“Every Story Has It’s Ending”

Season 7 | Episode 10 | Chapter 110


Summer arrives at the doorstep of a beloved sim, and this time, her spell has catastrophic consequences.

Did You Know? (Major Spoilers)

  • While in the story Summer is to blame for the fire, it was actually an accidental fire started by Liberty Lee while barbecuing.
  • I switched to Liberty’s house specifically to style Jamie’s clothes now that she, just like Travitha, had aged up.
  • After leaving CAS, Liberty was autonomously barbecuing and the fire began.
  • After Liberty’s death, I went back and played Summer traveling to Liberty’s home and “setting” the fire. Thus why you never see them in the same shot: Liberty was already dead in my game when Summer cast her fire spell.
  • The scenes of Don and Liberty together in chapters 101 and 102 were played after Liberty’s death had occurred. I went back to a previous save because I wanted to stretch their storyline out before the events of this episode.

Before: Go to Season 7, Episode 9

Next: Go to Season 7, Episode 11

Go to Season 7 Episode Guide

Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Summer Holiday (Base Game)
  • Liberty Lee (Base Game)
  • Jamie Lee
  • Grim Reaper (Base Game)

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Oakenstead (Base Game)

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