Excited for her dream Castle wedding, Hannah woke up first thing Friday morning and headed to Taratosa.
She picked up flowers to decorate the castle as well
When she arrived home, Travis was waiting outside…far away from the front door.
She greeted him with a friendly hug as he asked her if she needed any help today.
“No, I think I’ve got it covered,” she said. He held her just a little longer.
“No, I think I’ve got it covered,” she said. He held her just a little longer.
As Hannah went inside, Don came outside and Buttercup sat this swooning for Travis.
“I told you, you are no longer welcome. Get out of here man!”
Travis walked off as Don continued telling him to leave.
When Don came back inside, Hannah asked him if Travis had to leave. “Yes, he’s very busy Hannah. He had some better things to do he said,” said Don.
When Don came back inside, Hannah asked him if Travis had to leave. “Yes, he’s very busy Hannah. He had some better things to do he said,” said Don.
“Are you kidding me? He’s my friend Don. He’s just my friend. You want to call off our wedding because of Travis?!”
“You can’t be doing this to me right now.”
“Babe, I’m not calling off anything. I love you. I’m just saying, I think you need to put some distance between you and Travis. For us.”
Just then, her calendar binged. It was time for the rehearsal dinner.
When they arrived, Don sat down at a table, trying to stay away from Hannah’s friends again as much as possible.
Hannah sat down while her friend Becca once again recalled Hannah’s trash story. “We’re so glad she’s no longer searching through trash, Don,” Becca said.
Hannah got up and walked over to Travis to say hi.
She told him playfully about Don’s silly jealously over him and that Don thinks Travis is in love with her. Travis tried to laugh it off while Summer shoved food in her mouth trying not to say anything.
Travis sat down at the bar. “Did you see the weather report for tomorrow? They’re saying there might not be any sun.”
“Hey Penny, can I buy you a drink?” He said, trying his hardest to move on. Summer was shocked to see him make a move like that. Hannah stood there awkwardly. Why did hearing that make her feel so uncomfortable?
She sat back down at the table with her glass of nectar. When she realized no one else would make a toast, she made one herself.
Don sat at the table. Bored out of his mind. I hate all of these people….I wonder who I can woohoo with. I want to go home…he thought.
Hannah gulped down her drink, trying to forget the feelings she was starting to recognize. Maybe Don was right. Maybe she and Travis do need some time apart.
As Travis walked off, Hannah found herself watching him.
She gazed longingly in his direction. I wonder where he’s going, she thought.
She got up to follow him.
What should I do? What should I say? She thought to herself. Does he have feelings for me? Is Don right? Or even worse… do I have feeling for him?
Either way, she needed to figure out what was going on between her and Travis.
As she approached, Travis turned to look at her. “Hey you. Come on over here,” he said, “this pianist is amazing.” What happens next?
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Excited for her dream Castle wedding, Hannah woke up first thing Friday morning and headed to Taratosa.
She picked up flowers to decorate the castle as well
When she arrived home, Travis was waiting outside…far away from the front door.
She greeted him with a friendly hug as he asked her if she needed any help today.
“No, I think I’ve got it covered,” she said.  He held her just a little longer.
“No, I think I’ve got it covered,” she said.  He held her just a little longer.
As Hannah went inside, Don came outside and Buttercup sat this swooning for Travis.
“I told you, you are no longer welcome. Get out of here man!”
Travis walked off as Don continued telling him to leave.
When Don came back inside, Hannah asked him if Travis had to leave. “Yes, he’s very busy Hannah. He had some better things to do he said,” said Don.
When Don came back inside, Hannah asked him if Travis had to leave. “Yes, he’s very busy Hannah. He had some better things to do he said,” said Don.
“Are you kidding me? He’s my friend Don. He’s just my friend. You want to call off our wedding because of Travis?!”
“You can’t be doing this to me right now.”
“Babe, I’m not calling off anything. I love you. I’m just saying, I think you need to put some distance between you and Travis. For us.”
Just then, her calendar binged. It was time for the rehearsal dinner.
When they arrived, Don sat down at a table, trying to stay away from Hannah’s friends again as much as possible.
Hannah sat down while her friend Becca once again recalled Hannah’s trash story. “We’re so glad she’s no longer searching through trash, Don,” Becca said.
Hannah got up and walked over to Travis to say hi.
She told him playfully about Don’s silly jealously over him and that Don thinks Travis is in love with her. Travis tried to laugh it off while Summer shoved food in her mouth trying not to say anything.
Travis sat down at the bar. “Did you see the weather report for tomorrow? They’re saying there might not be any sun.”
“Hey Penny, can I buy you a drink?” He said, trying his hardest to move on. Summer was shocked to see him make a move like that. Hannah stood there awkwardly. Why did hearing that make her feel so uncomfortable?
She sat back down at the table with her glass of nectar. When she realized no one else would make a toast, she made one herself.
Don sat at the table. Bored out of his mind.  I hate all of these people….I wonder who I can woohoo with. I want to go home…he thought.
Hannah gulped down her drink, trying to forget the feelings she was starting to recognize. Maybe Don was right. Maybe she and Travis do need some time apart.
As Travis walked off, Hannah found herself watching him.
She gazed longingly in his direction. I wonder where he’s going, she thought.
She got up to follow him.
What should I do? What should I say? She thought to herself.  Does he have feelings for me? Is Don right?  Or even worse… do I have feeling for him?
Either way, she needed to figure out what was going on between her and Travis.
As she approached, Travis turned to look at her.  “Hey you. Come on over here,” he said, “this pianist is amazing.”  What happens next?
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“The Rehearsal Dinner”

Season 1 | Episode 10

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Hannah begins to recognize her hidden feelings for Travis just as her rehearsal dinner with Don is underway.

Fun Facts

  • Coming Soon

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Next: Go to Season 1, Episode 11

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Story Created by

Justine Thomas

Characters Featured in this Sims 4 Story

Locations Featured in this Sims 4 Story

  • Hannah McCoy House (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)
  • Distrutto Castello (Gallery ID: SimLifeChronicle)

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