distract herself.
“I’d call you a cab,” Travis said pulling out his phone.
“But I think I’d rather you walk in the cold,” he said hanging up. “It’s getting late and it was raining today. I sure hope you don’t trip and fall asleep in a mud puddle out there.”
“Oh, actually, I do,” he said as Ignacio stood up.
“Get anything that you’ve ever left here and get out. You’re never stepping foot in this house again,” Travis said.
Travis sat down next to Annabelle as Ignacio turned back to say one last thing.
“Hey Mr. Scott. Pass on a message to Caiden for me. Tell him I might not be dominating the world yet, but I sure know how to dominate his sister in the shower.”
Travis was devastated.
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” Travis waved.
Ignacio headed to the door with a smirk on his face. “One day, when I’m the world dominator that I know I will be, I’ll be back.”
“Just you all wait and see,” he smiled as he left. Will he be back? Will Annabelle be okay? Keep following to find out.
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Season 12 Episode 18 Chapter 239
“I love you Iggy and now I know that you love me too.”
He laughed.
“Oh Annabelle. My sweet, sweet Annabelle,” he smiled at her.
She looked back at him, beaming.
“This was all just so easy,” he said changing his tone.
“I really got you good. Didn’t I?”
“Psych!” he said jumping at her.
Annabelle jumped.
“Iggy… what? What are you talking about?”
“You honestly thought that I wanted to get back together with you?”
“I knew if I came here, I could complete my mission. To prove to Caiden that I could get in your pants any day of the week.”
She gasped. “But… I thought you loved me.”
“Love you? Annabelle, I hate everything about you. I always have. That perky smile. That gentle soul. I only got with you to mess with Caiden… and look how successful I was? I got you to f*** me in the shower.”
“WHAT?!” Travis shouted as he appeared behind Annabelle.
Travis threw his hands on his face and Annabelle looked at Iggy. She felt like she was blacking out. He couldn’t possibly be saying these horrible things to her.
“Dad… please. Can you just give us a minute? I need to talk to Iggy.”
“Talk to Iggy?! Talk to Iggy?” Travis was freaking out. “Okay, you talk to him. But I’m not leaving this room.”
Annabelle sat down with Ignacio on the bed. “Iggy. Please I don’t understand,” she said.
Travis frowned.
“Baby, I got everything I wanted from you. I played the game, I won, and now it’s time to get off the court,” he said.
“Don’t you dare speak to my daughter like that,” Travis said pointing at Ignacio.
“Oh! ‘Okay’. Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” Ignacio mocked him.
Annabelle looked down somberly as Ignacio smiled. “You broke my daughter’s heart,” Travis said.  This isn’t over. What will happen next? Keep following.
Annabelle pulled out her textbook, trying to distract herself.
“I’d call you a cab,” Travis said pulling out his phone.
“But I think I’d rather you walk in the cold,” he said hanging up. “It’s getting late and it was raining today. I sure hope you don’t trip and fall asleep in a mud puddle out there.”
“Oh, actually, I do,” he said as Ignacio stood up.
“Get anything that you’ve ever left here and get out. You’re never stepping foot in this house again,” Travis said.
Travis sat down next to Annabelle as Ignacio turned back to say one last thing.
“Hey Mr. Scott. Pass on a message to Caiden for me. Tell him I might not be dominating the world yet, but I sure know how to dominate his sister in the shower.”
Travis was devastated.
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” Travis waved.
Ignacio headed to the door with a smirk on his face. “One day, when I’m the world dominator that I know I will be, I’ll be back.”
“Just you all wait and see,” he smiled as he left.  Will he be back? Will Annabelle be okay? Keep following to find out.
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Ignancio confessions his deepest truths to Annabelle; Travis walks in on an eventful conversation.

Did You Know?

  • Ignacio’s actions were all autonomous and always have been. I have never played his character.
  • Fans have hated his character so much that many have given him other names including Ignastio and Igshitio.

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle

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