Travis Scott Sims 4 Base Game from the BFF Household. The lovable best friend and future husband of Hannah. The object of obsession of ex-roommate Summer Holiday. The nemesis of Don Lothario.

Who Is…Travis Scott?

Generation 1 (Seasons 1-current)

Travis Scott Sims 4 is originally from The Sims 4 Base Game and can be found residing in Willow Creek with his two roommates, Summer Holiday and Liberty Lee.


Season 1

Introduction and Friendship with Hannah McCoy

Travis first appeared in Chapter 2 as a new friend of Hannah’s. After Hannah married Marcus Flex and spotted him flirting with another woman, she vented to Travis.

Hannah complains to Travis Scott in Sims 4
She complained to her new friend Travis.

He then woke Marcus from his nap and yelled at him for mistreating Hannah.

Travis Scott and Marcus Flex from Sims 4
Travis woke Marcus and yelled at him, telling him he has a great girl and shouldn’t screw it up.

In Chapter 3, Travis called Hannah to inform her he had adopted a baby boy named Jarrett. When Hannah noticed how exhausted Travis was over raising a newborn baby, she offered to help and visited repeatedly to aid him during the nightshift so he could sleep.

Travis Scott adopts a baby in Sims 4
Despite being exhausted herself, she stayed up throughout the night to look after Jarrett while Travis got some much needed sleep.

His roommate, Summer, was often glaring at them, unbeknownst to either of them. She seemed worried that Hannah would hurt Travis, as she noticed his crush on her.

Hopeless Crush and Meeting Don Lothario

As Travis and Hannah bonded, she also began a relationship with Don Lothario. Travis was instantly jealous of Don and knew he was a player. Despite his instincts about Don, he respected Hannah too much to interfere with her relationship.

Travis Scott and Don Lothario in Sims 4
They all headed over to grab some food. Travis glared at Don. He clearly doesn’t like him.

When Hannah proposed to Don, Travis witnessed the proposal. Devastated, he tried to distract himself by researching trains on his phone.

Travis Scott avoids watching Hannah's proposal to Don Lothario in Sims 4
Travis was doing everything in his power not to watch and started googling about trains.

In Chapter 6, Hannah asked Travis to be her friend of honor at her wedding. He accepted, knowing it would make her happy.

The Bach Party

During Hannah’s Bach Party, Hannah expressed doubts over marrying Don. Seizing the opportunity to voice his concerns, Travis asked her if she was sure Don was the one. He hinted that maybe someone “geekier” may be out there for her, trying to hint at himself.

Travis Scott is a geek and tech guru in Sims 4
Travis nervously, half jokingly said to her: “Maybe there’s someone else out there for you. Someone geekier…someone into computers. I don’t know…”

Unfortunately, she thought he was joking and playfully punched him on the shoulder, giggling it off. She thanked him for being her best friend and confidante.

Hannah rejects Travis Scott in Sims 4
Hannah punched him playfully on the shoulder. “You’re hilarious, Travis.” His expression fell as he realized she’ll only ever see him as a friend.

Travis Scott vs. Don Lothario Fight

The next day, Travis came by the house to visit Hannah but she wasn’t home. Don answered the door instead and the two got into an argument. Don expressed his anger over Travis and Hannah’s friendship and Travis made it clear how much he hated, and didn’t trust, Don. When Travis took out his clay to play with, Don accused him of stealing his.

Travis Scott and Don Lothario argue over clay ball glitch in Sims 4
His expression fell as he realized she’ll only ever see him as a friend.
Travis Scott and Don Lothario argue over clay ball glitch in Sims 4
Travis shot his hand up, “I don’t know what your deal is with clay dude, but, calm down. This is mine. I brought it from home.”

The two then got into a fight that, unfortunately, Don won. Don then informed Travis he was no longer welcome at Hannah’s home and that the wedding would be the last time they’d see each other.

Don Lothario and Travis Scott Sims 4 hate each other
“You wanna go?” Travis said. “Let’s go.”

Confession to Hannah

After the death of Hannah’s first husband, Marcus Flex, Hannah was sad. Travis checked on Hannah multiple times to comfort her during her time of need. When he hugged her, she felt her feelings for him shift but shrugged it off, knowing she would be getting married in just a matter of days.

As he held her, Hannah held him tighter too. Sometimes it almost felt like…no. It’s Travis… Hannah thought to herself.

During the rehearsal dinner, Travis and Hannah wandered off to talk. Unable to hold his feelings back any longer, Travis begged Hannah not to marry Don. When she asked him why, he confessed to her that he was in love with her.

Travis Scott confesses his love for Hannah in Sims 4
“I love you. I love the way your hair bobs when you laugh. The way your voice sounds like a singing bird. The way I wake up every single day hoping I’ll see you just so I can make you smile. I love your heart. How you always look for the good in everyone…even when they don’t always deserve it,” he took a breath. “God this feels good to say. I’ve been holding this in for so long. I love you,” he said. Then again, stronger, with all of the certainty in his heart, “I love you. I love you Hannah.”

As he begged her not to marry Don, she rejected him. As much as her feelings for him had grown, she was adamant that she couldn’t break up with Don. Unaware of Don’s constant cheating, she told Travis that Don had been nothing but good to her and she couldn’t hurt him. She told Travis he was still her best friend and left to head back to the party.

Travis Scott confesses his love for Hannah in Sims 4
Hannah took his hands in hers. Her heart and her head were telling her two different things. As much as her feelings were growing for Travis, she had to put a stop to what was happening. She’s getting married tomorrow after all. She can’t do this to Don. “Travis. You’re my best friend. You’ll always be my best friend. But I’m getting married tomorrow. This just…it can’t happen. Maybe in a different lifetime, but I’m marrying Don. I love Don.”

When the two of them danced, Hannah noticed that Travis’ entire demeanor had shifted. She could tell their friendship was over and she was heartbroken.

Hannah McCoy must choose between Don Lothario and Travis Scott in Sims 4
As Travis said goodbye and left, Hannah could feel her heart break. She was torn. She had Don and Travis and she loved them both.

Hannah’s Wedding Day

Travis attended the wedding, knowing that it was the last time he’d see Hannah. As she walked down the aisle, he cried, devastated to lose his best friend and the love of his life.

After the ceremony, he went to the bunker with his roommate, Summer, and she convinced him to take a job offer he had received and leave town for good. He realized moving was the healthiest choice and agreed.

Summer Holiday tells Travis Scott to move in Sims 4
“Maybe you’re right, Summer. It’s time I let go,” Travis said.

After Hannah caught Don cheating, she had a revelation that she was in love with Travis. However, when she confessed her feelings, Travis told her she was too late, he didn’t want to be her second choice, and he was leaving.

Travis Scott tells Hannah McCoy he's moving in Sims 4
“No,” he said as he stepped back. “I can’t just be your backup plan, Hannah. I deserve to be with someone who loves me as much as I love her. And you deserve to be with someone you truly love. And I don’t know if you do. Or if you’re just heartbroken right now and you’re trying to fill that void with me.”

The Happy Ending

Before he got the chance to move, Hannah visited his home and confessed that she was scared to lose her best friend. She told him that he was always her first choice but her history of heartbreak made her fearful of losing the one man she loved most in the world.

Hannah McCoy confesses her love for Travis Scott Sims 4
“No Travis, you don’t understand,” she took his hands in hers as the rain drops gently hit the ground. “I came here because… because I love that you call me every day to check in with me. And I love that every time I see you, you manage to make me smile, no matter what is happening in my life. Travis, every single day there is only one person I wake up hoping to see. And that’s you.”

The two of them kissed in the rain, and they exchanged reciprocated “I love you’s” for the first time.

Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy first kiss Sims 4
He was stunned. Was this really happening?

Together at Last

After Hannah lost her job, she was devastated. As Travis tried to help her through, she realized that it was more important that they start their life and family together. Knowing she could no longer afford her home in Brindelton Bay, she sold the house and the two of them moved in together, along with toddler Jarrett, to a tiny home off the coast of Taratosa.

After some time had passed and they happily grew into their new life together, Travis proposed to Hannah on the bridge outside their home. She gleefully accepted.

Travis Scott proposes in Taratosa Sims 4
As Hannah looked down at him, she put her hand to heart.

Season 2

Wedding and Honeymoon

In Season 2, Travis worked out to get into shape for their wedding. The two of them got married at Hannah’s dream wedding location, the castle in Taratosa.

Hannah McCoy and Travis Scott get married in Sims 4
The sun fell behind the rolling hills as he pulled her in.

After the wedding, they went to Sulani for their honeymoon. While there, Travis signed up for a yoga class and was horrified that it was naked yoga.

Travis Scott takes a naked yoga class in Sulani in Sims 4
He stood there, staring awkwardly away as the instructor held his leg straight up in the air. Why did I get a mat in front?! He thought to himself.

The two later went snorkeling where he was nearly eaten by a shark but managed to dodge it.

While camping on an island off the coast, Hannah informed Travis she was pregnant with their first child together. Thrilled, Travis instantly became a dotting father, rubbing her belly and checking that he wasn’t hurting their future child.

Hannah is pregnant in Sims 4 while Travis Scott rubs her belly
“Is that okay? Im not hurting the baby, am I?” Travis said. Hannah giggled, “No, Travis. You can rub my belly all you want.”

Travis and his son Jarrett would spend time helping Hannah around the house and taking care of chores to ensure she rested.

When Hannah went into labor, Travis was terrified. After nearly passing out, he ran from the room informing the hospital that their son had been delivered.

Travis Scott watches his wife in labor Sims 4
“She had the baby!!!! Everything is okay!!! She’s okay!!! We’re okay!!! I’m a Dad!!!”

Summer’s Confession

When Summer invited Travis to meet her, he brought Hannah along. Summer was furious that he brought his wife. After Hannah left, Summer unapologetically flirted with Travis, asking him to woohoo with her in the bush. Stunned, Travis turned her down straight away. She then confessed her feelings for him and desire for their friendship to turn into something more. Travis told her he was a happily married man and that would never happen. He vowed that they would still remain friends.

Summer Holiday confesses her feelings to Travis Scott in Sims 4
“Summer what are you thinking?! I’m married.” Summer bit her finger. “Maybe I shouldn’t have brought this up.”

Afterwards, he went home and told Hannah straight away what had happened. He assured her that he would never cheat on her.

The next morning, Hannah discovered she was pregnant again and shared the news with Travis. He was thrilled.

When Travis discovered Summer inside their home, he told her to leave and that he had to reevaluate their friendship. She left, claiming that she was only there to visit Hannah.

Moving to Newcrest

After the twins were born, Hannah and Travis realized their tiny home was too small for their growing family. They decided to move to Newcrest and into a bigger home. Meanwhile, Travis was selling apps and receiving multiple promotions at his job for his hard work.

The End of His Friendship with Summer

After he received a phone call from Summer inviting him to meet her, he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and see his friend.

She instantly threw herself at him, once again, throwing multiple pick up lines at him. Furious, and calling back to the time she told him to move, he told her that she should be the one leaving town for good. Shocked, she begged for his forgiveness. When he didn’t fall for her apology, she blamed him for being “hot”, unabashedly flirting with him once again. He yelled at her, telling her he wouldn’t let her ruin his family, and told her their friendship was officially over.

Travis Scott tells Summer Holiday to leave him alone in Sims 4
“I have five kids! A wife! I’m done with this. I’m done with you. This is not okay.”

Season Three

Life After Summer

After his fallout with Summer, he was devastated to lose his friend, but knew it was the right decision. He told Hannah and the two of them headed to their neighbor Jason’s home, who Summer had been dating, to inform him what had happened.

Back at home, Travis enjoyed life as a father and also received a promotion to the top of his career as a Tech Guru. At the same time, Hannah was enjoying her own rise to fame as an actress and Travis happily supported her. When an obsessed stalker came to the door, he rapidly sent him away to ensure his family’s safety.

Hannah McCoy and Travis Scott go to Starlight Accolades in Sims 4 Get Famous
While there were no press or fans interested in her, Travis fanboyed for her as much as possible.

The Return of Don Lothario

After Don had a confrontation with Hannah, he intruded into their home where he ran into Travis in the kitchen. Having spent plenty of time working out since he and Don last saw each other, the two fought and Travis won. When Don wouldn’t leave, Travis fought him once again and made it clear that he was tougher than him. Don left embarrassed that he had lost two fights.

Travis Scott and Don Lothario fight in Sims 4
Travis glared at Don, with his hands on his hips. “You better not show your face here every again.”

The next day, Travis and Hannah discovered that Don had moved into a new house down the street. Travis fought him and ordered him to move, which Don refused. He vowed to remain a thorn in their side until the day they died.

Travis Scott beats Don Lothario in a fight in Sims 4
“You’re moving Don! You’re moving! You hear me?” Travis said as he held Don in a headlock.

Travis and Hannah decided their best option was to move once again. With their new incomes, they moved into a beautiful country home and private dwelling in Hedford-on-Bagley.

Season Four

Keeping the Romance Alive

Although it was hard to find time together, Hannah and Travis made sure to prioritize their relationship and went out for a date night to the vineyard. Unfortunately, they spent the evening bombarded by Hannah’s fans, and a woman who seemingly had a crush on him as well. Despite the many interruptions, they had a wonderful time together.

Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy Sims 4
“Maybe we should take a tour of the wine cellar, my dear?”

Apologizing to Don Lothario

Feeling strangely bad about fighting Don, Travis received a want to apologize to Don. He headed to Don’s home and mockingly apologized, telling him, he should’ve never fought him and should’ve just kicked him out, given that he was clearly stronger.

Travis Scott apologizes to Don Lothario in Sims 4 Sim Life Chronicles story
“Don, I really didn’t know I was that much stronger and more muscular than you. But it happens…I guess I’ve just clocked more time at the gym,” Travis said, earnestly holding his hands over his heart.

Irritated that Travis wouldn’t leave, Don tried to drive Travis out by playing the violin. Travis smiled and told him that he should try doing it for a living, knowing that Don was without a job.

Don Lothario plays violin for Travis Scott in Sims 4
“That’s actually really good music, man. You should do this as a job. Maybe you could actually make a buck or two,” Travis said.

When Don went to play on his computer, being a tech guru, Travis couldn’t help but try to assist him. Refusing to listen, Don hit the opposite button and broke his computer.

Reliving Their Glory Days

Before Jarrett began high school, Travis joined the family for a tour of Hannah’s alma mater, Sunnycreek High. Trying to copy Hannah, he did his own cheerleading routine, but realized it was harder than it looked.

Summer Holiday and Don Lothario’s Break-In

When Travis and Hannah caught Summer and Don breaking into their home, he fought Don and ordered them both to leave.

Travis Scott and Don Lothario hate each other in Sims 4
“Don, this is the last time I’m gonna say this! I’m tougher than you! You need to cut your losses,” Travis said, holding him in a headlock.

When he told Summer to leave as well, she confessed that she couldn’t stop thinking about his since their night together.

Summer Holiday has a massive crush on Travis Scott in Sims 4 Sim Life Chronicles
“Travis, this is our home,” Summer said. “Remember, the night we made love? When you told me you wanted to live in the countryside one day? Do you remember that? This is our home.”

It was then revealed that they had woohoo’d once in college, long before he met Hannah. Hearing this triggered Hannah’s own fears about being cheated on and Travis assured her he never had feelings for Summer.

Travis Scott reassures Hannah he won't cheat Sims 4
“Hannah, Summer and I had been friends since high school. When we started college, we were both really uncertain about our futures and one night, we went to a party and had a little too much nectar. The next day, I knew it was a mistake and I told Summer we were better off as friends. She agreed…we never spoke about it again.”

While on vacation in Mt. Komorebi, Travis and Hannah spent a date night together at the local karaoke bar. The two of them jested about getting rid of Summer but knew that neither of them would ever do such a thing.

Travis Scott and Hannah McCoy joke about getting a cow plant Sims 4
The two of them sat at the bar chatting and joking about options to get rid of Summer and Don. “It’s impossible to live anywhere without them showing up,” Hannah said. “We could always get a cow plant,” Travis jested.

Season 5

Summer’s Hannah Impersonation

When Summer arrived at the home impersonating Hannah, Travis was terrified. She excitedly showed him pictures of her daughter Travitha, claiming that she was their child. Knowing she was crazy, Travis told her the child looked like Don and walked away, leaving her outside his home on the porch.

Summer Holiday is crazy telling Travis Scott they have a love child in Sims 4
“Summer, I don’t know what you’ve been drinking, but that’s not my baby,” he paused. “Also, she kind of looks like Don…”

Season 6

The Romance Guru’s Prediction

After the death of the family dog, Buttercup, Hannah and Travis headed to the Romance Festival in San Myshuno to try and cheer each other up. Unfortunately, when they asked the guru about their destiny, the guru gave Travis a murky prediction, telling him, “not to make any plans”. Worried about his future, Travis asked Hannah to renew their vows. The two of them spent a beautiful evening together trying not to worry about what the future held.

Travis Scott comforts Hannah McCoy in Sims 4
“You have nothing to worry about. I’m not going anywhere.”

Worried Father

When Travis met Jarrett’s first girlfriend Tomi, he expressed his concerns to Jarrett about him moving too fast in his first relationship. He tried to advise him to take things slower and be friends first, but Jarrett walked away refusing to listen to his dad’s romantic advice.

Travis Scott gives fatherly advice in Sims 4
“It can be good to take things slow… be friends first…” Travis said as Jarrett walked away not even listening.

The Harvestfest Attack

After having a wonderful Harvestfest breakfast with the family, Summer, now a witch, arrived and set Hannah on fire. When Hannah survived the attack, she attempted to set Travis on fire as well, but missed him.

Travis ran outside and Summer appeared behind him, naked. She tried to entice him but he was horrified and not amused.

Summer Holiday appears naked in front of Travis Scott Sims 4 Sim Life Chronicles
“Am I hallucinating right now, Summer? Or are you actually standing here naked in front of my entire family?!”
Summer Holiday appears naked in front of Travis Scott Sims 4 Sim Life Chronicles
“You hallucinate me naked often, Travis?” She said with a smirk.

Once again feeling betrayed and unwanted, she attempted to set him on fire again but set herself on fire instead.

Travis fought Summer for the first time and told her he would call the police. Unfortunately, as there are no police in The Sims 4, they never showed. He officially declared Summer his enemy and she left.

The Woohoo Talk

When Jarrett arrived home from prom, Travis and Hannah realized they needed to have the woohoo talk with him. Uncomfortable, Travis fumbled over the subject awkwardly and was horrified to find out that Jarrett and Tomi had already visited the Ferris Wheel in Copperdale.

Travis Scott and his wife Hannah McCoy have the Sims 4 woohoo talk with their son
“Tomi and I may have checked out the Ferris wheel after the prom…” Jarrett said.
Travis Scott and his wife Hannah McCoy have the Sims 4 woohoo talk with their son
“Oh god,” Travis thought. I’m too late!! Not the Ferris wheel!

Don Lothario’s Apology

While watching a movie in his own backyard, Don approached Travis. After his own trauma from Summer, Don confessed to Travis that he wanted to change. He asked Travis to be his good guy guru. While Travis initially refused to accept his apology, he was honored by the idea of being Don’s mentor. He tried to explain to Don that he couldn’t woohoo with every random girl and Don left, horrified.

Don Lothario tries to apologize to Travis Scott Sims 4
As Don rattled on and on about the importance of woohoo to his well-being, Travis rubbed his forehead. This guy is a lost cause, he thought.

Season 7

Parenting Teenagers

When Jarrett contemplated graduating high school early, Travis encouraged his son and told him to graduate. Travis and Hannah took Jarrett on a tour of Foxbury Institute and tried to influence his dorm room decision, but Jarrett didn’t listen.

Jarrett scott heads to Foxbury Institute Sims 4 while Travis Scott cheers him on
Before he left, he threw on all of his newly bought school spirit wear as Travis took pictures. “It’s your first semester of college son! You’re going to do fantastic!” Travis said.

Later in the season, after Caiden is caught sneaking out and his phone is taken away, Caiden tries to get Travis to end his punishment. Travis proudly stands by Hannah’s decision and refuses to do so.

Caiden Scott tries to get out of Sims 4 Parenthood punishment from Travis Scott
“Not a chance son,” Travis said as Caiden sighed.

More to come as his story progresses…

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