Summer Holiday gives a tutorial on how to age up a sim prematurely when she makes her child Travitha become a teenager.

“They Grow Up So Fast…Especially When You Make Them”

Season 7 | Episode 20 | Chapter 120


Summer concocts a new plan to bring down the Scott family but this time, her plan involves aging up Travitha into a teenager before she’s ready.

Did You Know?

  • When I play a legacy game, my number one rule is to never age a sim up prematurely. However, I wanted Travitha to be included in future storylines and I knew that would be hard as the main Scott children were all teenagers now. Therefore, it was easy to craft a story where Summer forced her to age up!
  • My sims never use any interaction on the birthday cake besides, blowing out the candle. This was the first time I’ve ever used the “taste cake” interaction to age a sim up.
  • This story actually took place after the events of the first few episodes of season 8. However, as it was a stand-alone chapter, I decided to move it up to the Season 7 finale.

Before: Go to Season 7, Episode 19

Next: Go to Season 8, Episode 1

Go to Season 7 Episode Guide

Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Summer Holiday (Base Game)
  • Travitha Holiday-Lothario-Scott

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Summer’s Creepy House & Basement (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)

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