Season 2, Episode 2, Chapter 20

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The next morning, Jarrett woke up and cuddled Buttercup…
Hannah watered the garden (and Buttercup…)
Travis worked harder on losing his dad bod…
After boxing, he went for a run down to the ocean…
And finished his workout with a swim.
Hannah met him at the beach where they relaxed for an hour before she headed to her first day of work.
“I can’t believe we’re getting married tomorrow,” Hannah said. All of her dreams were coming true.
When Hannah arrived for her first day on set, she was giddy and a bundle of nerves! She talked the stylist’s ear off gabbing about this being her first day ever.
The stylist was less than thrilled.
She anxiously got ready before heading onto the set for the very first time.
After getting out of hair and makeup, she spotted Judith Ward on set and couldn’t help but fan girl like crazy.
She managed to get a photo with Judith and she was over the moon.
When she got on set, she froze. Should she play it safe or take a risk with something outlandish? She decided playing it safe was best…
But when it was time to tell a joke, she decided to take a risk and be over the top. The director didn’t mind, but he wasn’t over the moon. Her agent called when the gig was over to tell her she did a good enough job… When she got home, she went to sleep before their wedding. Travis, though, wasn’t home.
He was spending the morning shopping for all of the wedding details that Hannah couldn’t get around to while at her acting job.
Their intimate ceremony had arrived. As Travis walked down the aisle, he grinned. This was the best day of his life.
He waved at Buttercup as Buttercup barked happily.
And as Hannah approached, he gazed at her. “Wow”, he said to himself.
Trying to keep her eyes from welling up with happy tears, Hannah slowly breathed in and out.
Travis smiled at her as she approached.
And she looked at him, trying to keep herself as calm as possible. She had to get through their vows without crying.
“Everything was perfect. Like a dream come true,” Hannah thought to herself.
She broke into a smile as Buttercup joined her walking down, and Jarrett sat down to watch.
Travis took Hannah’s hand in his.
He squeezed her fingers gently, trying to help keep her calm.
“You are enchanting,” he said to her.
“Hannah, from the first moment I saw you, I knew you were the woman for me.”
“Of course, it took you over a year to know it too,” he joked. Hannah laughed, her cheeks slightly blushing.
“The way you first smiled at me, I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. And even now, I still feel that way when you look at me. You’re my angel. And every day, for the rest of our lives, I will continue to show you just how much you mean to me. You’re my everything Hannah, and I can’t wait to spend my life with you.”
“Travis, words can’t begin to describe the love I have for you. I grew up, never really knowing what love truly felt like. I thought it was something to be earned. But you changed that. You showed me just how beautiful and unconditional love can be. Even in my worst of times, you stood by me. You waited for me to come to my senses and see the magical love that was right in front of me. Every day, I’m so thankful that I found you. You are my best friend and my soul mate. And I can’t wait to spend our entire lives together.”
Summer walked beside them, hysterically crying from hearing the vows.
As Travis slipped the ring onto Hannah’s finger, Summer looked away with tears in her eyes. Hannah’s vows hit her hard. She thought to herself: did I friendzone him too? Here I had this great man…my best friend. We could’ve been together. This could’ve been me.
Hannah leaned in and kissed him, for their very first kiss as husband and wife.
Travis grabbed her and spun her around while pulling her into a deep kiss.
As the celebratory confetti dropped around them, they gazed into each other’s eyes.
“We did it!!” They said together.
Travis hugged Hannah tightly.
This day was everything Hannah had ever dreamt about.
As they walked back down the aisle, Travis stopped to hold her hands. “I am truly the luckiest man in the world,” he said. Meanwhile, Summer looked away, distracting herself by talking to little Jarrett. What’s going to happen next?
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The next morning, Jarrett woke up and cuddled Buttercup…
Hannah watered the garden (and Buttercup…)
Travis worked harder on losing his dad bod…
After boxing, he went for a run down to the ocean…
And finished his workout with a swim.
Hannah met him at the beach where they relaxed for an hour before she headed to her first day of work.
“I can’t believe we’re getting married tomorrow,” Hannah said. All of her dreams were coming true.
When Hannah arrived for her first day on set, she was giddy and a bundle of nerves! She talked the stylist’s ear off gabbing about this being her first day ever.
The stylist was less than thrilled.
She anxiously got ready before heading onto the set for the very first time.
After getting out of hair and makeup, she spotted Judith Ward on set and couldn’t help but fan girl like crazy.
She managed to get a photo with Judith and she was over the moon.
When she got on set, she froze. Should she play it safe or take a risk with something outlandish? She decided playing it safe was best…
But when it was time to tell a joke, she decided to take a risk and be over the top. The director didn’t mind, but he wasn’t over the moon.  Her agent called when the gig was over to tell her she did a good enough job…  When she got home, she went to sleep before their wedding. Travis, though, wasn’t home.
He was spending the morning shopping for all of the wedding details that Hannah couldn’t get around to while at her acting job.
Their intimate ceremony had arrived. As Travis walked down the aisle, he grinned. This was the best day of his life.
He waved at Buttercup as Buttercup barked happily.
And as Hannah approached, he gazed at her.  “Wow”, he said to himself.
Trying to keep her eyes from welling up with happy tears, Hannah slowly breathed in and out.
Travis smiled at her as she approached.
And she looked at him, trying to keep herself as calm as possible. She had to get through their vows without crying.
“Everything was perfect. Like a dream come true,” Hannah thought to herself.
She broke into a smile as Buttercup joined her walking down, and Jarrett sat down to watch.
Travis took Hannah’s hand in his.
He squeezed her fingers gently, trying to help keep her calm.
“You are enchanting,” he said to her.
“Hannah, from the first moment I saw you, I knew you were the woman for me.”
“Of course, it took you over a year to know it too,” he joked. Hannah laughed, her cheeks slightly blushing.
“The way you first smiled at me, I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. And even now, I still feel that way when you look at me. You’re my angel. And every day, for the rest of our lives, I will continue to show you just how much you mean to me. You’re my everything Hannah, and I can’t wait to spend my life with you.”
“Travis, words can’t begin to describe the love I have for you. I grew up, never really knowing what love truly felt like. I thought it was something to be earned. But you changed that. You showed me just how beautiful and unconditional love can be. Even in my worst of times, you stood by me.  You waited for me to come to my senses and see the magical love that was right in front of me. Every day, I’m so thankful that I found you. You are my best friend and my soul mate. And I can’t wait to spend our entire lives together.”
Summer walked beside them, hysterically crying from hearing the vows.
As Travis slipped the ring onto Hannah’s finger, Summer looked away with tears in her eyes.  Hannah’s vows hit her hard.  She thought to herself: did I friendzone him too? Here I had this great man…my best friend. We could’ve been together. This could’ve been me.
Hannah leaned in and kissed him, for their very first kiss as husband and wife.
Travis grabbed her and spun her around while pulling her into a deep kiss.
As the celebratory confetti dropped around them, they gazed into each other’s eyes.
“We did it!!” They said together.
Travis hugged Hannah tightly.
This day was everything Hannah had ever dreamt about.
As they walked back down the aisle, Travis stopped to hold her hands. “I am truly the luckiest man in the world,” he said.  Meanwhile, Summer looked away, distracting herself by talking to little Jarrett.  What’s going to happen next?
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