“You Can’t Escape Your Enemies”

Season 7 | Episode 9 | Chapter 109


Jarrett and his roommate have a fight; As Travitha grows up, Summer forms a new plan.

Did You Know?

  • I switched to play Travitha and Summer specifically because I knew Travitha was supposed to age up soon and I didn’t want to miss assigning her a trait
  • Ultimately, I didn’t switch households in time and Travitha did become a child without me assigning her a trait. Amazingly, the game assigned her the evil trait all on its own!

Before: Go to Season 7, Episode 8

Next: Go to Season 7, Episode 10

Go to Season 7 Episode Guide

Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Jarrett Scott (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Jarrett’s mean roommate, name unknown
  • Summer Holiday (Base Game)
  • Travitha Scott-Holiday-Lothario (Wedding Stories)

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Bury Tower (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Summer’s Creepy House & Basement (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)

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