Season 12 Episode 9 Chapter 230
Jamie’s eyes bulged out. “Oh my god, Travitha,” she thought. She couldn’t just leave her here with Chloe.
“Oh my darling little girl. I’m sorry to tell you, that’s your Daddy. He and I did a little too much woohoo and he didn’t make it,” she paused. “But come. Sit down. I can be your new guide and teach you all of the ways to survive in this world and you can help me too,” Chloe said. “Just call me Mommy.”
Travitha sat down next to Chloe. “Now the first thing you need to learn is that if you woohoo the right men, you’ll never have to work a day in your life,” Chloe said.
“Fine, Chloe. You win. I won’t move out. Just please, don’t corrupt Travitha,” Jamie said somberly.
Jamie called up Caiden and met him at the park. “Caiden…” she cried.
“What’s wrong?” he said.
“Don is dead… and Chloe is pregnant.”
“And now Chloe is threatening to teach Travitha to become just like her if I don’t stay and take care of her baby.”
“This can’t be happening,” she frowned.
Caiden started to cry. “Jamie. What? This is just so unfair. You don’t deserve this. How could this happen?!”
Jamie was trying her hardest not to cry. “I can’t leave Travitha alone with her. This is my life now… or what’s left of it.”
“Jamie, this isn’t over. Your life isn’t over. We will figure this out.”
“Why don’t you move out? Take Travitha with you?”
“I’m a teenager, Caiden. I can’t just raise a child. I don’t even know where I’d live.”
“This isn’t over Jamie. Don’t give up. Okay? You hear me? Please. Listen to me,” he said looking at her as she was zoning out. “Jamie?”
Jamie pulled out the future cube. “You said my future was bright!” she yelled at it.
“You’re a liar!” she said to the cube as she threw it onto the ground.
Caiden grabbed her. “Jamie, your future is bright and there has to be something we can do. We can figure out anything, as long as we’re together.”
“No, Caiden. I don’t want you to be involved in this. You deserve to live your life.”
“You are my life,” Caiden said.
“Earth to Jamie!” Travitha said. “You’re such a freak.”
Jamie’s eyes bulged opened. She realized she had zoned out during their conversation.
Don stepped around the corner. “I’m not missing the football game, Chloe,” he said with a frown.
Chloe pulled Don in for a kiss. “Are you sure, lover?” she said as Jamie suddenly blurted out, “Oh thank god. It was all a dream!”
“No! It was not! Daddy left me here to starve and Chloe told me to go into the forest for scraps.”
“For goodness sakes!”
“Don can you just be a fricken parent?!?” she said furiously. “For once in your life! Put your children first.” Don looked at her.
But he got distracted when Chloe walked by him naked.
“Ewww.” Are you relieved that Don is alive? Don’t miss a new chapter.
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Season 12 Episode 9 Chapter 230
Jamie’s eyes bulged out. “Oh my god, Travitha,” she thought. She couldn’t just leave her here with Chloe.
“Oh my darling little girl. I’m sorry to tell you, that’s your Daddy. He and I did a little too much woohoo and he didn’t make it,” she paused. “But come. Sit down. I can be your new guide and teach you all of the ways to survive in this world and you can help me too,” Chloe said. “Just call me Mommy.”
Travitha sat down next to Chloe. “Now the first thing you need to learn is that if you woohoo the right men, you’ll never have to work a day in your life,” Chloe said.
“Fine, Chloe. You win. I won’t move out. Just please, don’t corrupt Travitha,” Jamie said somberly.
Jamie called up Caiden and met him at the park. “Caiden…” she cried.
“What’s wrong?” he said.
“Don is dead… and Chloe is pregnant.”
“And now Chloe is threatening to teach Travitha to become just like her if I don’t stay and take care of her baby.”
“This can’t be happening,” she frowned.
Caiden started to cry. “Jamie. What? This is just so unfair. You don’t deserve this. How could this happen?!”
Jamie was trying her hardest not to cry. “I can’t leave Travitha alone with her. This is my life now… or what’s left of it.”
“Jamie, this isn’t over. Your life isn’t over. We will figure this out.”
“Why don’t you move out? Take Travitha with you?”
“I’m a teenager, Caiden. I can’t just raise a child. I don’t even know where I’d live.”
“This isn’t over Jamie. Don’t give up. Okay? You hear me? Please. Listen to me,” he said looking at her as she was zoning out. “Jamie?”
Jamie pulled out the future cube. “You said my future was bright!” she yelled at it.
“You’re a liar!” she said to the cube as she threw it onto the ground.
Caiden grabbed her. “Jamie, your future is bright and there has to be something we can do. We can figure out anything, as long as we’re together.”
“No, Caiden. I don’t want you to be involved in this. You deserve to live your life.”
“You are my life,” Caiden said.
“Earth to Jamie!” Travitha said. “You’re such a freak.”
Jamie’s eyes bulged opened. She realized she had zoned out during their conversation.
Don stepped around the corner. “I’m not missing the football game, Chloe,” he said with a frown.
Chloe pulled Don in for a kiss. “Are you sure, lover?” she said as Jamie suddenly blurted out, “Oh thank god. It was all a dream!”
“No! It was not! Daddy left me here to starve and Chloe told me to go into the forest for scraps.”
“For goodness sakes!”
“Don can you just be a fricken parent?!?” she said furiously. “For once in your life! Put your children first.” Don looked at her.
But he got distracted when Chloe walked by him naked.
“Ewww.” Are you relieved that Don is alive? Don’t miss a new chapter.
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Jamie grapples with a shocking twist of fate and what that means for her and Caiden’s future.

Did You Know? (Major Spoiler Alert)

  • After playing through Don’s death and the conversation between Jamie and Caiden, I began regretting what had happened. As Don was one of my favorite characters to write for, I was imagining all of the future stories I’d lose. I wanted the opportunity to write Don as a grandparent and father-in-law. So instead of saving, I quit the game.
  • I almost didn’t use any of the scenes from the “Don’s death” gameplay. However, I decided while writing the season it could be a great dream sequence to help propel Jamie’s character forward.

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle

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