Season 12 Episode 17 Chapter 238
Casey walked downstairs and found Travis. “Dad! This life extension thing is so unfair!”
“What are you talking about?” Travis said as Leila walked by with her head hanging low.
“You get to enjoy your teen years even longer son! It’s wonderful news!”
“Why couldn’t I have aged up before this happened?! Like you did, Dad?”
Travis stared at him. “Look, Casey. I know you’re upset about something right now, but bringing up the fact that I missed getting my life extended twice because of my birthday, isn’t really the best conversation. Okay?”
Casey cringed. “I’m sorry, Dad. I didn’t think. I just want to get Leila back. I love her. I would’ve done anything for her. But she just decided she couldn’t wait for me. I wasn’t worth it.”
“Oh Casey—“ he stared at him.
“One day, you’ll understand that everything happens for a reason. You just have to be patient,” he said as Annabelle came down the stairs behind him.
“If you’re meant to be together, there will be a sign one day,” he said as the doorbell rang.
Casey took a breath. “But you should’ve heard the things she said to me, Dad. She was so cold.”
As Casey and Travis finished their conversation and headed to bed, Annabelle answered the door. It was Iggy. Was this one of the signs her dad was talking about to Casey? she thought.
“Annabelle, why have you been ghosting me?” Ignacio said somberly.
They stepped inside. “Iggy…everyone says you’ve been mistreating me and I didn’t want to see it. I denied it until I was blue in the face but they’re right.”
“They’re right?! THEY’RE RIGHT? How can you say that? So that’s just it? They’re right and I’m wrong? After all of this?!”
“Annabelle— my sugarlips. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. How could you break my heart like this? Please don’t do this,” he said furiously.
Changing his tone, he pulled her in for a hug. “I can’t do life without you. Please, please give me another chance. I’ll treat you so right, I promise.”
His arms around her reminded her of just how much she missed him. “Iggy…” she sighed. “Do you mean it?”
“I’ll show you just how much I mean it,” he said after pulling out of their hug. “Will you go upstairs with me?”
Changing her tone completely, Annabelle smiled. “Of course, Iggy.”
While the rest of the house slept, Ignacio took Annabelle upstairs to the shower.
“You’re the greatest thing in my life, Annabelle,” he said as he went in for a kiss.
She was still feeling unsure about things but at the same time, she felt like she owed him a second chance. She felt so guilty about ghosting him.
As he kissed her, she felt herself become entranced.
“Are you joining me?” she said as she stepped into the shower. “Of course I am, Sugarlips,” he said.
And just like that, Annabelle messed around for the very first time with Iggy in the shower.
After getting out of the shower, Annabelle used the bathroom. Maybe Iggy was changing after all, she thought as he headed to her bedroom.
“You’re such a dumb unicorn,” Ignacio said to Annabelle’s stuffed animal.
“I’m gonna kick the **** out of you,” he said furiously as he punched it.
He quickly turned around when Annabelle walked back into the bedroom. “My Iggy. I have a question to ask you.”
“Will you promise to always be mine?” she said pulling out a promise ring.
“That depends Sugarlips, are you going to go awol on me again?”
“Never,” she said as she slid the promise ring onto his finger. Annabelle is promising herself to Iggy. Are they truly in it for the long haul? Keep following.
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Season 12 Episode 17 Chapter 238
Casey walked downstairs and found Travis. “Dad! This life extension thing is so unfair!”
“What are you talking about?” Travis said as Leila walked by with her head hanging low.
“You get to enjoy your teen years even longer son! It’s wonderful news!”
“Why couldn’t I have aged up before this happened?! Like you did, Dad?”
Travis stared at him. “Look, Casey. I know you’re upset about something right now, but bringing up the fact that I missed getting my life extended twice because of my birthday, isn’t really the best conversation. Okay?”
Casey cringed. “I’m sorry, Dad. I didn’t think. I just want to get Leila back. I love her. I would’ve done anything for her. But she just decided she couldn’t wait for me. I wasn’t worth it.”
“Oh Casey—“ he stared at him.
“One day, you’ll understand that everything happens for a reason. You just have to be patient,” he said as Annabelle came down the stairs behind him.
“If you’re meant to be together, there will be a sign one day,” he said as the doorbell rang.
Casey took a breath. “But you should’ve heard the things she said to me, Dad. She was so cold.”
As Casey and Travis finished their conversation and headed to bed, Annabelle answered the door. It was Iggy. Was this one of the signs her dad was talking about to Casey? she thought.
“Annabelle, why have you been ghosting me?” Ignacio said somberly.
They stepped inside. “Iggy…everyone says you’ve been mistreating me and I didn’t want to see it. I denied it until I was blue in the face but they’re right.”
“They’re right?! THEY’RE RIGHT? How can you say that? So that’s just it? They’re right and I’m wrong? After all of this?!”
“Annabelle— my sugarlips. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. How could you break my heart like this? Please don’t do this,” he said furiously.
Changing his tone, he pulled her in for a hug. “I can’t do life without you. Please, please give me another chance. I’ll treat you so right, I promise.”
His arms around her reminded her of just how much she missed him. “Iggy…” she sighed. “Do you mean it?”
“I’ll show you just how much I mean it,” he said after pulling out of their hug. “Will you go upstairs with me?”
Changing her tone completely, Annabelle smiled. “Of course, Iggy.”
While the rest of the house slept, Ignacio took Annabelle upstairs to the shower.
“You’re the greatest thing in my life, Annabelle,” he said as he went in for a kiss.
She was still feeling unsure about things but at the same time, she felt like she owed him a second chance. She felt so guilty about ghosting him.
As he kissed her, she felt herself become entranced.
“Are you joining me?” she said as she stepped into the shower. “Of course I am, Sugarlips,” he said.
And just like that, Annabelle messed around for the very first time with Iggy in the shower.
After getting out of the shower, Annabelle used the bathroom. Maybe Iggy was changing after all, she thought as he headed to her bedroom.
“You’re such a dumb unicorn,” Ignacio said to Annabelle’s stuffed animal.
“I’m gonna kick the **** out of you,” he said furiously as he punched it.
He quickly turned around when Annabelle walked back into the bedroom. “My Iggy. I have a question to ask you.”
“Will you promise to always be mine?” she said pulling out a promise ring.
“That depends Sugarlips, are you going to go awol on me again?”
“Never,” she said as she slid the promise ring onto his finger.  Annabelle is promising herself to Iggy. Are they truly in it for the long haul? Keep following.
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Travis gives Casey advice; Ignacio comes over to confront Annabelle about ghosting him.

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle

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