Season 12, Episode 1, Chapter 222
Jarrett headed over to the cupcake display, grinning as he spotted the cowplant cake topper.
“Eat with caution everyone! You know what happens if you take cake from a cowplant,” Jarrett joked with a smile. Ignacio smiled behind him. If only it was real and actually would eat all of these people, he thought.
As Jarrett got the knife ready, Tomi joined him.
As they cut the cake, Jamie sighed from behind them. She felt so embarrassed wearing her wedding themed prom dress to their wedding. Unfortunately with the Travitha, Don, and Chloe fiasco that was her home life, she didn’t have time to pick out something else.
“Oh Jarrett this cake looks delicious!” Tomi beamed.
They fed each other a bite as Ignacio approached Annabelle. “I feel like those eyeballs are watching me…” he said, side eyeing the food display.
Jarrett’s cheesy eyeballs were sitting proudly on display by the champagne.
As the sun set, Jarrett and Tomi hit the dance floor for their very first dance as husband and wife. “1, 2, 3,” Jarrett counted to set the beat.
They started kicking out their feet as their faces grew serious. “Do you remember the steps, Tomi?” Jarrett whispered.
“Not remotely!” Tomi said as the two of them started winging it.
Jarrett grabbed Tomi’s hand, ready to spin her into a dip kiss. At least that part he remembered, he thought to himself.
But instead she got confused and dipped Jarrett instead.
The guests all started gathering on the dance floor as Jamie looked for Caiden.
“Oh Iggy, look how wonderful this is! You here with my family and nobody is bothering us. I think they’re all starting to come around,” Annabelle said.
“We’ll see,” Ignacio said as he stepped back from Annabelle. “I’ll be on the dance floor in a second, Jamie,” Caiden said as he spotted her. He was so tired from the long day. He had to sit down for a moment.
Travis and Hannah danced together. “Can you believe we’re dancing at our son’s wedding?” Travis beamed, “You look beautiful tonight, Hannah.”
Casey danced with Leila as she stood a step back from him. “Casey, I’m a young adult now. We can’t be all lovey dovey like we used to… not until you age up,” she said with a smile.
Caiden joined Jamie on the dance floor. “What do you think? Me in a tux? You in… well — that exact same jaw dropping dress,” he smiled. “Getting our own wedding arch and saying I do?”
Jamie gazed at him. “Someday, Caiden Scott. Someday.”
Hannah walked over to Jarrett and asked him to dance. “What do you think? One dance with your mom?” she smiled.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he smiled back.
“I am so proud of the man you’ve become, Jarrett. You and Tomi really are perfect for each other and you both couldn’t be luckier,” she smiled.
On the other side of the floor, Travis danced with Tomi.
“I always thought I’d only have one daughter…but I was wrong,” he said.
Travis spun Tomi out. “If you and Jarrett ever need anything, we’re here for you both. Always,” he said.
Jamie kissed Caiden on the cheek. “You should try to have a dance with your sister. Maybe you two can finally makeup,” she said. He was so tired, but he knew Jamie was right.
“Annabelle, can I have this dance with you?” he asked as she took his hand and accepted. Will Annabelle and Caiden make up? Keep following to find out.
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Season 12, Episode 1, Chapter 222
Jarrett headed over to the cupcake display, grinning as he spotted the cowplant cake topper.
“Eat with caution everyone! You know what happens if you take cake from a cowplant,” Jarrett joked with a smile. Ignacio smiled behind him. If only it was real and actually would eat all of these people, he thought.
As Jarrett got the knife ready, Tomi joined him.
As they cut the cake, Jamie sighed from behind them. She felt so embarrassed wearing her wedding themed prom dress to their wedding. Unfortunately with the Travitha, Don, and Chloe fiasco that was her home life, she didn’t have time to pick out something else.
“Oh Jarrett this cake looks delicious!” Tomi beamed.
They fed each other a bite as Ignacio approached Annabelle. “I feel like those eyeballs are watching me…” he said, side eyeing the food display.
Jarrett’s cheesy eyeballs were sitting proudly on display by the champagne.
As the sun set, Jarrett and Tomi hit the dance floor for their very first dance as husband and wife. “1, 2, 3,” Jarrett counted to set the beat.
They started kicking out their feet as their faces grew serious. “Do you remember the steps, Tomi?” Jarrett whispered.
“Not remotely!” Tomi said as the two of them started winging it.
Jarrett grabbed Tomi’s hand, ready to spin her into a dip kiss. At least that part he remembered, he thought to himself.
But instead she got confused and dipped Jarrett instead.
The guests all started gathering on the dance floor as Jamie looked for Caiden.
“Oh Iggy, look how wonderful this is! You here with my family and nobody is bothering us. I think they’re all starting to come around,” Annabelle said.
“We’ll see,” Ignacio said as he stepped back from Annabelle. “I’ll be on the dance floor in a second, Jamie,” Caiden said as he spotted her. He was so tired from the long day. He had to sit down for a moment.
Travis and Hannah danced together. “Can you believe we’re dancing at our son’s wedding?” Travis beamed, “You look beautiful tonight, Hannah.”
Casey danced with Leila as she stood a step back from him. “Casey, I’m a young adult now. We can’t be all lovey dovey like we used to… not until you age up,” she said with a smile.
Caiden joined Jamie on the dance floor. “What do you think? Me in a tux? You in… well — that exact same jaw dropping dress,” he smiled. “Getting our own wedding arch and saying I do?”
Jamie gazed at him. “Someday, Caiden Scott. Someday.”
Hannah walked over to Jarrett and asked him to dance. “What do you think? One dance with your mom?” she smiled.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he smiled back.
“I am so proud of the man you’ve become, Jarrett. You and Tomi really are perfect for each other and you both couldn’t be luckier,” she smiled.
On the other side of the floor, Travis danced with Tomi.
“I always thought I’d only have one daughter…but I was wrong,” he said.
Travis spun Tomi out. “If you and Jarrett ever need anything, we’re here for you both. Always,” he said.
Jamie kissed Caiden on the cheek. “You should try to have a dance with your sister. Maybe you two can finally makeup,” she said. He was so tired, but he knew Jamie was right.
“Annabelle, can I have this dance with you?” he asked as she took his hand and accepted.  Will Annabelle and Caiden make up? Keep following to find out.
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The family celebrates Jarrett and Tomi’s wedding at the reception.

Did You Know?

  • Instead of performing the “first dance”, I decided to have Jarrett and Tomi to do a dance step routine from “Get Together” instead! Afterwards, I had them perform the first dance and spliced together the two dances.
  • I chose the cowplant cake topper because it seemed quirky, like them.
  • Jarrett was walking like he had to use the bathroom, but oddly, he did not.
  • Caiden was truly exhausted from the two days without sleep and kept autonomously lying down to nap.

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