Don Lothario and the Warden show up at Summer Holiday’s house to confront her about Liberty Lee’s death.

“The Worst Sting Operation Ever”

Season 8 | Episode 4 | Chapter 124


Don Lothario and the Warden show up at the home of Summer Holiday to confront her about Liberty Lee’s death.

Did You Know?

  • I initially wanted the Warden to be able to arrest Summer, and therefore had her join the detective career in hopes I could trigger the action. But unfortunately, that interaction is impossible to cheat.
  • The Warden just randomly started talking to Summer about death and the Grim Reaper when she sat down. Sometimes this game has ridiculously perfect timing.
  • Even though Summer has set Don on fire multiple times, they still have a surprisingly high relationship, making it easy for Don to woohoo with her upon his arrival.

Before: Go to Season 8, Episode 3

Next: Go to Season 8, Episode 5

Go to Season 8 Episode Guide

Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Don Lothario (Base Game)
  • Summer Holiday (Base Game)
  • Warden Treasures (Hardtime Asylum Family, Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicles)
  • Travitha Holiday-Scott-Lothario

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Summer’s House & Basement (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)

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