In Sim Life Chronicles season 8 episode 1, after Casey and Carter celebrate their birthday and become teenagers, all three Scott brothers go to prom in The Sims 4.

“The Queen, The Jester, and All the Others”

Season 8 | Episode 1 | Chapter 121


After Casey and Carter celebrate their birthday and become teenagers, all three Scott brothers go to prom in The Sims 4.

Did You Know?

  • I originally intended for Casey Scott to be more of Chuck Bass (from Gossip Girl) personality: confident and suave. However, I quickly realized I wanted his character to be less of a player and rewrote the episode.
  • This is the first prom for all three of the Scott brothers.
  • With every generation, when I have multiple children, I tend to pick a child (or two) to not follow as much. In the case of the Scott Family, I have chosen Carter. That’s not to say his character won’t grow, but currently he’s being written as an “observer” to the story, instead of a main character.

Before: Go to Season 7, Episode 20

Next: Go to Season 8, Episode 2

Go to Season 8 Episode Guide

Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Sunnydale High School Gym (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Icecreek Lagoon (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)

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