“Into the Asylum”

Season 8 | Episode 27 | Chapter 147


The Warden takes her final blows to Summer Holiday and prepares to take her to the asylum.

Did You Know?

  • WRITER’S NOTE: Ever since Summer ate the bizarre fruit, she hasn’t used her powers. The bizarre fruit blocking her ability to either use them, or remember her spells. Either way, as long as she is possessed, she cannot use her magic.
  • I planned to have Jamie and Don leave but as always, sims love to watch a fight!
  • I rarely use cheats for the story, however, I made an exception to add Summer Holiday to the Warden’s family when she was “arrested”.
  • I locked all of the doors at the Asylum to keep Summer from leaving.

Before: Go to Season 8, Episode 26

Next: Go to Season 8, Episode 28

Go to Season 8 Episode Guide

Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Don Lothario (Sims 4 Base Game)
  • Jamie Lee (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Summer Holiday (Sims 4 Base Game)
  • Travitha Holiday-Lothario-Scott (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Warden Treasures (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Summer’s House & Basement (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Hardtime Asylum (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)

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