Summer Holiday is originally from The Sims 4 Base Game and can be found residing in Willow Creek with her two roommates, Liberty Lee and Travis Scott.

Who Is…Summer Holiday?

Generation 1 (Seasons 1-current)

Summer Holiday Sims 4 is originally from The Sims 4 Base Game and can be found residing in Willow Creek with her two roommates, Liberty Lee and Travis Scott.


Season 1

Travis Scott’s Best Friend

In the first season, Summer is introduced as the roommate and best friend of Hannah McCoy’s friend, Travis Scott. As Hannah and Travis became closer friends, Summer would occasionally side eye Hannah but she seemed more protective of her friend Travis than jealous; worried that Hannah was leading him on as he was falling hopelessly in love with her.

Summer Holiday Sims 4 seems jealous of her roommate Travis Scott
Summer, his roommate, walked by glaring. Was she jealous of Hannah or was she just looking out for Travis, worried that Hannah was going to hurt him?

When Hannah and Don Lothario got engaged, Summer and Hannah became friends and Hannah asked Summer to be her Sim of Honor at their wedding. After the disastrous events of the McCoy-Lothario Wedding, Summer tried to encourage a heartbroken Travis to leave town and forget about Hannah. He agreed to move but the night before leaving, a now single Hannah, came by an expressed her love for him.

Summer seemed happy for Travis as she hugged him the next morning and congratulated him on his new relationship with Hannah. The season ended with Travis and Hannah moving to Taratosa together.

Season 2

Friends or Something More?

As Hannah and Travis prepared for their wedding, Travis asked Summer to be his Sim of Honor. She accepted but throughout the Bach party, kept staring longingly at Travis.

Summer Holiday stares longingly at Travis Scott in The Sims 4
Summer watched the two of them. She wished she could find a love like theirs. “Maybe someday,” she sighed to herself.

On the day of the wedding, Summer spent the wedding crying as she recognized her growing feelings for Travis. Hannah, oblivious to Summer’s feelings, offered to play matchmaker and help Summer find a relationship.

Summer Holiday Makes Her First Move on Travis Scott

In Chapter 24: Summer Makes a Move, Summer invited Travis to meet up with her. Much to her dismay, Hannah tagged along. The moment Hannah left, Summer made an inappropriate joke to Travis about the two of them woohooing together in the nearby bush. Shocked, Travis turned her down instantly, however she continued to hit on him. Turning her down once again, he promised they would still be friends and left.

Summer Holiday flirts with Travis Scott, even though he's married, in The Sims 4
“Or we could get into our underwear and jump in that bush over there…” she half joked. Travis put his hand on his head.

Growing Obsession

Summer’s crush on Travis slowly turned into an obsession as she kept visiting the Scott home to see him. In Chapter 26: It’s the Labor That Never Ends, Summer visited the house only to discover Travis was at work. Still trying to help Summer, Hannah once again offered to set her up. While Hannah was in the bathroom, Summer peered over the crib of Hannah and Travis’ newborn son, Caiden, and whispered to him while cradling him, “I wish I was your Mommy.” After Travis returned home and discovered Summer there, he asked her to leave and told her he needed time to think about their friendship.

The End of Summer and Travis’ Friendship

While they tried to keep their distance from Summer, in Chapter 28: Harvestfest Brings People Together…Or Not, Hannah made another effort to end Summer’s fixation with Travis. She invited Summer over for Harvestfest and tried fixing her up with an old friend, J Huntington III. Unfortunately, Summer continued to pine over Travis.

When a new neighbor showed up in town, Hannah made one last effort to fix Summer up. While she thought she had finally succeeded, Summer once again invited Travis to meet up with her. This time, she made an even stronger, unforgivable play for him and he ended their friendship.

Season 3

Hannah and Summer’s Falling Out

After Summer’s multiple attempts to ruin Travis and Hannah’s marriage, Hannah finally decided to confront Summer. When visiting her home, Hannah threw a snowball in Summer’s face and told her their friendship was over as well.

Hannah McCoy hits Summer Holiday in the face with a snowball in The Sims 4
“I know what you did. Travis told me everything,” Hannah said as she smashed the snowball into Summer’s face.

Summer Holiday’s Travis Scott Shrine

It is soon revealed that not only did Summer have a crush on Travis, but her crush had grown into a terrifying obsession. In her bedroom, she had wall to wall photos of him and a mannequin dressed in his signature outfit.

Summer Holiday's bedroom in the Sims 4 BFF household. She is obsessed with her ex-roommate Travis Scott.
Over in Willow Creek, Summer sat in her bedroom trying to think of a plan.

Bitter towards both Hannah and Travis, Summer pursued Don Lothario, trying to formulate a plan to bring the couple down. Don, however, was not interested and turned her down.

Season 4

Summer and Don’s Revenge Fling

After Don’s own rejection and troubles with Travis and Hannah, he decided to seek out Summer and take her up on her plan. Summer tried her best to seduce him but he quickly got scared off by her Travis Shrine bedroom. She managed to get him to woohoo with her in the shower. After their shower woohoo, Don ran into Liberty Lee in the next room and woohoo’d with her as well.

Summer Holiday and Don Lothario woohoo in The Sims 4.
She pounced on him. Don, of course, was prepared and switched into his towel straight away.

The next morning, Don and Summer arrived at the Scott Family home and broke in. Summer greeted Travis, referring to him as her husband. The confrontation ended with a reveal that she and Travis had spent a night together back in their college years, long before Travis met Hannah. After being kicked out of their home, Summer returned home to discover the news that she was pregnant with Don Lothario’s baby.

Summer’s Pregnancy

Summer invited Don over to share the news of her pregnancy but she had another plan up her sleeve. Before revealing her plan, Liberty Lee appeared with a baby bump as well. Asking him to do her a single favor in exchange for having nothing to do with their child, Don followed Summer into the bedroom. Before he knew it, she had given him a makeover to look like Travis.

Summer Holiday gives Don Lothario a makeover to look like Travis Scott in The Sims 4
Suddenly, his hair was bright blonde. “Oh my god!” Don yelped. “Now we just need to give you the right wardrobe,” Summer said.

Shortly after, Summer gave birth to their daughter, Travitha, who she named after Travis. She then lured Don, now being referred to as her “Travis Doll”, into her newly built basement and woohoo’d with him one more time. Leaving him in the basement, she climbed up the ladder and built a wall in front of it, trapping him.

Season 5


When Travitha aged up into a toddler, Summer’s first mission was to teach Travitha that her father was Travis and he was taken away from them by an evil witch named Hannah. Thus began Travitha’s own issues and obsessions with the Scott Family from a very young age.

Summer Holiday tells her daughter Travitha that Travis Scott is her father in The Sims 4
“Then this evil witch named Hannah used her magic spell to make Daddy think he didn’t love me anymore.”

Keeping Don in the basement, Summer forced him to shave his beard to look more like Travis. Still bitter though about her many failed attempts to win over Travis, Summer decided to impersonate Hannah and head once again to the Scott house.

Hannah Impersonation

Dressed as Hannah, Summer attempted to trick Caiden Scott, now a child. He didn’t fall for her trick, infuriating her further. She threatened to kidnap him and then claimed she was only joking.

Searching around the property, she discovered Travis and introduced herself to him as Hannah. She proceeded to show him pictures of Travitha on her phone, calling her “their” child. Travis dismissed her and told her to leave their home.

Summer Holiday Sims 4 tries to convince Travis Scott that he is the father of her child.
“Isn’t she beautiful? She looks just like her Daddy!”

Summer Holiday Becomes a Witch

Furious, Summer decided there was only one other way she could convince Travis that she was the love of his life: magic. She proceeded to Glimmerbrook where she met with the evil witch master and became a witch herself.

Summer traveled to the park one evening to discover Caiden there alone. After pretending she’d help him get home (not that he fell for that), she proceeded to kidnap him and took him back to her home. Forcing him to follow her into the basement, she trapped him with Don as Don was fast asleep.

Summer Holiday kidnaps Caiden Scott, son of Travis Scott, in The Sims 4
He slapped her hand away as she tried to grab his arm.

Trapped in the Basement

When she decided to replace the basement door with a vault door, she accidentally installed it in the wrong direction. This misstep led to the escape of both Don and Caiden. Unaware of their escape, she headed into the basement to check on them. While down there, Don flipped the vault door around and trapped her in her own basement instead. Upstairs, Don took toddler Travitha with him as he escaped Summer’s home for good.

Trapped inside her own basement, Summer turned the basement into a lair, and another Travis shrine, while spending her hours learning magic spells. She quickly learned how to set things on fire and attempted her own basement escape. Unfortunately, the vault door was solid steel and wouldn’t burn.

Summer Holiday dances with her Travis Scott mannequin inside her basement in The Sims 4.
Trapped in the basement, she danced with Travis. They had to practice for their wedding after all.

She eventually purchased a second mannequin for the basement and dressed it to look like Hannah. Practicing her fire spells, she set the mannequin on fire and pledged to do the same to Hannah upon her future escape.

Season 6

The Great Escape

In Chapter 86: The Power Awakes, Summer discovered the power to teleport. Escaping her basement, she headed to the Scott house on Harvestfest to seek her revenge. Upon her arrival, she set Hannah on fire and tried to set Travis on fire as well.

Summer Holiday sets fire to Hannah using her magic powers in The Sims 4 Realm of Magic
“Ahhh!!” Hannah yelped as she suddenly burst into flames.

When Hannah survived, Summer angrily set more fires. She quickly teleported out of the house for her own safety. When the family ran outside, she appeared behind Travis, naked, trying to further entice him.

Summer Holiday appears naked next to Travis Scott in The Sims 4
“Hey there sexy,” she said with a smile.

With another failed attempt at hurting the Scott Family, Summer set fire to their family portrait and destroyed it.

Declaring his hate for Summer, Travis threatened to call the cops but when they soon realized there were no cops, Summer left without a trace.

Kidnapping Travitha

After spending her initial time out of the basement chasing down Travis’ family, Summer finally decided to find Travitha. She tracked down Travitha at Don’s apartment and arrived, ready for a battle. Much to her surprise, Don was talking with Travitha with a bag over his head. When he left the room to use the bathroom, Summer snuck inside and kidnapped Travitha.

Summer Holiday arrives to retrieve her daughter from Don Lothario's apartment, only to find the bag neighborhood action plan as taken place in The Sims 4.
She walked inside without so much as a knock. Don sat there with a bag over his head and couldn’t see a thing. “I’ll be right back, Travitha,” he said.

After returning home with her daughter, she teleported back to Don’s. With the bag still over his head, she attacked him by trying to light him on fire. He quickly ran out of the apartment into the lobby. However, she followed him, this time successfully setting him on fire. In the process, she had a magic overload and the season ended with both of their lives hanging in the balance.

Summer Holiday tries to set fire to Don Lothario in the Sims 4 but experiences her own magic overload from Sims 4 Realm of Magic
Don screamed, “Help me!! Somebody help me!!!”, as the flames continued to engulf him. Beside him, Summer’s magically overloaded lifeless body floated in the air.

Season 7

The season began with the reveal that both Summer and Don survived the events of the Season 6 finale. With the bag still over Don’s head, Summer tricked him into believing she was the firewoman that saved his life and convinced him to woohoo with her.

The Murder of Liberty Lee

When Travitha became a child, Summer received a message from her old roommate Liberty Lee. Liberty informed Summer that she and Don were going to make a go at their relationship and raise their own child, Jamie, together.

Summer Holiday casts a fire spell on Liberty Lee in The Sims 4
“Hey me, want to see a cool trick?” she said to herself as she cast her fire spell.

Furious that Liberty was getting the happily ever after that she always wanted, Summer teleported to Liberty’s home and set Liberty and her barbecue on fire. This time, her magic attack proved deadly and Liberty died in front of her daughter Jamie.

Liberty Lee from The Sims 4 dies and is visited by the grim reaper
Liberty was dead.

After finding out about the murder of Liberty Lee, Don visited a new prison in Magnolia Promenade to meet with the Warden and inform her about Summer. Without any knowledge of Don’s actions, Summer remained at home feeling more powerful than ever.

Forcing Travitha to Age Up

In the season 7 finale, Summer realized the Scott Family was growing up and she had no choice but to age Travitha up as well. Travitha argued with her, refusing to blow out the candles on her magic cake.

Summer Holiday yells at her daughter Travitha, threatening to age her up in The Sims 4.
Summer yelled. “You’re blowing out those candles if I have to make you do it!”

After being convinced that she won the argument, Travitha got up and took a swipe of the icing to try. Summer’s spell was only for Travitha to eat the cake. Furious, Travitha changed into a teenager as Summer cheered. Her plan was working.

Season 8

Summer vs. The Warden

In Chapter 124: The Worst Sting Operation, Ever, Don showed up at Summer’s house ready to help the Warden arrest her. To keep her distracted, he woohoo’d with her. When the Warden arrived, she tried to get a confession out of Summer but she didn’t have enough evidence to arrest her.

“You bet when I find proof, I’ll be coming back for you,” the Warden said as Summer rubbed her head. Travitha watched on quietly.

The Warden left, leaving Don alone with Summer. Furious that he tricked her, she used her magic to summon Jamie to the house and trapped Don and Jamie together in her basement.

“This time, you’re all mine…”

Seeking revenge, Summer set the bed on fire in the basement, while Don was sleeping in it. Don caught fire, as Jamie watched in terror, but ultimately he saved himself by taking the first cold shower of his life.

“No! Not the family jewels!” He shouted looking down.

The Bizarre Fruit Possession

Convinced that Travitha needed to date one of the Scott children, Summer teleported Caiden to meet them at the park. Using a love spell, she forced Caiden to kiss Travitha.

“She will have your heart, Caiden Scott,” Summer said. “Just like I should’ve had your father’s!”

Unbeknownst to her, the spell wore off quickly and Caiden pulled out a bizarre fruit from his inventory. He convinced her it was a gift and she ate it, becoming possessed.

“€£%}€~£¥[£¥,” Summer said as she wandered away.

Her Arrest

In Chapter 131, the Warden tracked down Summer and confronted her about the whereabouts of Don. Summer denied knowing where he was. The Warden warned her that she would get to the bottom of the case and take Summer down.

After Don and Jamie escaped Summer’s basement, Don called the Warden to alert her to what happened. The Warden quickly arrived at the house to finally arrest Summer.

“You’re not getting away this time, you psychotic witch,” the Warden said as she held Summer in a headlock.

Once Summer was caught, she took her to the asylum prison, and locked her in solitary confinement. Summer began talking to herself before her possession took over, once again.

“Rawrrr! I’m going to eat you Summer Holiday!”

More to come as her story progresses…

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