“It’s Bizarre How Things Work Out”

Season 8 | Episode 8 | Chapter 128


Summer and Travitha meet one of the Scott children at the park as Summer plays her daughter’s matchmaker.

Did You Know?

  • While Summer could’ve chosen any of the Scott sons for Travitha, Caiden seemed the most fitting as he is the only one she has interacted with.
  • As disturbing as Caiden and Travitha kissing is, this plot line is hands down one of my favorites!
  • Caiden bought the bizarre fruit way back in Season 6, Chapter 85: Stranger Things Have Happened, and has been holding onto it ever since.
  • The events of this episode play a significant effect on future storylines.
  • The gameplay of this episode transpired in November of 2022.

Before: Go to Season 8, Episode 7

Next: Go to Season 8, Episode 9

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Magnolia Blossom Park (Sims 4 Base Game)

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