Season 2, Episode 1, Chapter 19

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As Travis and Hannah sat for breakfast at the vineyard, they discussed wedding and honeymoon plans.
Travis asked Hannah where she wanted to get married. “I’m happy to have our wedding anywhere you want, Hannah.”
“Except at Old Penelope Plane Wreck,” Travis laughed.
Hannah smiled. “You know exactly where I want to get married, Travis.”
After the fiasco of her last wedding, Hannah decided she wanted an intimate ceremony this time with just their little family and their best friends, Summer and Brent. They could invite everyone else to the reception afterwards.
They spent every moment at home discussing their wedding plans, together. They would get married at the castle Hannah always dreamed about, but fly to Sulani for a midnight, beach reception.
With one week to go before the wedding, Travis had a mission: to lose his dad bod weight.
Hannah joined him at the gym for moral support.
When Hannah told Brent the good news about their upcoming wedding, he was thrilled! Unfortunately, he wasn’t going to be able to make the wedding because of work.
As Hannah was talking to Brent, she received an unexpected call from Bjorn. Apparently since she leaked the information about his secret operation, he was having work and marital problems. Hannah shot him down the second she received his call. “You’re the reason I was fired…not to mention, you have a wife you can talk to this about. Leave me alone.”
Despite being exhausted, Travis stayed up late working hard for a promotion so they could afford their wedding and honeymoon.
Meanwhile, Jarrett and Buttercup bonded on the couch.
While Travis was working, Hannah went searching for the perfect wedding dress. Something elegant yet simple. This was not it.
She instantly fell in love with this dress…
When she tried it on with her hair and makeup styled, she knew it was the one.
With little sleep, Travis still made sure to help around the house as best he could.
And being the loyal friend and coworker he is, Travis helped fix the code on a project before their boss found out…
His decision paid off! He arrived home from work exhausted, but he was stunned to discover he got the promotion he was after! With their Bach party being later that night, Travis and Hannah went off to take a nap.
But before their heads hit the pillow, Hannah received a phone call offering her the chance to become an actress! She never considered acting before but she figured with the level of drama in her young adulthood, it would be a fitting career choice.
After an evening nap, they headed to their party. While Strangerville may have seemed like an odd choice for their Bach party given their last experience in the town, they couldn’t resist the western themed karaoke bar!
After all, karaoke had always been their favorite thing to do.
They sang absolutely horribly but they had a blast.
Summer watched the two of them. She was so happy for them…
But she also wished she could find a love like theirs. “Maybe someday,” she sighed to herself.
Before the night was over, Travis asked Summer to be his sim of honor for the ceremony. She was thrilled!
The next day, Hannah went to her very first audition! With literally no acting skills, she managed to pass and she was psyched!
Hannah told Travis the news. He took her hands and said, “I never doubted you for a moment. You’re going to do amazing at your first job tomorrow!” They had a busy 48 hours ahead… Hannah’s job was in the evening the next day and the day after was their wedding. She was worried she would be too tired for the festivities. “It will all be okay, Hannah. We’ve got this.” Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next on their journey together.
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As Travis and Hannah sat for breakfast at the vineyard, they discussed wedding and honeymoon plans.
Travis asked Hannah where she wanted to get married. “I’m happy to have our wedding anywhere you want, Hannah.”
“Except at Old Penelope Plane Wreck,” Travis laughed.
Hannah smiled. “You know exactly where I want to get married, Travis.”
After the fiasco of her last wedding, Hannah decided she wanted an intimate ceremony this time with just their little family and their best friends, Summer and Brent. They could invite everyone else to the reception afterwards.
They spent every moment at home discussing their wedding plans, together. They would get married at the castle Hannah always dreamed about, but fly to Sulani for a midnight, beach reception.
With one week to go before the wedding, Travis had a mission: to lose his dad bod weight.
Hannah joined him at the gym for moral support.
When Hannah told Brent the good news about their upcoming wedding, he was thrilled! Unfortunately, he wasn’t going to be able to make the wedding because of work.
As Hannah was talking to Brent, she received an unexpected call from Bjorn. Apparently since she leaked the information about his secret operation, he was having work and marital problems. Hannah shot him down the second she received his call.  “You’re the reason I was fired…not to mention, you have a wife you can talk to this about. Leave me alone.”
Despite being exhausted, Travis stayed up late working hard for a promotion so they could afford their wedding and honeymoon.
Meanwhile, Jarrett and Buttercup bonded on the couch.
While Travis was working, Hannah went searching for the perfect wedding dress. Something elegant yet simple.  This was not it.
She instantly fell in love with this dress…
When she tried it on with her hair and makeup styled, she knew it was the one.
With little sleep, Travis still made sure to help around the house as best he could.
And being the loyal friend and coworker he is, Travis helped fix the code on a project before their boss found out…
His decision paid off! He arrived home from work exhausted, but he was stunned to discover he got the promotion he was after!  With their Bach party being later that night, Travis and Hannah went off to take a nap.
But before their heads hit the pillow, Hannah received a phone call offering her the chance to become an actress! She never considered acting before but she figured with the level of drama in her young adulthood, it would be a fitting career choice.
After an evening nap, they headed to their party. While Strangerville may have seemed like an odd choice for their Bach party given their last experience in the town, they couldn’t resist the western themed karaoke bar!
After all, karaoke had always been their favorite thing to do.
They sang absolutely horribly but they had a blast.
Summer watched the two of them. She was so happy for them…
But she also wished she could find a love like theirs. “Maybe someday,” she sighed to herself.
Before the night was over, Travis asked Summer to be his sim of honor for the ceremony. She was thrilled!
The next day, Hannah went to her very first audition! With literally no acting skills, she managed to pass and she was psyched!
Hannah told Travis the news. He took her hands and said, “I never doubted you for a moment. You’re going to do amazing at your first job tomorrow!”  They had a busy 48 hours ahead… Hannah’s job was in the evening the next day and the day after was their wedding. She was worried she would be too tired for the festivities.  “It will all be okay, Hannah. We’ve got this.”  Keep following Sim Life Chronicles to find out what happens next on their journey together.
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